in #splinterlands5 years ago (edited)

Hi all,

This is my entry for the challenge we have been eagerly anticipating all week, the SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge by @splinterlands. Details can be found here.


This week the spotlight is on the Gelatinous Cube:


The Gelatinous Cube has six Mana, Speed of one, thirteen lives at Max level, and Scavenger, Heal and Void abilities.

So, how did the Gelatinous Cube came to be? Well, ....

It all started one night, when the moons were full, and a powerful ritual was performed. The forces of wind, rain and hail were evoked; and a hailstorm resulted. And out of nowhere, all these strange little Cubes started to come down from the sky; and they seemed to be alive. Not only that, they also seemed to swallow their prey; and the Gelatinous Cubes started growing and swelling, depending on how much they had absorbed that day source.

I used the Gelatinous Cube in a battle with the following rules:
1.Fog of War: Monsters lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities,
2.Earthquake: Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.

The total Mana was 20, and the active splinters were: Fire, Water, Life annd Dragon.

I decided to use the Water Splinter because that was my daily Quest.

My tank was the Lord Arianthus, a very versatile first position monster. I use Lord Arianthus very often, like most players here at Splinterlands. It is an excellent tank because it resists all three kinds of attack; it has Shield ability for Melee and Range attack, Void ability for Magic attacks, and it also retaliates against Magic attack monsters and Melee attack monsters with its Magic Reflect and Thorns abilities.


Then I decided to use the Water Elemental too, because it is fast, has a good Range attack of four, and Heal ability, so it would survive better the Earthquake.


After using the Gelatinous Cube, the Lord Arianthus, and the Water Elemental, i had just one Mana left to play with. I picked the Albatross, because it has Flying ability, so it would survive the Earthquake. My Albatross is very low level, so it didn't have the Tank Heal ability, which would be a bonus in this battle. I hope one day to max it out too.


Last but not least, the Chicken. At zero Mana, i had nothing to lose from using it, so i added that on for the battle.


Now the order i used was: first the Lord Arianthus (tank) and second the chicken, to take some damage from the enemy monsters, as it wouldn't last many rounds anyway, because of the Earthquake. Then the albatross before the Water Elemental, as the latter is a Range monster, so it wouldn't attack from first position, and the further back you put it, the better.

I decided to leave the Gelatinous Cube last, and i was hoping my opponent wouldn't use any self-healing monsters, or monsters with Flying ability; that way my Cube would survive the rounds, while the enemy monsters wouldn't.

And that's what happened; my opponent used no self-healing monsters, or monsters with Flying ability; only a tank healer, the Divine Healer, which didn't survive the Earthquakes.


Would i change anything on this battle? No, i don't think i would. Everything seems to have its proper place and order. My line up is perfect, if i may say so.😳😳😳

Do i use the Gelatinous Cube often? Not really, unless it is a low Mana battle, and i can't use Lord Arianthus. But it is a good choice for Earthquakes.

And that's the end of this post.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Bye!

P.S. Tweeted:


Yes, earthquakes, yes.
Nice lineup. Every time I see a battle where the cube is the 'last man standing' I feel bad for the other team. 🤣
I would have probably switched Mr. Cubey with the Elemental... just to give a little longer firepower... but yeah- perfection. 😍

thank you. yes, the cube is a tough cookie

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