Mind Wars/Psychic Spying/Time Traveling/Demons

8 years ago, I had this deep experience.

I was pulled somewhere where different factions of time travellers along with President Washington and a few presidents like Lincoln and their family members and many more people who had held positions who hold positions/bankers/bloodlines along with others were gathered.

Time seemed of no essence as they had tech that surpassed time.

The gathering was held in a forest.

I found myself summoned there.

They can take you literally by playing around with timelines/time pockets and switching you up from one timeline to another, this is how you can leave and it goes unnoticed.

I was told to sit on a chair and there was a sort of stage, there were many freemasons some very high ranking were gathered.

These presidents and Freemasons were the ones who weren’t compromised by evil.

They explained of a plan that went all the way back to George Washington that he was involved with.

He was shown from what they told me the invasion of demons in the end times.

He said he was given information through divine guidance he was shown how to battle what was to come, using this information that was kept by the highest ranking freemasons who haven’t fallen into evil as the rest of their faction was lost to evil forces.

They knew what was to come in our current timeline hundreds of years beforehand.

I was explained that the first freemasons thought they were guided by a divine force and were shown the secrets of this time we are living now.

After being explained how the information was obtained and they expressed that God and the angels guided them and gave them this information.

I was then approached by one of the men who was a Freemason.

He said that information had been gathered using time travel technology along with working with spirits and the aliens to find the most evolved DNA and children with the highest abilities they had even taken children from other timelines for the project to save the world.

This was done for what they believed would save the world and they said this was for greater good, they were in league with aliens and beings that tweaked these children’s DNA and even used time tech to set up specific births so essentially, they would have the ultimate psychically advanced children they could possibly get.

They put these kids through many tests on all levels, and trained them in the astral realms in psychic and spiritual warfare.

I was then asked to sit on a wooden chair in front of the gathering so I did and a man was brought and told to sit on a chair that was next to mine, I was told he was a wealthy banker with a powerful position in our current timeline.

I noticed how off he looked to me, yet he seemed charismatic and well-spoken, I sensed that he was off because I could see his energy field.

The man who had been speaking to me said go into his mind/consciousness, he said something and suddenly I lifted out of my body and went directly into the conscious/mind of this man, as I entered it was like a city/maze. I noticed it was full of archons/demons that had total control of him, I was instructed to destroy the demons within his mind and find his soul/consciousness and restore it since it wasn't in control.

I battled many entities but since they had control of him they were alerted to my presence and at times I was nearly overwhelmed but after getting through it and battling enough entities I felt the soul starting to regain control as it wasn't overwhelmed anymore, and it was being released. it started to help me and instruct me to where it was I got to a locked room the soul/man was inside he had locked himself in he was also a prisoner he allowed me into the room. I saw stacks of files/books/suitcases of money representing the money he had and files/life memories/books knowledge.

Very terrified he allowed me to arrange everything as it was as if the room was in chaos and had been a mess. Then I with the man started back into the hallways/maze where I finished destroying the rest of the invaders with his help.

Once I was done I woke back up on the chair and there were loud claps from the time traveling audience.

The man was different, he was himself again he was crying he was overjoyed he was thankful for being back in control of his body.

I was told he had gained a high position and became a paedophile. The reason being is because of the status he had got, he was needed by very negative factions as a tool in 3D.

They had literally locked his soul away and took control of his body it’s these demons that were the ones abusing kids for energy which is their food.

When a person is possessed their soul cannot do anything to get out and often needs help but is terrified and locked up in a soul prison within itself.

I was told that this was a huge part of the project to create children that could go do this sort sacred work.

These gifted children were created to be used against body snatchers aka demons.

When many religious books speak about the end times, they’re speaking about this.

A sort of soul reaping where demons would take your soul and use your body to carry out abuse murder and torment.

These gifted children are battling demons/negative ET'S, this was all done to battle these negative forces and kick them off of earth in hope of saving humanity in the end.

There are different factions working to aid against such soul invasion and those working to help it infest the world.

However, we’re more powerful than these evil forces and we are currently clearing them out of people and kicking them off of this planet.



My family bloodline goes back to before the Merovingian kings to the start of the knights Templar and Freemasons. The battle for spiritual healing and awakening is a thousands year battle. From the time of Zeus through Egypt to the current Freemasons which I am a brother. There is a energy that has been missing from society for 3500 years from the Giza pyramid complex. I must decide wether to bring it back with the current world political leaders who hid Nikola Tesla work to the next step of how the aether field was created. I building my team and need my spiritual warriors especially the royal feminine. Isis temple teaching still fresh in my reincarnation memories.

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