Spooky Philippine Story - Engkanto

Engkanto are an mythological objects in the Philippines
They are mythical environmental creatures that are said to have an ability to appear in human forms. Engkanto's have many similarities to humans, they also have sex, they age, they suffer pain and illness and Engkanto's even die. Some of them appear with a very beautiful appearances having blue eyes while some appears on a very scary forms, having dark skin colors and red eyes.
Engkanto's usually live deep at the forests along the trees, however these trees looked very magnificent as you go inside there houses.
This happened at the house of my grandfather in Bacolod
I was 8 years old then, on the backyard of the house there's a well that don't have any water and beside of it is a really big tree. I can't remember what kind of tree is that, but as long as I remember its roots hold the entire well. We were forbidden by our grandmother to play there.

It was late in the afternoon when I fell asleep in the livingroom of my grandfather's house. It was because I get really tired of playing, Suddenly a really beautiful girl wake me up. I think she is also 8 years old but she really is beautiful
Her long beautiful hair was tied by a ribbon, and wearing a white dress. She ask me to play at the backyard, but I refuse as my grandmother forbid us too, but before I knew it he pulled me towards the well. I was wondering when I see the well that looks very different, she entered there and said that she live there
I see stairs at the well going directly to the big tree, as we go down I feel like we was in a very big mansion. The hallway and the furniture was colored in gold. I can't look at those clearly as I was dazzled.

She bring me to a dining room with a very long table and ask me to eat first before we start playing. She bring me a plate of rice, but the rice look very different and I somehow I see something moving. I feel very disgusted so I said that I was still full at the moment, and need to go home because my grandmother will get angry.
She didn't force me, but I see her very sad, she escorted me to outside the well and say that she will be back again the other day. After that I got dizzy and everything went black.
After a moment I hear someone crying and when I opened my eyes I see my mom crying in front of me. I was puzzled and my sister said that I was sleeping for three whole days. They also said that they bring me to the hospital but still didn't get the answer why I passed out.
I told them that It was not that long when I was gone, it was not more than an hour when a little girl bring me to a mansion inside the well. They was shocked to my story, because I was still little way back then they treat my story a bluff
But I really know what I encounter way back then
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this a definitely good story. I recall some of the folks here believes on a story like this and it made me curious about it.I will be waiting on the second part of your story.
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