Conor McGregor versus Floyd "Cash" Mayweather Jr - BIG MONEY FIGHT
My supposition on this battle most importantly...
Conor McGregor has NO CHANCE at beating Floyd Mayweather at boxing
Regardless of whether Conor McGregor knows it or not, he is being paid to lose a fight. This installment will be huge, conceivably $100 million for him win or lose. So it gives off an impression of being a win circumstance for Conor McGregor.
Floyd Mayweather is in a display battle which could be worth $1 billion
This is nothing more an a display coordinate like Ali versus Inaki. However, this will be a fun display coordinate and on the grounds that it will be fun individuals will pay to see it. It won't impact the inheritance of Mayweather and I'm not in any case beyond any doubt if the battle will be in the official rankings, however it will be engaging I think and will profit.
What are your considerations on McGregor versus Mayweather in boxing?
Conor McGregor versus Floyd "Cash" Mayweather Jr - BIG MONEY FIGHT
I agree Conor McGregor has no chance at boxing with Mayweather.
Go mayweather
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