Yabapmatt best game developer ?
this look great !
Why is Yabapmatt the best game developer i know?
i have play many games, where i got problems when i contract the developer they never answer or it will take very long time!
Yabapmatt he always answers my stupid question. Easy to contract with, very help full and what i see is he is a hard woker! is a great game he has develope splinterlands.
I spend alot of my free time on this great game where you can earn coin dec that you can sell trade to money!!
i make a post where there was erro in the morening and only some hour later he has fix it is very cool of him !
I thank you Yabapmatt for this great game hope you kep up the good work, I believe this game will be big success when btc bull mark com, and that soon i hop ;)
guys go upvote Yabapmatt as Witness in you keychain that what i will do :)
I agree, he is the best! ~@clove71
Yeah! It's true, he always finds time to help me, I don't know how he does it, with so many tasks he must have.
i belive this game gone be big for yaba do alot for it !