Unity consciousness

in #spitituality4 years ago

There's only one choice to be made in each moment. Either
To be Love or fear. Or.
To be Innocence or judgment.

We have our free will to choose freely the reality we want to create and abide in. First internally then externally.

Judgement creates separation consciousness within and around us. We can only judge in another what we have judged in ourselves often as a reaction to being judged by others...

Judging breaks havoc on a cellular level within our bodies because it is the same as saying to our body "you don't have the right to exist". For when a judgemental thought is held, the body tunes in to it's frequency, much like when we think of Lemons and have a visceral experience in our mouth and start salivating.
So tuning into judgement frequency weather directed at ourselves or others is detrimental to us. It separates us from experiencing oneness, being whole, as judging creates an illusion of separation, or in other words we fracture parts of ourselves.

In True Reality we are always whole from the higher perspective and yet Universe is made of paradoxes and dichotomies, where two seemingly opposing things are true at the same time. So as we abide in this material reality we dance between dimensions and the journey to enlightenment is a journey of bringing all of ourselves back into oneness, which requires all parts of ourselves to be present. For we can only embody light and our higher self essence, our christed selves to the degree we have accepted and loved all parts of ourselves, especially the ones previously rejected, judged or condemned..

One of the keys for a steady progress on our spiritual journey is to look within for things we have judged or condemned in the past, for those parts then turn into places of shadow, devoid of light awaiting our acceptance and love, only then those parts let go, get integrated and transformed. Only what is accepted can be transcended. Side note, acceptance doesn't mean condoning detrimental behavior..
Turning within and looking at our judgements is a wonderful place to start when reconciling all parts of ourselves back into the loving oneness with self and All that is.

Judgement is not to be confused with discernment, which is so pivotal on our journey. Although from the outside the two may look almost the same but there's a major difference. Judgement has emotional gravity and often a flavour of shaming one for whatever is being judged as not acceptable. Discernment is using our inner intuition and wisdom also known as our guidance system without shaming anyone or anything about where they're at in their healing journey. And choosing wisely based on our discernment. In English language word judgment and it's derivatives is used liberally and many people are unaware of the difference between the two, yet vibrational difference is massive. So stay attuned to your inner guidance system, keep your heart open, for only then peace, love, wisdom and true seeing is accessible to us.

All my love, gratitude and blessings are with you


If you would like 1-2-1 support on your journey to help you release and shift old energies, re-attune yourself to Source, your Higher Self, your guidance system and much more get in touch to book your session
[email protected]

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