Do you also love the game of tennis? I do!!!
Hi steemians,
Today I was playing tennis after 2 weeks being at home having the flue. I think I lost 3 kg and a lot of strength. Didn't move that well around the court but I still loved it!
This is one of my team members D'ltri. He is an "all or nothing" player.
On this day it was very hot and he had some problems with his knee. Ice packs had to be used every switch to keep him going. And he did! So proud of him that day!!
How did it start?
Historians believe that the game's ancient origin lay in 12th century northern France, where a ball was struck with the palm of the hand. It was called jeu de paume ("game of the palm"), which evolved into real tennis.
The word "Tennis" is actually the old-french word "Tenez" which can be translated as "hold!", "receive!" or "take!". The server would say that when ready to serve.
So why are tennis matches scored 15, 30, 40, game?
One theory is that in the early years of the game, in the 16th century, a clock face was used as a score-board and the hands would be moved a quarter of the way round each time, initially to 15, then 30, then 45.
The 45 became 40 to allow for deuce to be set at 50, with the hand finally moving onto the top mark when a game was won.
Another theory for the odd scoring is an early French version of the game, Jeu de Paume.
The court measured 45 feet on each side of the net and the player started at the back and moved forward each time he scored a point.
The first to score moved forward 15ft, then 30ft and finally, because he couldn’t be too close to the net, he moved another 10ft - hence the 40.
The starting point “love”, meaning zero, is based on l'oeuf, meaning egg in French.
But that is also believed to be a myth - with experts saying the word comes from playing the game “for love”, rather than scores. With so many people loving this game I go for that.
Here is another one
My trainer told me a story about betting. And let me translate that into steem. ;)
first point was a bet of 15 @steem, second point 30 @steem, third point 40 @steem, fourth point 50 @steem with chance to win the game for 100 (2 times 50 for each player) @steem. (Votes or comments can also be used. ;) )
With love for steem.
The good thing of having the flue was that I had lots of time to set up my new Steem account. Yes.....I lost my password from the first one (@crea020)....bummer. It's now a sad and empty profile with only a background.
Original photography by Richard Albert Broeksema
love yourself and respect life