Splinterlands Season Ending Rewards & Recap... Pulled My First Legendary Card 🥳


Hey fellow Splinterlands players today was an end to another great season and it is time to open the spoils of our battles from this season. I got real excited on getting my first legendary card. My deck isn’t that great so it will be a great addition to my collection.


For the first time I reached Gold I League ever since I started playing SteemMonsters now Splinterlands. I feel the reason I did good this season was in part due to the fact that I joined a guild for the first time. In joining a guild it gave me more motivation to play more. Overall it makes the game more fun being apart of a team.

So here are my rewards for this season...


Overall I started off this season pretty late I think I missed about the first week of the season. Could I reach Diamond league if I go hard the entire season? Honestly I am not sure because of the strength of my deck. Once I got up to Gold I it became more challenging for me as I was going against people with a lot stronger cards. My highest summoner is level 3 of the Dragon splinter and the rest of my Summoners are level 2 or 1. Going up against someone with level 6 and higher cards makes it very challenging but I am going to try my best to reach Diamond league for the first time this season. I think I might be able to reach Diamond but it will be tuff to compete in that league for me once I get there.

I am slowly going to attempt to make my deck stronger which will be pretty difficult since I don’t have much $ to put into the game. I will attempt to make 1 splinter stronger at a time starting with my favorite splinter water. My goal is going to be getting my summoner to level 3 from 2. Lets see how it goes.

It has been a fun season and I am looking forward to seeing you all on the battlefield this season. If anyone is looking for a guild join us The Warriors if we are full message me and we will get you in as we boot inactive players.


Thanks for checking out my blog. Hit that upvote button help a little minnow out and follow me if you haven’t already. Thanks Steemians and Steem On everybody.

#Splinterlands #SteemMonsters #TheWarriorsGuild

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