Cristiano Ronaldo is already not a player of Real Madrid. The white club has reached an agreement with the Juventus of Turin to penetrate the player to the transalpine entity after nine years of trajectory in the joint meringue.
On the web page of Real Madrid there became public Ronaldo's letter to the love meringue. It says the text:
“These years in Real Madrid, and in this city of Madrid, have been possibly the happiest of my life.
Only I have feelings of enormous gratitude for this club, for this love and for this city. I can only thank all of them for the fondness and affect that I have received.
Nevertheless, I believe that there has come the moment to open a new stage in my life and that's why I have asked to the club him to accept to penetrate me. I feel it like that and ask all, and much especially our followers, please to understand me.
There have been 9 absolutely wonderful years. There have been 9 only years. It has been for me an exciting time, replete with consideration although also hard because Real Madrid is of the highest demand, but I know very well that I will never be able to forget that here I have enjoyed the Soccer of an only way.
I have had in the field and in the wardrobe a few fabulous partners, have felt the heat of an incredible love and together we have conquered 3 followed Champions and 4 Champions in 5 years. And along with them also, at individual level, I have the satisfaction of having gained 4 golden Balls and 3 golden Boots. Quite during my stage in this immense and extraordinary club.
Real Madrid has conquered my heart, and that of my family, and that's why more that I never mean thank you: thanks to the club, the President, the managers, my partners, all the technical staff, doctors, fisios and incredible workpeople who do that everything works and who are dependent on every detail untiringly.
Thank you infinite once again to our followers and thank you also to the Spanish Soccer. During these 9 exciting years I have had face the biggest players. My respect and my recognition for all of them.
I have reflected very much and know that the moment of a new cycle has come. I go away but this T-shirt, this shield and the Santiago Bernabéu will always keep on being felt by me like something of mine be where it is.
Thanks to all and, of course, like handyman that first time in our stadium 9 years ago: Hala Madrid!”