ROSSI Lose The MotoGP World Championship 2017 ?

in #sports7 years ago

Rossi Lose The World MotoGP Title ?

Rossi back on Accident while practicing Motocross, and suffered a fracture of the tibia and fibula on his right foot.
The accident occurred on Thursday yesterday (31/08/2017) at Italia.
Now Rossi is currently hospitalized Urbino, Italy, near his home.

As a reminder, that the injuries on the legs natural like that happens when a crash at a practice session at high speed at Mugello, Italy, 2010.


At that time, the accident made him was forced to pull from the path over the past 41 days. And this is the second time The Doctor had an accident because of practicing motocross.
Previously he also get the injury after a crash in practice motocross, in may 2017. At that time, he was wounded in the chest and stomach so that it should be treated in the hospital.
However, Rossi was still able to follow the MotoGP races in Italy.

"Valentino is not optimistic. When will undergo a radiograph, they should cut off his shoes. And Valentino felt very bad, "
Graciano said, father of Valentino Rossi. as reported by Motosports.

The accident this time seemed to him very badly and would make Valentino absent on the series San Marino grand prix, the 10th of September.
And would affect to the hunts points increasingly distanced the legend from the throne champion this year.

Support any flow from various elements, do not miss the former rival Rossi in the MotoGP class also derives from Italy that is Max Biaggi. The rival in his twitter account released

"Good luck Valentino Rossi. I hope the injury is not too bad. I understand what he felt, I am sorry for her and join the competition in MotoGP back soon. "
wrote Biaggi.

Speedway rider Valentino Rossi Yamaha, Movistar, said current conditions are already continuing to recover after undergoing surgery tibia and fibula bones patang on his right leg, Thursday (31/8/2017) night (local time) or Friday (1/9/2017) afternoon GMT.
However, he has not been able to ascertain when would race again.

"Operation runs successfully. This morning, when I wake up, I feel fine. I would like to thank all the staff at the Ospedali Riuniti Hospital in Ancona and especially the doctor Pascarella which already operate on me, "
Rossi said as in the Yamaha MotoGP official site, Friday (1/9/2017).


And not a few long, Rossi then uttered an apology to all the fans and also the Yamaha over the incident. Speedway rider nicknamed "The Doctor" that professes to be trying hard to get back as soon as possible to the trajectory though ill have to hold for the sake of the hunt for the title and also the retribution that fans are very loyal to him.

Due to this accident, the incident would certainly be a loss to Rossi who currently occupy the fourth position of the standings while scoring 157 points, lagging the 26 points from Andrea Dovizioso at the top with only six Championship series again.

Rossi kehilangan gelar juara dunia ?


Rossi Kembali Kecelakaan saat sedang berlatih Motocross, dan mengalami patah tulang tibia dan fibula pada kaki kanannya.

Kecelakaan ini terjadi pada hari kamis kemarin ( 31/08/2017 ). Atau Jum'at siang waktu Indonesia.
Rossi saat ini dirawat di Rumah Sakit Urbino, Italia, di dekat rumah nya.

Sebagai informasi pengingat, bahwa cedera tersebut di alami pada kaki yang sama seperti yang terjadi saat kecelakaan pada sesi latihan dengan kecepatan tinggi di Mugello, Italia, 2010.
Saat itu, kecelakaan tersebut membuatnya terpaksa menepi dari lintasan selama 41 hari.
Dan ini adalah kali kedua The Doctor mengalami kecelakaan gara-gara berlatih motocross.
Sebelumnya dia juga dibekap cedera setelah terjatuh pada latihan motocross, pada bulan Mei 2017.
Saat itu, dia terluka di dada dan perut sehingga harus dirawat di rumah sakit. Namun, Rossi masih mampu mengikuti balapan di MotoGP Italia.

"Valentino tak optimistis.
Saat akan menjalani radiograf, mereka harus memotong sepatunya.
Dan Valentino merasa sangat buruk,"
kata Graciano, Ayah dari Valentino Rossi.
seperti dilansir Motosports.

Kecelakaan kali ini tampak nya sangat parah dan bakal membuat Valentino absen pada seri grand prix San Marino, 10 September mendatang.
Dan bakal berimbas kepada perburuan poin yang semakin menjauhkan sang legenda dari tahta juara tahun ini.

Dukungan pun mengalir dari berbagai elemen, tidak ketinggalan mantan rival Rossi di kelas MotoGP yang juga berasal dari Italia yaitu Max Biaggi.
Sang rival di akun twitter nya merilis

"Semoga beruntung Valentino Rossi.
Saya harap cedera tersebut tidak terlalu buruk.
Saya memahami apa yang dirasakannya, saya ikut menyesal untuknya dan persaingannya di MotoGP Segera kembali," tulis Biaggi.

Pebalap Movistar Yamaha, Valentino Rossi, mengatakan saat ini kondisinya sudah berangsur pulih setelah menjalani operasi patang tulang tibia dan fibula pada kaki kanannya, Kamis (31/8/2017) malam waktu setempat atau Jumat (1/9/2017) siang WIB. Namun, dia belum bisa memastikan kapan bakal membalap lagi.

"Operasi berjalan sukses. Pagi ini, ketika saya bangun, saya sudah merasa baik-baik saja. Saya ingin berterima kasih kepada seluruh staf di Rumah Sakit Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona dan khususnya kepada Dokter Pascarella yang sudah mengoperasi saya,"
kata Rossi seperti dalam situs resmi Yamaha MotoGP, Jumat (1/9/2017).

Dan tidak berselang beberapa lama, Rossi kemudian mengucapkan permintaan maaf kepada seluruh penggemarnya dan juga Yamaha atas kejadian tersebut.
Pebalap berjuluk The Doctor itu mengaku akan berusaha keras untuk sesegera mungkin kembali ke lintasan walau harus menahan sakit demi perburuan gelar dan juga balas jasa fans yang selama ini sangat setia kepadanya.

Akibat insiden kecelakaan ini, tentu menjadi kerugian tersendiri untuk Rossi yang saat ini menghuni posisi keempat klasemen sementara dengan raihan 157 poin, tertinggal 26 angka dari Andrea Dovizioso di puncak dengan hanya menyisakan enam seri kejuaraan lagi.

note :
all images credit to


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