"Splinterlands" + "Drug Wars" -- Power Strategy Tips #45

in #splinterlands5 years ago (edited)

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As I have now been playing "Splinterlands" and "Drug Wars" for over a year, I've wanted to contribute something of ACTIONABLE value to my fellow players (and FUTURE players) - but NOT just fill my Steemit feed with daily images of quest reward - or battle - SPAM (no offense to those doing so). Ultimately, Steemit is about ADDING VALUE to the social experience - that is the magic of blockchain social media technology. So, after some serious pondering, I decided that a weekly "Splinterlands + "Drugs Wars" player strategy diary" type series, with CONCISE and ACTIONABLE tips, would be of most value to my audience. Please let me know your thoughts (good and/or bad), and I hope that readers (now and into the future) will benefit from this series. If you gain a better understanding of blockchain, gaming, "blockchain gaming", marketing, psychology, forensics, phlosophy, and/or any other area(s) of knowledge I end up exploring (voluntarily or involuntarily) as this series naturally progresses, then I will have done my "good deed" (of providing value) for the week. Also, feel free to hit me up on the battlefield.


[ DISCLAIMER: Okay, folks. This week has been quite HELLISH, with the Steem-Tron guerilla war, AND the coronvirus pandemic, AND this, and this, and lots of other things. The GOOD news is that this blockchain gaming stuff has LITERALLY been the one thing keeping me sane these days (which one could argue is one of the MAIN objectives of ALL games (ex sports, esports, videos games, board games, etc.) It's actually quite ENLIGHTENING how gaming is coming "full circle" as this corona BIOWEAPON -- Oop! I mean, "virus" - is forcing gaming to a more center stage of people's lives. Interesting times, to say the least. Anyways, for all of you out there on self-imposed, or government-imposed, lockdown, I hope this weekly post, and all previous and future posts in this series, will act as a "beacon of hope" to get you rolling on some of this cutting-edge " blockchain gaming " stuff. I mean, it sure beats just sitting around ruminating over the apocalypse, no? Actually, you might find some solace in this recent article:

Coronavirus Concerns Are Driving Video Game Engagement to Record Levels

which shows that gaming in general is on the sharp rise as more and more people are cordoned off in the dwelling, like the monks who kept the written word alive (through hand-scribing books) during the (previous) "dark age". What's even better is that with this " blockchain gaming " stuff we are all able to actually EARN INCOME from our efforts, so this whole quarantine thing may actually be a bit of a "blessing in disguise", in a way. I mean, how many crypto-gamers will emerge out of the cloisters ACTUALLY ABLE to by some real estate with the crypto they'll have hoarded during the lockdown. Just something kinda positive to consider. [ / DISCLAIMER ]

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1 ) I am now making STEADY daily progress in Splinterlands, and accumulating DEC from my full power-down of Steem from my Steemit wallet. This DEC will be important as I prepare to buy some "land" when #Splinterlands rolls out the new upgrades. For now, I am focusing on using my daily DEC earnings to upgrade as many cards as possible - triaging the process by focusing on those cards which I use most regularly in battles (regardless if they are Beta, Reward, Untamed, etc.) The nice thing is that my daily DEC earnings (especially when I win tournaments) is buying me LOTS more cards than the 10 cards which comprise the "two untamed packs per day", and so the "two packs a day" are acting mainly as "morale boosting", Pavlovian "positive reinforcement", and especially to help get me through rough patches during daily play. Opening a pack and getting a good card during a rut can be just what you need to push through a quest, or reach the next season level - both of which provide additional ROI. I have now stopped opening Untamed packs when I reach season level milestones, and simply replace those extra packs for one of the regular "two packs per day". Going forward, I may even drop down the pack-opening to "one pack per day" as my pack reserves continue going down. As of writing this I have 305 Untamed packs left, and so those can last me either 152 days ( 305 / 2 days = 152 days) - at "one pack per day", or 305 days ( at "two packs per day"). And EVEN IF I could find a way to generate an additional crypto income source to purchase more packs, I actually don't think the 2,000 DEC cost of the packs is ultimately worth it, relative to what you get by opening packs versus simply using 2,000 DEC of daily earned DEC to buy the specific cards you want/need. However, I do believe that INITIAL 878 packs I purchased were essential in getting me rolling with the Untamed edition, but beyond those I don't think it is worth buying more packs. So again, the packs are mainly serving a PSYCHOLOGICAL effect at this point, albeit a valuable one. For now I will stick to the strict "two packs per day", and will likely EXPERIMENT WITH the "one pack per day" a few days this week.

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2 ) Oh, and speaking of the purpose of the Untamed packs, I ended up getting lucky ONCE AGAIN, and hit FOUR (4) "Mimosa Nightshade" (non-gold) AIRDROP cards, valued on the market at roughly $43.00 USD (on the day of the drop). So that's $43 US plus ~ $25 from the last drop = ~ $68 USD of value which will offset the cost of the 878 packs I purchased during the 1st and 2nd drops. So my initial concern about whether it was worth spending the ~ $1,500 for all of the Untamed packs is showing that it WAS ultimately a good investment, as the packs have been a helpful psychological tool in daily play, AND have allowed me to GRADUALLY get acquainted with the new edition of cards, AND are now producing an additional dividend (in the form of the value of the airdropped cards) which is significantly offsetting the original cost of the packs. I think it was a "good risk" that I took, by buying the packs, in the grand scheme of things. It's also important to consider that ANOTHER reason I bought the Untamed pack batches was to SUPPORT the fundraising efforts of the @splinterlands team, and let me just say once again that, as this game has brought SO MUCH enjoyment and education to my life (just SO FAR, and things are just getting heated up) and I MORE THAN HAPPY to have spent my ~ $1,500 of BTC (a significant portion of my HODLINGS) to support this project -- especially as opposed to supporting some #shitcoin, like that one founded by "Justin "The #Coronavirus" Sun". So again, in my conscience, the purchase has been well justified. And I still haven't unlocked all of the JUICINESS of the remaining 300+ packs! Good times.

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3 ) On the Tron and Tron-Steemit debacle front, I accomplished a few things this past week. At the beginning of the week I placed in a few tournaments ( just 400 DEC for one, and 600 DEC for another), after which I converted all 1,000 DEC into Tron and let that ATROPHY for several hours in the BetFury.io (Tron dapp) vortex. My main reasoning for doing that was BOTH to see how much BFG token (BetFury in-game token) I could mine, AND because I usually wait until the END of each day to use my earned DEC to purchase cards, so I wanted to see if I could increase the amount (let's say double it) of the tournament winnings between the payout in the middle of the day, and closing out of accounts in the late evening.. Well, in NEITHER case did that happen, but I did manage to mine a handful of BFG tokens, which ARE now paying out a consistent 2-3 Tron per day in daily as dividends on BetFury.io (for as long as that last), and so I can log in there every few days to give the slots some free spins and see if I get lucky. I can also let that Tron accumulate and withdraw let's say 2 Tron (per day) x 30 days (one month) = 60 tron, and then convert that 60 Tron to DEC and buy more Splinterlands cards. As I have explained, I initially decided to sell some BTC for Tron to test the Tron dapps when the announcement was made of the "partnership". I had little idea what an absolute train wreck that would descend into. I won't say "Shame on me." because I was going on the data points available to me. But it sure is unfortunate that I ended up sinking ~ 0.02 BTC into the Tron vortex. On the other hand, this whole debacle only REINFORCED my conviction that the BitcoinVideoCasino.com site (which has taken me for ~ 0.1 BTC over the past year, is just about as DODGY as "Justin "The #Coronavirus" Sun" and his clan. Speaking of which, I did get some more information about BitcoinVideoCasino.com, and have sent a new round of "complaint filings" to their web hosting service. So that is still a project in the works. I would be happy to at least get that criminal operation on the books as such, so that other people don't continue losing money with them.

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Also, related to this, I've (as most others, obviously) reached the breaking point with this Justin Sun character over the past few weeks. The dude is just a full-on sociopath, and to be completely honest, I would be quite entertained if someone just upped and gave the dude a JUICY "left jab + right hook + uppercut combo" if they happen to run into him - like just by chance while walking down the street in that "communist hellhole dressed in democratic drag" called "Singapore". But these are just fantasies for now. Someone out there has little enough to lose to pull it off, and I would be happy to see it. Justin Sun is a disgrace to the Chinese race, as far as I'm concerned, and is certainly NOT behaving in a way to help alleviate some of the current anti-China sentiment floating round out there right now, in relation to the (now official) coronavirus pandemic. I'll just leave it at that for now. I will NOT be continuing my research on Tron, AND I will CONTINUE fully powering down the Steem from my Steemit wallet (and converting it into DEC in #Spinterlands), AND I will be moving over the #Hive (duplicating this post there), AND I will NOT ever give another red cent of my crypto (OR MY TIME/ENERGY) to anything related to Tron, or it's Chairman, Justin Sun. This is how we "vote with our feet". #JustinSun is an sociopath, and I don't associate with, nor do business with, sociopaths. On the positive side of things, though, it has been heartening to see how the #Steemit community pushed out the "virus" that is "Justin Sun" in such a powerful manner, and the #Hive platform will now be a TESTAMENT to this not-so-small "battle in the larger war" for freedom of speech via the blockchain. I can't think of a more enlightening outcome to this whole debacle. Interesting time. Amen.

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4 ) On the "Drug Wars" front, I actually made significant progress this past week. As I mentioned in the previous post, my whole army was wiped out by that #BITCH who decided to cheap-shot me. Well, it turns out that, with the significant amount of resources coming in (usually between 20k to 30k of each per day) from two members of the gang doing the "gang jobs", I was able to bounce back from the loss in like less than three days! And it turns out that the hit motivated me to work FASTER at upgrading my training and defense units, as well as the size of my army, and I am now CONSISTENTLY doing the maximum, Level 10 solo jobs TWICE per day, which when combined with the gang job income is significantly boosting my daily productive AND safety level. In fact, I would say that at this point I am CONSISTENTLY earning ~ 10+ DWD (Drug Wars Dollars) DAILY, and that is now enough to convert to DEC (on @steem-engine) to buy some cheap #splinterlands cards, or even convert to #Tron and kill some time doing some pulls on #Justin "The #coronavirus" Sun's" PUNY little BetFury.io casino, to continune to mine some more BFG token, which is now paying me out ~ 2- 3 Tron per day. Its just chump change, but sometimes playing the slots can be a good way to get my mind off all the negative stuff going on right now - like the global economy self-imploding. Sometimes you just need to give in to your vices, but hopefully in a CONTROLLED manner. I mean, Jeeze, who can deal with this TWISTED reality with a little something to "take the edge of"?

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5 ) Okay. As I did in the last post in this series, the highly-detailed "diary" of my daily #steemmonsters / #splinterlands activity is laid out in the last part of this post, for those of you who are inclined to follow, more closely, what I am doing. It occurred to me that this "diary" section is JUST THAT - a highly detailed record of my daily activity in the game, with some JUICY "play-by-play" analysis notes, and commentary, on what works, what doesn't, and some suggestions for further tweaking and experimentation. So, with this in mind, I hope some/any of you will enjoy this information. If not, you are under no pressure to read it fully, and are free to SKIM, or even IGNORE, any parts, or ALL parts, completely - at your discretion. I lay this out because it also HELPS ME to document my progress in the game over time, and may help some people NOW, and into the perpetual future...


March 8th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,000 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 96.88%
Ending DEC - 6,580 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 97.21%
Balance = DEC Earning = 580 DEC = ~ 1.582 Steem x ~ $0.181 USD/Steem = ~ $0.286 USD

Spent :

8 x "Flame Monkey" (non-gold - 538 DEC --> bumped up to Level 4, with 25 cards remaining to get to Level 5 (and unlock the "repair" ability))

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers - 110 DEC

Daily Quest (yesterday's "dragon" quest - was preoccupied with getting this post finished and published, but finished today).
keepers -
"Silvershield Assassin" (Gold - Level 3 - $2.18 USD - 3,000 DEC)

  • 310 DEC
    nonkeepers - 15 DEC
    potions - +1 legendary potions, +2 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 115 DEC

Untamed (Pack #2 : evening pack)
keepers - 270 DEC'


March 9th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,049 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 97.21%
Ending DEC - 7,352 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 91.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 1,303 DEC = ~ 3.323 Steem x ~ $0.215 USD/Steem = ~ $0.714 USD

Spent :

21 x "Battle Orca" (non-gold - 1,350 DEC -- bumped up to

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers - 240 DEC

Daily Quest (yesterday's "dragon" quest - needed extra time).
keepers - 60 DEC
nonkeepers - 105 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +2 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 683 DEC

Untamed (Pack #2 : evening pack)
keepers - 80 DEC'


March 10th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,001 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 92.44%
Ending DEC - 6,482 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 100.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 481 DEC = ~ 1.111 Steem x ~ $0.225 USD/Steem = ~ $0.25 USD

Spent :

10 x "Flame Monkey" (non-gold - 473 DEC -- 15 more cards remaining to reach Level 5 and unlock the "repair' ability)

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers - 240 DEC

Daily Quest (yesterday's "dragon" quest - needed extra time).
keepers - 60 DEC
nonkeepers - 105 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +2 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 683 DEC

Untamed (Pack #2 : evening + celebration pack for reaching "Diamond II" season level - + 10 loot chests - 50 total season loot chests )
keepers - 300 DEC'

Daily Quest (today's "earth" quest).
keepers -
"Fallen Specter" (non-gold (legendary) - Level 1 - $0.95 USD - 1,500 DEC)
"Warrior Of Peace" (gold - Level 3 - $0.43 USD - 500 DEC)

  • 95 DEC
    nonkeepers - 15 DEC
    potions - +1 legendary potions, +3 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 106 DEC


March 11th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,009 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 7,050 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 89.10%
Balance = DEC Earning = 1,041 DEC = ~ 2.535 Steem x ~ $0.220 USD/Steem = ~ $0.58 USD

Spent :

1 x "Fire Elemental" (non-gold - 215 DEC -- bumped up to Level 5, to unlock "affliction" power)

14 x "Flame Monkey" (non-gold - 563 DEC -- bumped up to Level 5 to unlock "repair" ability)

2 x "Boogeyman" (non-gold - 154 DEC - bumped up to Level 6 to increase speed by "+1")

won 600 for 16th place in tournament

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers - 270 DEC

claimed "Mimosa Nightshade" airdrop, and ended up getting FOUR (4) non-gold cards, worth $10.75 each, for a total of $43 USD of value. When added to the ~ $25 USD value of the previous airdrop that works out to ~ $68 USD of airdrop value to offset some of the $1,000 USD (in Bitcoin) that I paid for the 500 (+50) Untamed promo batch a few months ago.

Daily Quest (today's "water" quest).
keepers - + 80 DEC
nonkeepers - 140 DEC
potions - +2 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 250 DEC

Untamed (Pack #2 : evening pack)
keepers -
"Diamond Dragon" - (non-gold (legendary) - Level 1 - $2.14 USD - 1,000 DEC)

  • 130 DEC


March 12th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,117 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 89.97%
Ending DEC - 7,092 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 85.64%
Balance = DEC Earning = 975 DEC = ~ 2.56 Steem x ~ $0.155 USD/Steem = ~ $0.397 USD

Spent :

6 x "Parasitic Growth" (non-gold - 896 DEC -- 14 cards remaining to Level 6 to unlock "scavenger" ability)

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers -
"Goblin Chariot" (gold - Level 2 - $3.68 USD - 2,000 DEC)

  • 40 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "death" quest).
keepers - 200 DEC
nonkeepers - 60 DEC
potions - +3 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 297 DEC

Untamed (Pack #2 : evening pack)
keepers -
"Cursed Slimeball" (gold - Level 3 - $0.99 USD - 500 DEC)

  • 70 DEC


March 13th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,117 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 90.00%
Ending DEC - 8,081 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 79.51%
Balance = DEC Earning = 1,964 DEC = ~ 5.004 Steem x ~ $0.121 USD/Steem = ~ $0.605 USD

Spent :

14 x "Parasitic Growth" (non-gold - 1,988 DEC -- bumped up to Level 6 to unlock "scavenger" ability)

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers - 80 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "earth" quest).
keepers - 105 DEC
nonkeepers - 10 DEC
potions - +4 legendary potions, +3 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 1,047 DEC

Untamed (Pack #2 : evening + celebration pack for reaching "Diamond I" season level --> + 10 season loot chests - +60 total season loot chests)
keepers - 110 DEC


March 14th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,093 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 94.08%
Ending DEC - 17,075 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 81.74%
Balance = DEC Earning = 10,892 DEC = ~ 25.578 Steem x ~ $0.136 USD/Steem = ~ $3.48 USD

Spent :

  • 2,428 1 x "Serpentine Sky" - (Gold - Level 3 - 2,428 DEC -- bumped up to Level 6 to increase health back from "+2" to "+3")

50 x "Parasitic Growth" (non-gold - 7,219 -- bumped this card up to Level 7 to get his health back from "+3" to "+4")

38 x "Beetle Queen" (non-gold - 3,743 DEC - eleven (11) cards remaining to max this card out (to Level 8) and unlock the "inspire" power)

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers -
"Wizard Of Eastwood" (Gold (summoner) - Level 2 - $8.91 USD - 2,000 DEC)

  • 40 DEC

Placed 16th in 'The Untamed Shiny Path" tournament :

won 7,500 DEC with which I converted 5,000 DEC to Tron to mine some BFG token on BetFury (it was fun, and I only had to win two battles in to tournament (so it was essentially "Free money"). But more impoartantly, I bought the additional "Serpentine Sky" (Gold - 2,428 DEC) card that I needed to get that card's health up from "+2" to "+3". So I was content with blowing the 5,000 DEC on slots.

Daily Quest (today's "death" quest).
keepers - 150 DEC
nonkeepers - 90 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 175 DEC

Untamed (Pack #2 : evening pack)
keepers - 240 DEC


March 15th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,127 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 92.47%
Ending DEC - 11,469 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 68.96%
Balance = DEC Earning = 5,324 DEC = ~ 12.815 Steem x ~ $0.139 USD/Steem = ~ $1.78 USD

Spent :

25 "Failed Summoner" (non-golf - 6,224 DEC -- bumped up to Level 7 to unlock "demoralize" ability. Overspent a bit today (by 900 DEC)

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers - 460 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "death" quest).
keepers -
"Nectar Queen" (Gold - Level 3 - $0.34 USD - 500 DEC)

  • 90 DEC
    nonkeepers - 135 DEC
    potions - +2 legendary potions, +6 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 32 DEC

4423 DEC payout from 10.700 Steem portion of previous post payout

Untamed (Pack #1 : evening pack)
keepers - 80 DEC


March 16th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,245 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 74.00%
Ending DEC - 6,243 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 77.51%
Balance = DEC Earning = 998 DEC = ~ 2.41 Steem x ~ $0.12 USD/Steem = ~ $0.29 USD

Spent :

10 x "Beetle Queen" (non-gold - 852 DEC -- bumped up to Level 8 (maxed out) to unlock the "inspire" ability)

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers - 110 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "earth" quest -- I completed this quest just withiin 10 minutes of the end of the season, which landed me a LOT more cards than if I had waited until the new season started, and as you can see I had a UBER-JUICY dump!).
keepers -
2 x "Gelatinous Cube" (Gold - Level 4 - $0.72 USD - 750 DEC -- bumped up to Level 6 to unlock the UBER-POWERFUL "heal" ability)

  • 30 60 DEC
    nonkeepers - 0 DEC
    potions - +1 legendary potions, +5 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 114 DEC

Season Rewards
keepers -
"Nectar Queen" (Gold - Level 3 - $0.32 USD - 500 DEC)

  • 455 DEC
    nonkeepers - 100 DEC
    potions - +10 legendary potions, +9 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 311 DEC

Untamed (Pack #2 : evening/celebration pack for start of new season at "Gold I" season level - +30 total loot chests)
keepers - 80 DEC


March 17th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,391 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 84.11%
Ending DEC - 6,855 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 72.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 1,464 DEC = ~ 3.229 Steem x ~ $0.135 USD/Steem = ~ $0.435 USD

Spent :

1 x "Drake Of Arnak" (non-gold (summoner) - 1,033 DEC -- bumped up to Level 5)

2 x "Haunted Spider" (non-gold (beta) - 429 DEC -- want to work on maxing this card out. 20 cards remaining to level 9, which increases range attack from "+2" to "+3")

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack)
keepers -
"Tortisian Fighter" (Gold - Level 3 - $0.52 USD - 500 DEC)

  • 70 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "water" quest).
keepers - 160 DEC
nonkeepers - 255 DEC (including one "Orbs" reward pack)
potions - +1 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 40 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : evening pack)
keepers - 80 DEC


March 18th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,391 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 84.01%
Ending DEC - 6,303 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 73.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 912 DEC = ~ 1.664 Steem x ~ $0.205 USD/Steem = ~ $0.34 USD

Spent :

4 x "Haunted Spider" (non-gold - Beta - 933 DEC - 16 cards remaining to Level 9)

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack -- I will be attempting a new "one Untamed pack per day" pack-opening strategy this week, for several reasons which I will explain in the next series post.)
keepers -
"Tortisian Fighter" (Gold - Level 3 - $0.35 USD - 500 DEC)

  • 100 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "death" quest).
keepers - 60 DEC
nonkeepers - 60 15 DEC
potions - +3 legendary potions, +3 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 122 DEC


March 19th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,380 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 85.08%
Ending DEC - 7,236 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 80.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 1,856 DEC = ~ 2.628 Steem x ~ $0.303 USD/Steem = ~ $0.796 USD

Spent :
9 x "Haunted Spider" (non-gold - 1,773 DEC -- six more cards remaining until reaching Level 9)

Untamed (Pack #1 : morning pack, and celebration pack for reaching "Diamond III" season level --> + 10 loot chests -> +40 season loot chests)
keepers -
"Failed Summoner" (Gold - Level 3 - $0.85 USD - 500 DEC)

  • 70 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "win three battles without neutral cards" quest).
keepers - 270 DEC
nonkeepers 60 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +4 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 1,043 DEC


March 20th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,479 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 90.00%
Ending DEC - x,xxx DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ xx.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = xxx DEC = ~ x.xxx Steem x ~ $0.xxx USD/Steem = ~ $0.xxx USD

[ DISCLAIMER - Got totally thrown off by the "corona bioweapon" and other APOCAPLYPTIC stuff. So I will just leave out calculations for today and start back up tommorow. Not the end of the world... or is it? [/DISCLAIMER]

Spent : N/A

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers - 110 DEC


March 21th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,687 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 6,172 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 95.18%
Balance = DEC Earning = 693 DEC ( 6,172 - 5,479 (including yesterdays earnings) ) = ~ 2.03 Steem x ~ $0.206 USD/Steem = ~ $0.42 USD

[ DISCLAIMER - Got totally thrown off, AGAIN, by the "corona bioweapon" and other APOCALYPTIC stuff. It happens [ /DISCLAMER]

Spent :

5 X "Haunted Spider" (non-gold - 681 DEC -- two more cards to go to reach Level 9)

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers - 80 DEC

Daily Quest (yesterday's "fire" quest).
keepers - 290 DEC
nonkeepers- 10 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +2 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 153 DEC


March 22nd, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,491 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 95.52%
Ending DEC - 6,248 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 100.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 757 DEC = ~ 2.448 Steem x ~ $0.200 USD/Steem = ~ $0.49 USD

Spent :

2 x "Haunted Spider" (non-gold - 268 DEC -- bumped up to Level 9

7 x "Undead Badger" (non-gold - 450 DEC -- want to work on getting this card up to Level 7, in order to get health up to "+3" (because at only "+2" health I don't feel especially comfortable using this card regularly in battles. One shot by a strong card and a "+2" health card bis TOAST.)

Daily Quest (yesterday's "death" quest).
keepers - 60 DEC
nonkeepers- 30 DEC
potions - +2 legendary potions, +2 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 379 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -
"Biceratops" (Gold - Level 3 - $0.29 USD - 500 DEC -- bumped up to Level 5)

  • 100 DEC


Whew! These posts are growing dense - but that's okay. Take what resonates with you,and leave the rest. I hope you find some/any of these tips useful in increasing your understanding and/or skill level in the SteemMonsters (Splinterlands) and/or Drug Wars, and/or "Prospectors, and/or any other game(s) - and the " blockchain gaming " industry as whole - which I end up exploring as this series evolves. More JUICY tips to come with each weekly update, as I dig deeper into this whole REVOLUTIONARY PHENOMENON, and become more experienced and successful in the game(s).

See you on the battlefield...


SteemMonsters  Affiliate Banner.gif


Awesome!!! 5 Mimosas already!!!
Way to go my friend.

And those 2 Cubes from Daily Quest Rewards just sums it up. Do you think purchasing Legendary and Gold potions helped you?

I always remember the battles we have(although I m on losing end on most occasions ;) but that's quite natural considering the high value cards you have).

I actually don't think the 2,000 DEC cost of the packs is ultimately worth it, relative to what you get by opening packs versus simply using 2,000 DEC of daily earned DEC to buy the specific cards you want/need.

I 100% agree with this although I still get itching to buy packs whenever I get some DEC, instead I purchase the packs from steem-engine or some other source at a cheaper rate.

Good analysis and I love the way you presented that.

Happy battling. :)

"And those 2 Cubes from Daily Quest Rewards just sums it up. Do you think purchasing Legendary and Gold potions helped you?"

Absolutely! I usually mentioned that OBSESSIVELY in each weekly post, and so it figures that on the one week I fail to INDULGE my OCD tendencies someone notices. I guess the obsessive hand-washing brought on by this coronavirus hysteria finally pushed me over the edge...

"I 100% agree with this although I still get itching to buy packs whenever I get some DEC, instead I purchase the packs from steem-engine or some other source at a cheaper rate."

Yes. I've mentioned in the past few posts that I am in the process of trying to generate a new stream of crypto income to enable me to do quarterly buys of pack batches to continue to feed my "one (or two) pack per day" pack habit.

Don't worry, I get my butt kicked ALL THE TIME by "more endowed" players. But at the end of the day, when I am able to go on my "daily shopping spree" with the DEC I've earned, AND when I place in tournaments, and win a few hundred, or thousand, DEC in an hour or two, it makes the losses easier to suck up.

I've followed you.

Absolutely! I usually mentioned that OBSESSIVELY in each weekly post, and so it figures that on the one week I fail to INDULGE my OCD tendencies someone notices

I will keep an eye on your posts from now on my friend, definitely there will be something to learn in those based on your analysis.

Don't worry, I get my butt kicked ALL THE TIME by "more endowed" players. But at the end of the day, when I am able to go on my "daily shopping spree" with the DEC I've earned, AND when I place in tournaments, and win a few hundred, or thousand, DEC in an hour or two, it makes the losses easier to suck up.

Yes, wins and losses are part of the game, but at the end of the day, as you said, what we learnt or what we earned matters.

Good to know you, followed you too.

Happy battling :)

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