Spirulina Cultivation 📷 [Video inside]

in #spirulina7 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Spirulina Cultivation 📷 [Video inside]

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wow cool I didn't know you could cultivate spirulina at home easily - it is so expensive at the store, I am going to give this a try! I love adding spirulina to my smoothies :)

I know, it blew my mind just how easy and cheap(!) it is. The only thing is the temperature: to keep your 300 liters (80 gallons) of water at above 20°C (70°F) you need to be in a warmer climate, do it indoors, or reserve the cultivation for the summer.

You are preaching to the choir? Or trying to bring in new and earnest learners?

So why would anyone want to go to the trouble to cultivate pee to later become part of their diet, and something they would be excited to eat?

This is almost like humanure? Shit turns into actually tasty food!?!??!

Or saving the trash from preparing a meal to later KEEP? and then add to your own soil to then feed your soil? to grow food that you will eat!

And all this stuff is reusable?

Please explain in detail

Excellent question, @bchick, thank you for asking. And yes, I'm sure many people are probably thinking the same thing, so thanks to you they'll get an explanation as well. In fact, now I know what tomorrow's post is gonna be: an answer to your question. It'll be so much better than getting into details here in the comments. Cheers, :-)

Yes, a well written article on this important topic could very well attract a lot of interested people who could find lifetime benefits.

It's done, I hope you like it: https://steemit.com/sustainability/@stortebeker/taking-care-of-business-why-not-make-the-most-out-of-the-worst
As for preaching to the choir, it's true, I did assume a lot of things that readers would know. However, I don't mind going back a few steps if anyone wants me to clarify things. This goes for this latest post as well, in case it's needed.

I have been looking for this for ages, but no one seems to have put it together as nicely as you. Well done @stortebeker ! Will be following to see more. Any interest in trying to do the same with Chorella? Cheers @ecoknowme Resteemed with pleasure.

Interest? Sure... though I haven't really immersed myself in Chorella at all. All I know is that it's the other great food alga. Does it have many nutrients that Spirulina lacks?
And THANKS for the re-steem! I appreciate it.

So glad to meet you! Yes Chorella has many special properties that set it apart from Spirulina, I like to take both. It protects the liver, is I believe, even higher in Chlorophyll and various nutrients,minerals and vitamins are better or worse depending on what you are seeking. If I could grow my own of those TWO, plus maybe figure out Marine Phytoplankton, then the only thing left is figuring out how to effectively 'crack' the cell walls for maximum absorption. Thanks to your video, I feel more confident that day may come sooner than expected. I really appreciate seeing content like this so Thank you! I also made up a contest that finishes at the end of the month if you would like to join. I have 2 STEEM available to the winner and so far, only 2 people have submitted. Would like to do more like this and get more money circulating for people such as ourselves who don't seem as Crypto crazy, but just love the power of the platform to share great ideas like this. Here is the article:

Okay... you know I actually read that challenge yesterday! But in the end I did not submit anything because (here comes my constructive criticism) I found it was too broadly set, that is not specific enough. Any world problem? How major? What kind of solution? Shown to work? I just felt this all a bit overwhelming, while at the same time so flexible that it could be applied to anything. Anyway, that's how the wording of the challenge made me feel, so I did not pursue it.
However, now after this short exchange, I feel like picking it up. But that's going to be tomorrow's article.

no worries, it was indeed exceptionally vague and gaping, but the idea was to do a call to arms and see who would be inclined to write that kind of content. slowly slowly it can be refined. I had one idea before, but no money offer... add some money and people come by. Look forward to seeing what you come up with and you can either focus on one thing or just go on your own journey with the ideas you have been digesting til now. We're all snowflakes right? haha wait a minute

Sorry man, I haven't forgotten, just got a bit too busy today. So I'm planing on writing that solution-to-world-problems-challenge tomorrow. Cheers,

No worries, I'll write a refresher / reminder post for other prospective writers, Idea was to accept articles til the END of the month. But I am in the same boat with an article about Bees for a friend I made on here, hopefully I do that today :/ Hahaha Steemit homework. there must be so many people on here with degrees that now mostly use their essay writing skills to blog, fair enough!

And yet one more day... I know, more waiting. But it just makes the result so much sweeter. ;-) And this time it's not procastination. I actually realized that economics has to play a major part in what I want to write, so I wrote a book review I'm planing to link. Take a look, you may like it too: https://steemit.com/books/@stortebeker/book-review-sacred-economics-by-charles-eisenstein

This is a really really good article and video ! Spirulina needs to be world knowed and organicly cultivated everywere, so many nutritive elements as well as health utility. It is, with the Chlorella, one of the most important (from what we actually know for now) algua on earth.

My top 10 of the most important vegetals (for health) are :

  • spiruline
  • chlorella
  • curcuma (+ pepper)
  • cannabis (CBD, THC, CBC, Terpens, and seeds for eating it)
  • ginkgo biloba
  • green tea
  • avocado (and other alcaline vegetable for the body)
  • cacao
  • berrys (cranberry, blueberry, acai, sea buckthorn, camu-camu, acerola, cassis)
  • garlic

I think we can add nearly every type of nuts, and many germinated seeds, herbs juices. Hippocrate said "Make your food your medicine and your food your medicine". that's my nutrition philosophy. So in adition to that (with a well studied nutritionnal needs) i suggest eating mostly fruits and vegetables, local, from the season, organic, focusing more on alcaline ones.

Essential oils and floral waters are usually good for threating most of health affection in addition to my top 10 list, and also is bach elyxir and some colloids metals (colloidal silver, gold have really good effects).

Again, really good article, i'll resteemit right now ! great job ! thanks for the share.

I like your list. It has many of my favorites on it. But you know what? I don't think such a list could ever be complete. I mean I would most certainly add Kale, but at the same time other leafy greens (I'm sure I would get tired of kale every day). It's the diversity that makes these things interesting in taste and health benefits.
Okay, today's the day, finally, to publish my post for the world-problem-challenge... I think I'm much more excited about it than I should be, hehehehe.

Love your list and would add goji, inca berry, coconut (if your climate or connections allow) hempseed specifically and the protein powder/oil ... and also to combine with various chinese and ayurvedic herbs like reishi, ashshwagandha, He shou Wu, Cordyceps which are like food but not soo easy to consume like food. But like food in the sense that they are so nutritious, medicinal and non toxic. I got exposed to a lot of Stuff through David Wolfe, who is controversial, but once you hear about something, you can do your own research and ditch the ladder. of and Brahmi/ Rhodiola could go well with with or in place of Ginkgo.

oh and the thing i meant to add....was the hippocrates thing always says that part about food, but he goes on to emphasize the role of fasting... and we never talk about that in medicine. "feel bad?" "try not eating for a few days." nope. http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/12/11/neuroscientist-shows-what-fasting-does-to-your-brain-why-big-pharma-wont-study-it/

This is good stuff. My first thought was of the quality of urine. Because of medications etc. But you answered it right as i was thinking it.
Question - diabetics with "sweet" urine. How do you think the excess sugar in the urine would affect this?

  • also, i think it may be an interesting divot of info to point out not using the first few drops of urine as those are typically flushing the urethral canal of unwanted Bacteria..i would think wait for the mid flow. Right? Or no?

Also i think the video quality turned out just fine.

Great questions! The first one I'll have to pass on. Sweet urine, no idea. That needs some looking into, or I'll jut ask my mentor.
The second one regarding the bacteria I'm quite certain about. They would most likely perish in the water, as the growing medium needs to have a pH of 10 (or above). That's also the reason why the water is safe from other algae taking over. Now I can imagine it may have other microbes that thrive in such a highly alkaline environment, but those ones would probably perish in a lower pH. This last part is my own reasoning, but I'm gonna verify it.

Thanks for taking a stab at it! Helps answer some things. Curious about the sweet urine. Have a great day!

Also there are those who SWARE by drinking their own urine that's where i think i got the only use the main stream not the start.

Oh yeah, then there are urine enemas, some people also inject their own blood into their muscles (thighs or buttocks) with alleged health benefits. I don't object, but haven't gathered enough info on it to be for or against it.
One thing I have been doing, though, since childhood days, is pee on my finger when I cut myself. And yes, usually mid-stream, though I guess more out of practicality.

Never heard the blood thing. I don't think i could ever do anything with a needle. ... :/

amaroli google

Love it! I've been thinking of growing spirulina now the warmer weather is here in Oz.

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