My Spiritual Journey

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

When I left off from my previous story The Drugging of my Youth I mentioned my resulting spiritual awakening and that's what I'd like to talk about here. Age 20

Being that my animal sanctuary was growing I took a course in the veterinary field to be better equipped to handle any health situations that might arise. I had initially thought of it as a field in which I wanted to work until I learned that not only would what's required of me not line up with my moral values but we were basically glorified receptionists and I was expected to throw my brain in the trash bin to take phone calls and fold laundry. Something I could have done without the course. In short we were deceived and whilst that was disappointing, there was no backing out so I chose to treat it as a fun learning opportunity that would ultimately benefit my animals and came out at the top of my class anyways.

I never did pay for it though and thankfully 7 years later my debt has been revoked

During the course we had a project on animal welfare and this was absolutely horrifying to those of us who knew not the extent of the abuse in the world. Many tears and having to leave the room would happen on those days. I was enraged, hurt and deeply saddened by what I learned. I would harbor resentment for my fellow humans and feel misanthropic as a result. But it would ultimately lead me down rabbit holes I never imagined.


We also had a part of the course called 'Personal Development Planning' where I learned of Carl Jung's work. The college that hosted our vet course was actually a 'Center for art & technology' whose courses mostly revolved around digital arts and such. They adopted the vet course from another college that went under because it was so popular. That being said, it may have been the reason the majority of my classmates ridiculed the 'PDP' class. I personally loved it and garnered much usefulness from the experience. It gave me a space to talk about the things I was learning outside the course at home that at times clashed with what I was learning in the vet course itself.

For example we were taught that the pineal glands only purpose is to produce melatonin. A hormone that regulates sleep patterns. Nothing of the DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine) that is produced when we are dreaming and in other states such as near death experiences. Very interesting topic to research.

I grew up in a pretty generic household, we watched lots of tv, played video games, traveled, never questioned the status quo. Something metaphysical has definitely been a driving force towards my thirst for knowledge & truth beyond what I was told.


I didn't have speakers on my computer at the time and somehow ended up reading Ben Stewart's Documentary: Kymatica. I recall this as a defining moment for me as I was deeply moved by it. Shortly after discovering this, I decided to make a facebook account with the sole purpose of connecting with people all over the world whom were also on a spiritual journey and exposing unsavory truths.

You can checkout in my notes where I shared many articles exposing corruption back in 2010 here -

It's been nothing short of incredible taking part in the comradery that overtook social media in the pursuit to share truth, make connections and change paradigms. I've encountered such wonderful and inspiring people such as @lyndsaybowes, @wwf and @keekeeofthenorth who has decided to join us here on Steemit, which I'm overjoyed about!! Voices of reason during such turbulent times are a very precious thing.


This was a very interesting time in my life. Having just been abandoned by my first relationship of 4 years I was quite hurt in the beginning. But sometimes we have to break apart so that new light can get in and like a phoenix rise again. I can learn from this even now because fast forward another 4 years and I get told I was the best thing to ever happen to him. What a mindfuck but had to be honest that his disappearance was the best thing to ever happen to me.

I hardly even slept upon my 'awakening' life was much too thrilling for sleep. "I'll sleep when I'm dead" I thought. I also didn't require much sustenance, I think I must've been feeding off the sun or air. I affectionately refer to this state as 'God mode' and connecting with source. I encompassed feelings of everything & nothing. The entire world's pain, fear, joy, love. And no I wasn't doing any psychedelics, this was just my natural state for some time. I was in a constant state of ecstasy for about a year until I apparently didn't feel challenged enough and specifically asked the universe for a challenge.

Til next time... Be careful what you wish for!


We now ask for gentle lessons! :) Bravo for having the courage to share. Beautiful post. It is amazing witnessing other peoples journeys. This is such a powerful tool and you have embraced it well. May Creator continue to bless you my friend.

I tried your link for your 2010 FB articles, but it said page not found. Bummer. I'd really like to read more!

@wwf Gentle lessons, yes! It's been a gradual awakening for my husband and myself. Baby steps, I guess, but steps in the right direction! A couple years ago, I discovered Abraham-Hicks and all of a sudden, the angst and tragedy of my teens and 20s made sense! I had filled my vortex with heartache, longing and pain all by my own doing! I was a very productive creator! I created an abundance of sadness! I was a self-fulfilling prophecy! Now I try to relinquish control by focusing on gratitude and the abundance that surrounds us all. I also try to focus on peace, since those rocky 15 years (age 13-29) I experienced a lifetime worth of 'contrast'!

I don't think I was on facebook in 2010. Send me the links and I'll see if I can find what you were looking for.

I am very happy to hear that you found a way to forgive yourself and allow all that energy to start flowing through you rather than holding onto it so tightly. Bravo for you. Well done.

@wwf, I'm sorry. I had little ones underfoot and was typing too quickly. That part of my reply should have been directed to @wisewoof. I'm still new to tagging.

Thank you for your kind words. You've been spoken of, or rather written about, very highly by several Steemians. I just read your he said/she said, and also Carey's. So much truth there. My husband and I happen to have more traditional roles now than before we woke up, but as you both mentioned, it's because of where each of our strengths lie and how we can each best contribute to the family. Great posts.

:) No worries @crowbarmama. Huge learning curve here. I forgive you. You are very welcome and I'm grateful that you are finding value in the posts that you are reading here and I want to thank you for participating, sharing and writing. That will contribute to your success here on Steemit. Peace to you.

Hmm I toggled my settings a bit, maybe it will work now? If not you can just go to my facebook and then go to 'notes'.

That name is familiar but I don't believe I've checked out much of his work, going to save it in my list of 'to look into'. Yes I realize I am the cause of much of my angst in my younger years and even now at 27. We create our reality afterall :P It's been a process though, I'm not sure I could pinpoint when or what begun that for me. I too try to focus on gratitude & abundance.


Bummer. Still says "Page not found."

Bummer. Still says Page not found.

incredible account @wisewoof..

Something metaphysical has definitely been a driving force towards my thirst for knowledge & truth beyond what I was told.

I can relate to this as I too have had it awaken within me (or really it was always there) and take me toward my path and discovering truth. if you seek you shall find indeed!

I especially loved your last paragraph talking about God-mode and the streamlined consciousness you were experiencing in connection with the universe.. a big OH HELL YEAH! :) <3

Great story, I thought you saw things with more than just the two eyes. i can't wait to hear about your challenge! whenever I have done this it has had, lets say mixed results. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

It is wonderful to connect with you in this way @wisewoof, thanks so much for sharing your story. Somehow, i knew the part about meeting @lyndsaybowes was in there somewhere!!! I too am so glad @keekeeofthenorth is joining us here. It is facsinating how kindred spirits connect 💜

It's kind of you to continue your journey not long after the other! I appreciate that.

I'm really glad that there are people who enjoy reading about it and connecting with me in this way! ^_^ Haha yeah they've been instrumental to my journey for sure. It's funny how being in a relationship was the more boring point of my life, between 16-20 I really didn't do much asides from that, working, animal care and playing video games lol! Thankyou for your uplifting comments, it means a lot <3 <3 <3

It's pretty stiff competition to go agsinst God-mode 🦋 most anything pales in comparison no matter how beautiful. Your life story is really inspiring. It's super cool to get to know you 🙏💙

So much personal experience and emotions placed in one great story. <3

A lot of people beleive the pineal gland is the seat of the third eye, but I'm assuming you are aware of that. A good read, thank you for sharing more of your story.

Descartes! Yes hehe. Apparently in the movie 'Contact' the montauk chair is a reverse engineered pineal gland. Thanks for reminding me inadvertently about that movie, been a long time since I've seen it. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, thanks for stopping by! ^_^

very nice post..

"But sometimes we have to break apart so that new light can get in and like a phoenix rise again" felt this deep

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