Splinterlands Help
I recently started playing Splinterlands and wanted to share my experience. It has been challenging trying to move from Bronze III to Bronze II. There are a few requirements that I have been struggling to meet and I was wondering if others are having the same issues.
First of all, understanding the cards is a huge step to getting better at this game. Even after going through the tutorial, watching multiple YouTube videos, and reading different articles, I still get confused sometimes about the game play.
I recently decided to invest $100 into this game, well $110, to try to help me level up. I rented an Alpha Gold Foil card, and got my rating to over 400, and moved into Bronze II. Renting the Alpha Gold Foil gave me the 1000 rating but it was short lived because once the rental was over my rating fell and I was out of Bronze 2.
My big question is how can I move into Bronze II and stay there so I can start to collect DEC for my battles? If there is anyone out there who can help that would be great.
Thanks and good luck playing.