ARSENAL FC is a team in the English country, with the most Muslim player in the Premier League ( Bilingual )
5 Muslim players at Arsenal FC
1. Mohamed Elneny
Name: Mohamed Elneny
Squad Number: 35
Born: El-Mahalla El-Kubra - July 11, 1992
Previous Clubs: FC Basel, El Mokawloon
Twitter: @ElNennyM
Althougt not a primary choice but Wenger Elneny Appear energetic in the field. Arsenal supporters from Africa are very idolized abd sometimes meet with Elneny while performing a prayer service at a mosque in London.
Meskipun belum menjadi pilihan utama Wenger namun Elneny tampil energik dilapangan. Para suporter Arsenal yang berasal dari Afrika sangat mengidolakan mereka dan terkadang bertemu dengan Elneny saat menunaikan ibadah sholat di sebuah Mesjid di London.
2. Shkodran Mustafi
Name: Shkodran Mustafi
Squad Number: 20
Born: Bad Hersfeld, Germany - April 17, 1992
Previous Clubs: FV Berbra, SV Rotenburg, Hamburg, Everton, Sampdoria, Valencia
Twitter: @MustafiOfficial
Shkodran Mustafi is a Geman player who won the 2014 World Cup. His name also entered the most expensive defender who bought Arsenal from Valensia for 41.2 million euros. Mustafi was born from an Albanian parent who migrated to Germany named Kutjim Mustafi and his mother Fatime Mustafi.
"My belief in embracing Islam is greater than anything and it really helps my career as a footballer" said Mustafi
Shkodran Mustafi merupakan pemain Jerman turut menjuarai Piala Dunia 2014 dan Piala Konfederasi 2017. Namanya juga masuk bek termahal yang dibeli Arsenal dari Valencia sebesar 41,2 Juta euro. Mustafi lahir dari orang tua keturunan Albania yang migrasi ke Jerman bernama Kutjim Mustafi dan ibunya yang bernama Fatime Mustafi.
"Keyakinan saya memeluk Islam lebih besar dari apapun dan itu sangat membantu karir saya sebagai pesepakbola" tutur Mustafi
3. Sead Kolasinac
Name: Sead Kolasinac
Squad Number: 31
Born: Karlsruhe, Germany - June 20, 1993
Previous Clubs: Karlsruhe, Hoffenheim, Stuttgart, Schalke 04
This Muslim player comes from the country of Bosnia Herzegovina. The player born June 20, 1993 is proud to reveal himself as a Muslim when uploading congratulations Iedul Fitri 1438 Hijriyah by holding a typical food of Bosnia. Althought his career never started from a predominanty Muslim country, but the pride of his ancestors made him firmly embraced Islam.
Pemain Muslim ini berasal dari negara Bosnia Herzegovina. Pemain kelahiran 20 Juni 1993 ini dengan bangga mengungkapkan dirinya sebagai seorang muslim saat mengunggah ucapan selamat Iedul Fitri 1438 Hijriyah dengan memegang makanan khas Bosia. meskipun karirnya tidak pernah dimulai dari negara yang mayoritas Muslim itu, namun kebanggaan terhadap leluhurnya membuat dirinya mantap memeluk agama Islam
4. Granit Xhaka
Name: Granit Xhaka
Squad Number: 29
Born: Basel, Switzerland - September 27, 1992
Previous Clubs: FC Basel, Borussia Monchengladbach
National Caps: 53
Granite Xhaka is a Swiss footballer of Kosovo descent. Their family moved from Kosovo. Podujeve to neighboring Switzerland before Xhaka was born One reason is That Kosovo is a conflict area. But the area that the Xhaka family occupies is Muslim territory. Xhaka who defends Albania.
Granite Xhaka adalah pesepakbola asal Swiss keturunan Kosovo, Podujeve ke negara tetangga Swiss sebeum Xhaka dilahirkan. Salah satu alasannya karena daerah Kosovo adalah daerah konflik, Namun wilayah yang keluarga Xhaka tinggali adalah wilayah muslim. Xhaka sendiri mempunyai saudara bernama Taulant Xhaka yang justru membela Albania.
5. Mesut Ozil
Name: Mesut Ozil
Squad Number: 11
Born: Helsenkirchen, Germany - October 15, 1988
Previous Clubs: Schalke 04, Werder Bremen, Real Madrid
National Caps: 84
Twitter: @MesutOzil1088
Mesut Ozil was born in Germany From a Turkish-majority parent who is predominantly Muslim. The player who was born on October 15, 1988 is famous as a devout Muslim. Seen he always raised his hands to pray just before the game started. Even a lot of stories circulated from his colleagues at the club if he always took the time to review before going down to the field.
"I always pray and pray before I enter the field I pyar and my teammates understand that they will not talk and disturb me as long as I pray" said Ozil
Mesut Ozil lahir di Jerman dari orang tua yang memiliki keturunan Turki yang lahir pada 15 Oktober 1988 ini terkenal sebagai seorang muslim yang taat. Terlihat ia selalu menengadahkan tangannya untuk berdoa sesaat sebelum pertandingan dimulai. Bahkan banyak beredar cerita rekan-rekannya di klub jika ia selalu menyempatkan diri untuk mengaji sebelum turun ke lapangan.
"saya selalu mengaji dan berdoa sebelum saya masuk kedalam lapngan. Saya berdoa dan rekan setim saya paham bahwa mereka tidak akan berbicara dan menganggu saya selama saya berdoa" tutur Ozil
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