Want healthy and glowing skin? Sport is solution
Sport. The reason is, regular moderate exercise can increase blood flow as well as the body's natural antioxidant production. Antioxidant function can protect cells, including skin cells. As a result, the skin is healthy and glowing. Balance exercise by eating a variety of vegetables and berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries) which are rich in antioxidants as well as foods that are good for heart disease.
exercise will improve brain function and memory. Technically, exercising will increase your heart rate which increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. On the other hand, this physical activity stimulates the production of hormones that increase the growth of brain cells. As a result, exercise can improve brain function and protect memory for thinking. On the other hand, if you are lazy to exercise and don't take care of your nutritional intake, you will become obese. It is not impossible for the body to suffer from hypertension, diabetes, or stroke.
Exercise provides tremendous benefits. Regular exercise, at least three times a week, can improve every aspect of your health.