Olympic Games (Brazil 2016), Good or Bad?!?!

in #sports8 years ago (edited)

Hi there,

First of all please bear with me, this is my first story around here and I'm not used to write a lot so if you see something wrong let me know and I'll fix it.

My name is Elias but in the crypto world everyone knows me as "coderabbit", Developer, coffee addicted and puzzle solver in my spare time(that's rare... lol).

So I've decided to make my first post here, about a subject the have been messing with my head and my nerves for the past months here in brazil... The Olympic Games.

Some people around the world says, it's great but is it?!

Let's look the sports side, it's a great competition, and to be honest with you a love some of the competitions :D

But unfortunately I have to see the real(bad) side for my country as well and trust me is as bad as it sounds and sometimes even worse.

Last year we got here an outbreak of the zica virus + Dengue Fever + public security it's just a nightmare the just didn't end and still growing.

Most of the world don't see but here an idea of the type of news I see on the daily basis over here.

  • A guy(crazy random guy) tries to kill a Ana Hickmann(celebrity in brazil) here and her brother in law shot and kill the guy to avoid him killing her - What the justice in brazil does!?!?! simple they charge the brother in law with murder(and not the self-defense ones), plain and simple murder - That just states one thing if you're a good person you have the right to get killed and if you tried to defend yourself you will get arrested. hahaha(sarcastic) would love to say the that was a joke but it's not.

  • Some of the brazilian people say that the police doesn't do anything but as far as I can see they can't do much since the justice in brazil will release almost instantaneously the thief/robber/killer if they are not caught in the act.

These are two examples of what I think the Olympics is a risk for all the athletes and delegations.

By now you probably thinking, man you just pissed and is just overreacting, sure I can see your point but et me show yu the picture or the Guanabara bay where some of the water competitions are scheduled to be placed.

This image was shared on FB by Ricardo Winicki

Guanabara Bay

Another complicated situation about the Guanabara Bay it's the they found an ARM, no I'm not joking...

Arm found in Guanabara Bay

The link above have some heavy images, after open the link just scroll down a little bit and you will see the pictures.

Also the other day I found a video the I like to share with you, worth to watch and really see the situation as it's

A few more links to let reality to be absorbed

Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
Video #4

So while the population is left at her own luck the politicians and big contractors are just getting rich and rich.

This just sickens me

I'm truly sorry to unload all my frustration in this post but I had to share my 2cent's with the community.

But no worries here is a Survival Guide for Tourists lol

Just to close everything, right about now you thinking..."man you don't love your country... yes I do I'm just not gonna be one more sheep in this madness the country has become with all this BS around politics and everything else."

Wish you all a great week!!! And Steem Rocks!!!!


Brazil is the country of make believe, the police pretend that makes security (prevented by the government), the city pretends that is beautiful, the Brazilians pretend that they are happy, children pretend studying , the government pretends that governs and etc ... the only thing that is certain is that the politicians steal a lot and this Olympics will give Shit.

This is definitely an issue that has not yet been fully brought to light, and thank you very much @coderabbitcrypto, for taking the time and making the effort to do so! My biggest and best hopes and praise go out to all of the AMAZING athletes that will be competing, the patrons that will be attending and, of course, all the people who make it possible across the world - they are what keep the Olympics everything that we know and love, and I very much look forward to watching the best of the best this year. But, with such an imbalance of focus and attention between what is seen and unseen by the rest of the world, you're right - it's important that we not lose sight of these major issues and question the overall gain from it. How will that gain for some fully impact the rest of an entire population who loses and is intentionally excluded from the new advances and opportunities, becoming ultimately forced to surrender their home, lack sufficient clean water (both drinking and bodies of water), public transportation routes, dignity of having a roof over their heads (even if they were initially forced to build it themselves), pride in one's city and country, and, on top of it all, any peace of mind that things may possibly get better soon? You've certainly opened my eyes, and are helping to open the eyes of the rest of us to these ever deepening issues that are not being addressed.

Thank you for this, and welcome to Steemit! I hope to see more from you, and hope even more for the city of Rio de Janeiro!

Well said @thedarkestplum , He really did address something not a lot people where aware of, all the things that "they" don't want us to see, all the bad things that happen behind scenes so close to us, yet too far away for us to notice, so an post like this can surely make a lot of people aware of this problem and make them see "both sides of the coin", both the Olympics, athletes, beautiful competition and the corrupted politicians or the poor people hidden by a "sound barrier", who again have a "sound barrier" but NO "sewer systems, housing rights...". I encourage anyone to share this post, because people should know and they have the right to know!

hahaha @minion, not a "she" I'm a "he" :P

@coderabbitcrypto I'm sorry :/ . I have corrected the comment :)

Im rooting for them I really am, I dont want bad things to happen but I think realistically its going to be a mess and ontop of that its going to highlight many problems in Brazil. The news media already has this as their agenda and I think it is the story that will be told.

Welcome to Steemit! Great post, as a Brazilian, i'm really worried about terrorist attacks in Rio de Janeiro, sadly =/

thanks, @gapil I think that's a feeling a lot of us have been sharing since this started.

i don't think there will be an attack during the games itself... too much expected; if you visit, watch out anyway. A sportive greet from Belgium.

@verelst true, but always keep and eye out for any risks :D
will try to see if I can make to any of the games, but the costs for normal people are just insane over here and the economic crises are not helping much.

Sexy Steemit!!!
Hey gapil
Here we go again

Let me be the first to welome you to Steemit! Today is my first day joining and you will be my first vote!

thanks, @thephotographer and welcome as well :D

Really nice to see those kind of posts here. Im actually a Brazilian, and i find it really cool that people from everywhere is looking into our actual state. The worst that can happen right now, is a terrorist attack, which is probably already planned.

Hi @josepho i am brazilian too, and i hopefully it does not happen ;-;

Hi there @josepho, I'm brazilian too and sadly I share you thoughts about this terrorist risk :( I Just hope nothing happends.

Thank you for your report. I really appreciated it. As a foreigner who lived in Rio for a number of years, I can attest to the unfortunate injustices and lack of opportunity that pervades Rio, and much of Brazil. I still keep in touch with many friends who live there and I constantly hear about their frustrations with the political and economic climate. Such a beautiful country, such a beautiful people. A country with great potential, but this part of Brazils history (and present) is so so sad, and change is frustratingly slow.

I hope your posts catches many eyes.

Thanks again

i hope nothing happens theres way to much horrible stuff going on around the world, welcome to steemit

Even though authorities would not like that to happen, some tourists may experience shock seeing neglected favelas nearby Olympic facilities. When it comes to attacks on tourists and inhabitants, it's unavoidable and there is only possibility to decrease their scale to some extent.
I wish you fruitful and safe Olympics in Rio

how to survive video is brilliant. Surely the athletes themselves will be safe but the local population is who I'm more worried about. We all saw what the Chinese did to the homeless in Beijing...