Arsene Wenger: Top Five Quotes
Arsenal's manager Arsene Wenger announced that he will be leaving the club after a mighty 22 years. The Frenchman had an amazing career, decorated with a lot of accolades and achievements. However, one thing he has always been known for, is his talk. I don't think there has been any manager in world football who has been such an inspiration and a teacher for all of us. Here are five of my personal favourite Arsene Wenger quotes.
● "We live in a jungle where everybody wants to eat you and you have to survive by keeping your vigilance.That’s what competition is about. Every day you have to fight again to survive. "
● "The older you get, the less distance is in front of you."
● "No matter how much money you earn, you can only eat three meals a day and sleep in one bed."
● "A football team is like a beautiful woman. When you do not tell her, she forgets she is beautiful."
● "If you do not believe you can do it, then you've got no chance at all."
Amazing manager, he took the right time to step down.
Agreed, hope the new manager coming in settles in quick.