Is the Catholic Church Run By Satan?

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The Catholic Church is an institution based on secrecy and the controlling of information who also claims to have a leader that represents God on Earth. It's quite a thing to say you are God’s representative on in the world. Some might say it's hubris. Examining the fact that there was no Pope in the Bible the title alone is man made position that holds no real credibility in ancient text. In fact, you might say it's a false messiah position. This makes every Pope a potential candidate for the AntiChrist. What better way for the devil to take over and manipulate the world then to place a his representative on Earth at the center of the very organization of his adversary.

The Church’s Influence and the Dark Side:


This part is astounding to me. Every time a new land is discovered, they attempted to spread Christianity to the inhabitants…. Whether they wanted to hear about it or not. In American history we have the Native Americans who fell victim to this. They were placed in missions which were really just concentration camps. Those who did not die due to disease were forcibly converted to Christianity. And those who held onto their faith were publicly beaten and tortured to convince them and others to convert. Hardly the work of a loving God. Now not all these missions were catholic run, some were by other denominations but remember they were all branches that broke off from the Catholic Church. Fruit of a poisonous tree.

Their Hands are Dirty:


Looking back at the Crusades you see long bloody conflicts where multiple people died in the supposed quest to reclaim the holy land. So they raped and murdered across two continents to reach Jerusalem and then while they were “saving” the holy land they also pillaged it on several religious artifacts up to and including the supposed Ark of the Covenant. Now that part is myth but is not easily refuted. What we do know is that there are pieces in museums from that time that trace back to the sacking of the area. So it is proven that while “serving God”, they got rich in the process. In fact, certain factions such as the Knights Templar got so rich they were later hunted down and executed en mass by the French King with the backing of the Catholic Church.

Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky or dark day but why? Most people have no idea that on October the 13th, a friday in 1307 the Knights Templar were arrested, charged and burned at the stake.

The foot soldiers of God are criminals:

A priest, a rapist and pedophile walk into a bar….. And that's just the 1st guy.

Then there are the repeated sexual assault cases levied versus the church. The priests of the church are the constant butt of jokes on the subject. Most of us deflect our disgust with humor, I definitely do. And while I find this joke funny, it's horrifyingly true. Thousands of priests worldwide have been outed as sexual predators since the Boston Globe reported the story in 2002. Under the guise of the priesthood many priests abused young children, both boys and girls and were never charged for decades. They were shuffled around to different parishes to avoid detection.


Many of the victims remained silent because to make an accusation could potentially make you an outcast. Much like the victims of child abuse, many of these victims became drug addicts or committed suicide. Others were able to move on with their life but their faith had taken a serious hit. So is this man just acting out, or the work of Satan?

With these violent transgressions how can we say the offenders in this case are merely men being men? How can an organization that supposedly represents God on Earth be responsible for such violence? Unless there is something more sinister at work...

devil-5_credit-Shutterstock.jpg Might be this guy.

If you believe in God, you must believe in the Devil. At least you should, he believes in you….


Every form of centralized power is satanic by nature.

Interesting, i agree most are. It seems that the old saying that power corrupts

Centralized power denies the freedom of the individuals. It is the law of the conservation of power. Originally all the power is distributed through the individuals. But you can take away some power from them to centralize it somewhere else.

Is the Catholic Church Run By Satan?


And I would go as far as to say that all denominations and religions who worship the triune god of Catholicism is a daughter of the catholic church and bound by her mark and her sins.

Sadly, many choose to turn a blind eye to them and their mystery religion.

Yes most people have no idea what they are really worshipping or how its been twisted.

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