Countdown to Untamed - Part 1

Many, many people have been asking for previews of the new Untamed cards before the release this coming Saturday. We've been very hesitant to show anything since everything has been going through a significant number of changes during the design process.

At this point however, we're far enough along that we expect that things won't change too much more before release, so we will make one post every day until the release and show some of the new cards awaiting you in your Untamed packs!

Despite all of that, please keep in mind that everything is still subject to change before the release. This includes the stats, abilities, names, and even the entire card itself.

At this point I'm sure you're all like, "enough with the disclaimers, show us the cards already!" To which we reply "Stop lying, we know you all scrolled down to see the cards immediately before reading any of this!"

So without further ado, allow us to present: Cursed Slimeball, Shieldbearer, Mad Pyromaniac, Feasting Seaweed, and Sporcerer!

Cursed Slimeball

The Cursed Slimeball will come in quite handy in low mana cap battles, or times when you just have 1 more mana to fill. It's one and only ability is a new one called "Redemption", which means that after it dies, it does 2 melee damage to all enemy monsters.

You might see players putting him in the first position in front of the tank to soak up an attack or two and then get his revenge on his enemies!

Fun fact, the Cursed Slimeball was designed by @yabapmatt's son! Here's the original drawing:


The Shieldbearer is the new big tank card for the Life Splinter. In addition to the Shield ability at level 5 and the Return Fire ability at level 8, he sports a new ability called "Taunt", which means that all monsters will target him if they are able to. This means that cards with sneak, snipe, or opportunity abilities will target the Shieldbearer instead of their normal targets, as will any monsters with regular Ranged or Magic attack.

We think that this ability will really change the way players make their teams, and we can't wait to see how it works out!

Mad Pyromaniac

While not sporting any new abilities, the Mad Pyromaniac is a pretty unique and powerful card. With high Ranged attack damage and the Sneak and Blast abilities he will have a devastating effect to the back line of enemy teams.

Better make sure to add a monster with the Return Fire ability at the back of your team if you expect you might be going up against him!

Feasting Seaweed

Feasting Seaweed is a Common Water splinter monster with the Opportunity ability. Currently only one card in the game has Opportunity, but it will start to be featured much more heavily in the Untamed edition. For those of you who may not know, Opportunity means that the monster will target the enemy with the lowest health.

The Feasting Seaweed also features a new ability called "Scavenger", which means that when ANY monster dies (be it friend or foe), it gains 1 point of Health. It grows stronger as it feasts on the flesh of the dead...


Last, but not least, we have the Sporceror! In addition to the Silence and Affliction abilities at higher level, it has yet another new ability added with the Untamed edition called "Rust". Rust will reduce the Armor of all enemy monsters by 2 points. It is a counter to the Protect ability and we expect to be a staple of many teams.

Expanded Mana Cap Range

One thing we realized we have yet to mention (there's so much going on even we can't remember everything) is that the mana cap range is planned to be expanded with the release of Untamed.

The current range is 15 - 32 and we plan to expand it to 12 - 38 when Untamed is released. Additionally, we plan to add an "unlimited" mana cap which will give everyone the opportunity to throw together some crazy teams of the highest mana cost cards available!

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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Great update! I'm excited and curious about how I will need to get these cards to their highest levels ASAP.

Ps: It's great that you guys have plans to extend the mana cap of battles, I think that you should equally look at extending the number of monsters that can be used in a battle or maybe for specific battles/mana cap. We've got so many cards to use you know.

I would love to have 1 more slot, especially for Life splinter because when I use Ooze, Silvershield Bard, Armorsmith then 3 slots are taken and only 4 mana used ;-)

I would like to see variable team number limits like we have variable mana limits

Shieldbearer's line: "Now go away or i will taunt you a second time"

Does silence stack? Seems a Flesh golem with supporting Mushroom Seer and Sporceror, is going to be essentially magic-proof.

-1 Melee from Zintar Mortalis/Cryptmancer + Fallen Specter stacks so I think Silence works the same way :)

With the closing of the Untamed design, can you post a confirmation with a list of all the usernames that will be rewarded? People might have some concerns about mixing ks with fundition and packs bought on the sm site, and would be great to address these questions before the release of the booster packs...

Posted using Partiko Android

Cant wait. So excited. These cards look amazing.

Posted using Partiko Android

A card designed by @yabapmatt son. Flesh eating seaweed redemption new man's caps and AN UNLIMITED CAP!!! Things are going to get insane!!!!

Here are the new cards graphics:

Cursed Slimeball.pngFeasting Seaweed.pngMad Pyromaniac.pngShieldbearer.pngSporcerer.png

Life one is the best, Fire one is (unfortunately) ugly haha :D

I think Life is the ugly one and the Fire guy is one of the best drawings in the entire game so far.

Very cool. But many changes sometimes scare. You could also create not only exclusive Alpha and Beta card tournaments, but also an Alpha / Beta league, so those nostalgics who want to play the old-fashioned version can be happy.

Great point. That would ALSO be a partial remedy for the un-level playing field as some players (with disposable $$$) come out of the gate with a large stash of Untamed cards. I already see by today (Dec 2nd, 2019) that I am overwhelmed in the tournaments by players with a now substantial number of Untamed cards. I bought a 100 (+10) pack batch (during the 1st round of the pre-sale), BUT am only opening one pack per day. If my disadvantage persists I may go in for (another) "quick open" 100 (+10) pack to close the gap a bit. But it should have to come down to that. But it is what it is...

i want them all!!!

great cards with awesome new abilities.
5 days left till we can get our hands on that cards :D

That cursed slimeball sounds brutally overpowered, even if everyone begins to use it. We will see. Definitely shakes things up.

One mana card with up to 14 damage in one turn. For real?

I guess, only Exploding Dwarf can make more damage in one turn, but it only works in some rare situations.
Cursed Slimeball seems to be even more powerful when used with Crypt Mancer + Undead Priest, so all monsters have -2 HP. On the other hand, this card belongs to the Death splinter, the weakest one for maxed cards and Earth/Water with Prince Rennyn/Nymph or Valnamor/Mermaid Healer/Sea Genie have a lot of HP. It will make Death more competitive, but I think it won't make it an easy win for Death. Maybe it will just make people play less this boring Cocatrice + Brownie + Ooze line-ups.

I think 1 Melee damage for each monster would have been enough, the effect can not be avoided, right?

Yep, for me, it's a bit OP too. On the other hand, people will need to adapt to new rules, so less boring line-ups repeated 100x times.

Some time ago I was afraid about Fiendish Harpy being too OP. For some rulesets like Earthquake, Unprotected, Fog of War it is actually. It's a bit nerfed by introducing Furious Chicken because in most of the battles Harpy wastes 1-2 attacks for this Chicken. But.. Cursed Slimeball will remove the armor or even kill the Chicken so it would be useful to use both Cursed Slimeball + Fiendish Harpy (or any other monster with Opportunity).

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