Cultivating Spiritual Wellbeing With 5 Fun Shifts to Nurture Spirit Back To Wellness
Life is often characteristically nuanced with chaos, joy, speechlessness and everything in between. This nuance in our modern age has taken a most subtle turn. People are slowly turning inside themselves, and filling their quiet spaces with a variety of forms of spiritual practice.
Spiritual well being means you are taking responsibility for the energy that is you, and working to brighten your lights for your environment.
Spiritual wellbeing creates space for learning about the human spirit, being clear of mind and clutter in the mental & heart space. Your heart and mind coherence is directly tied to your vibration and disposition. They will shift as you do, whether fun or folly.
Nurturing The Link Between Mental and Physical Health
Possessed within the natural rhythms of the human matrix lies an symbiotic coherence between the mental and physical state of health and stability in the body. Our mental and physical states of health must possess this coherence, or if not, every system in the body can fall out of balance and function irregularly.
Our patterns of mental/emotional instability can be mapped when we act unconsciously through reactivity. The instability in our mental/emotional energy are signs of underlying stress and an inability to properly cope with anxiety even in the work place. Our environment and relationships play a critical supporting role in nurturing both physical and mental health.
If you feel bad, then naturally, your thoughts on the issue will reflect how you are feeling. You may not be able to control how you are feeling, per see in a part of the body that is experiencing pain, but you CAN control how you think about it.
Ever to cleverly must you think your way out of these things. It is not your mind alone, when you are able to move your heart to heal these as well you will get better results.
5 Fun Shifts Ushering The Spirit Back To Wellness
When you are able to evade chaos and maintain balance and centering you become a living electro-magnetic force to shift the world. It can be fun and a healing experience when you are seriously tasking yourself to usher your spirit back to wellness.
Like a thick sheet being taken off of you and your view, to reveal and intake of light that revivifies your strength and aura. The use of these 4 small shifts can be the key to finding peace & balance in crazy modern world.
Fun Meditation
Meditation should be one of your key tools in helping to temper the spirit to balance.
Meditation can be fun by taking yourself to someplace special in your imagination. Make it a fun place you like to go in your mind. See yourself meditating there in that place.
A place you can relax easily. Focus on that image, your now moment and the breath.
Focus a firm concentration on the image, in an effort to gradually & slowly release the image to center the consciousness on emptiness and temper our reactivity with presence. Establishing this peace in presence, is a model to pattern in crystallizing one's practice of spiritual wellbeing and concentration of peace in the spirit embody.
Enjoy Yourself Outside
Sing or mantra happily to yourself as you do it. To ensure you are moved and vibin' out where you should. Mother Earth loves you and you can tell when you take your shoes off and put your bare feet on.
"Earthing" as it is called helps reset you back to natural rhythms, bringing your energetics to a healthy medium.
As this is reflected in your inner reality your mental and physical health improves as a result. The best air is closest to Mother Earth. The free range mana, oxygen rich life-force energy or Source Creation is purest next to the planetary body that creates it. Mother Earth's own whether it be consumed nutrition, light or vibration from the Sun heavily hangs on us just getting out there.
If you don't mind working out
To find a well rounded and routine way to work the body and realign the spirit you might consider yoga or Pilates. Moving blood everywhere is key to moving energy in the body. Check your community listings to see what is offered free in your area, just to eliminate the need for an added expense.
Cardio classes of different styles get you moving and sweating.
Tai Chi, martial arts and other physical disciplines teach the body and condition the body in its moving. This also will help you to move emotions which are also energy, and can become stuck when we aren't letting our feelings flow. When water sits for too long it can become stale and impure.
Humans are mostly water, and we hold toxins, emotions and water in our fat cells. Clearing this all out brings us to our next point.
Spiritual clearing of the fields
Drum circles, spiritual cleansing, blessings, saunas, or even smudging will offer your energy fields a clearing to benefit your whole matrix of selves. Meditation to release emotions, drop old patterns & way of thinking are all ways to shift in this time as well as clear the fields.
As your spiritual fields are cleansed you will gain clarity of mind and presence. Detoxing to clear the physical fields, the bowels, the endocrine system and the blood do something special for your aura.
Eliminating impurities and free radicals allow light to shine in places where it wasn't before and the radiance of your aura can be seen and felt because of it.
Disconnect from tech. Take a technology and social media break for an evening and be present in what is happening around you. To your life, and the simple act of witnessing it.
Find a small number of things in your surroundings that you can eliminate, in an effort to declutter your life a bit. You won't realize how good it feels until you do.
Keep Positive Focuses In Your Life
Be conscious of one positive thought to another, as you live, breath & intend of a vibration that promotes health, spiritual wellness & longevity.
Try to keep positive focuses in your life. If you are alive that is one. Free of pain? That is another. Be thankful.
Some people are offended by the suggestion that you should always try and stay positive. It is understood that it is unlikely it will happen, by circumstances as the human is distracted so much in this time. Though it is suggested for the human in practicing in their ability to will and manifest happily for themselves how they 'would like' things to happen. This is our power in it. Keep the positive focuses is the class, and manifesting as we desire is the graduation of the idea.
Document a minimum of 2 positive occurrences that happen to you everyday. After the week is over reflect on them. Eventually, you will compile a list of things that you
can add to a list dedicated to Thankfulness.
Reflect on how you were enriched by the spirit. How did you feel? How was you heart alight? Understand your heart so that you can repeat this for yourself in the future.
Thankfulness is a powerful thing to be filled with. Thankfulness compels you to thank RANDOMLY, even strangers.
Maintaining Spiritual Wellness
A whole and well rounded environment to shape wholeness in the spirit is your best protection falling out of balance. Spiritual wellbeing must take into account all that is spirit in the humans and the human is nothing but spirit, energy & information.
Shape your environment thusly and maintain your spiritual wellness and sanity in a changing but insane world.