Card Reading: Daily Reminder -The presence of Love will always cast out fear."

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday, I had read a couple great articles written, The End of Karma, and The Limitless Dream of Oneness. I small discussion came up in the comments about the teachings of A Course In Miracles. (Very challenging to understand). I had mentioned that I’ve read TCIM and was attempting to read it again for deeper understanding.

This morning, as I logged on to steemit, with this subject still on my mind, feeling inspired to write something in regards to the teaching of TCIM. Instead, I decided to do a Card Reading: Daily Reminder as a post instead.

Here is the card I pulled. “Coincidentally” (nah), which I believe, to be the foundational message of The Course In Miracles. If I could choose as few words as possible to sum it up, this would be it!

“The presence of Love will always cast out fear.”
Card Deck: The Universe has your back -Gabrielle Bernstein

If we could just get this. To choose it. To know its always an option. To rely on it as our saviour. -Love (God, Universe, Divine Source)

It’s the choice of bringing it into our awareness in every opportunity, every situation, good or bad, to trust it, to choose to see through the lens of love. We’ll always, every time, see more positivity, peace and possibility.

I love to simplify things. Some of this stuff gets real deep and if you’re not committed to try and try again for that deeper understanding, we can loose sight, give up and continue to a slave to our ego.

I am grateful that I seen this opportunity. I was inspired to write and the Universe provided me with the most simplified prompt I could have ever imagined.

I mean, I knew this is a big part of the underlying message, but if someone asked to hear basics to what TCIM was attempting to teach, I would not have been able to explain it very well.

We need a way to cast out fear. We can’t fight it, out smart it, call it a bitch or hope it goes away. We need to rise above it. We need to not choose fear and choose Love instead.

You can’t view the world through the lens of love and fear at the same time. We may jump back and forth, but we can strengthen that ability to choose Love more often than not.

Bring love into your awareness.

“I recognize that I have chosen fear, and I choose again. I choose Love.”

@atmosblack and @alexaventuria , inspiration was born from reading your posts. I appreciate the in-depth perspectives you both bring to light. Thanks!

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Thank you, my dear!
I was just thinking about you, when watching this free intro video from the Love & Forgiveness course by Michael Mirdad. I read one of his book (The Heart of ACIM) and really liked it, but never watched a video by him before.
I'm glad I did! This was really rocking my world - so I just wanted to share with you:
Much Love! ❤️

Wow, I'm so thankful you shared this video. What an amazing teacher. I really enjoyed it and plan to watch it again. Some people can really explain things in easy to understand terms and this guys is good!

Thanks for thinking of me ;)

Wohooo! I'm glad you liked it and you are very welcome! ❤️

I love this. It’s amazing to think of how the cards work. It’s almost unbelievable, and yet they are always accurate & making us believe :)

Yes, there are many days I know these cards show me what I need to hear in that moment. Thanks for reading :)

good post thanks for@tressareid

Thank you for reading :)

Thank you a very nice post. There are so many sub divisions of Fear that we can face in our daily lives. Those niggling thoughts that creep in of self doubt or anger at the poor parking in the lot. We can never remind ourselves too much that Love conquers all and paves our way to happiness.

So true, fear is broad. And I agree, its a never ending reminder to choose Love. Thanks for reading :)

True love can conquer fear and every other negative emotion we experience
Once we dive into true love everything seems to get into its course. Thank you for sharing.

Btw those are beautiful cards

The cards are really beautiful and I love using them as daily reminders and sharing them on here.
Thanks for stopping by :)

Yes, love is a choice, but is that statement really comprehensible ? Yes you can't fight it, you can't out smart it, you can't out run it.

I do not believe that fear can be cast out or even risen above it for that is a stance of resistance or rejection of what is actually occurring.

I believe that the choice of love is made through a process of recognition. By pausing judgement on the fear and looking at the fear for what it is. Stepping back and seeing it's true nature and origin. Fear can only exist within separation consciousness. Fear is felt when you do not feel you are supported, when you doubt that you are protected and when you believe in the story being told. The subconscious patterns must come to the surface and be seen for what they are.

See the inner child who feels that they are not supported, who doubts, who believes in the lie that they are unworthy or undeserving, that they are not divine, or that they are sinners that deserve suffering. See the reactions of the inner child, and see and recognise their divine justification for fear. Then once the source of the fear is seen you can then embrace it, and have compassion and love for the child. Fear is born of isolated children who have forgotten that they are loved and protected. You can provide this love for yourself and be the source of love. Then fear simply fades away and love arises.

That is the choice, the choice to see things for what they are and have compassion for fear is the fear of the innocent, your inner innocence. As far as I'm concerned fear must be embraced and loved and recognised, not cast out, not rejected, not pushed to the side. Oh the poor child, share in their suffering by embracing it in compassion and love. Love arises and fear is appeased and is thus transmuted into the light of your heart. That is how love casts out fear.

I see what you are saying, I think. I agree we need to see fear for what it is, and embrace it at times, often it can point us in a better direction and can explain a lot of pain we endure throughout our lives. It can help us identify pain points and help us heal.

But I believe the compassion needs to be emphasized on the person for simply choosing ego over love, not knowing any better. Not compassion for the actual fear.

The fear are scenarios that the ego made up that aren't real to begin with.

The way in which I explain it in this post is more about the choice of the perception you choose. Kind of like, negative vs positive. If we are out seeking problems, we will find probelms, if we are seeking peace, we will find peace.

So giving into the fear VS perceiving life with the lens of Love, the obvious choice should be Love. Which in turn, rises above anything else. It may not mean the fear dies, or it never comes back, but its casts it out of your view/focus/attention.

I believe that the choice of love is made through a process of recognition. By pausing judgement on the fear and looking at the fear for what it is. Stepping back and seeing it's true nature and origin. Fear can only exist within separation consciousness.

The above statement I believe is a process of choosing love. When you can step back and see it from another perspective(that perspective being Love) When you can witness it, it no longer is the lens in which you're seeing it from.

I appreciate you bringing this up, I love diving deeper into things and hearing others perspectives... I tried my best to explain what I meant by it in this post. I think we are on the same page though ;)

Yes, you're right, I think we are on the same page. Sometimes it's hard to put into words something we feel or sense intuitively. It can be tricky or subtle and not obvious to catch what is really going on, the mind often just takes over with generalities.

For me it can be so difficult to understand or see clearly sometimes, that I just shift into the perspective of feeling without over thinking. I focus on the feeling of fear and try and sense backwards from there to it's source or original story. Often the source of the fear is just not see-able, it's just a general sense of unease, and so I just try and let go of trying to resist it and just let it be and try to have compassion all around for what is occurring. That helps at least with the resistance which kinda produces a secondary or compounding suffering.

I agree, it is hard to put feeling in to words sometimes, for sure. These are some deep topics discussed and I think we all have a subtly different way of how we perceive things or how we imagine it. Which would explain a lot of why so many teaching over the history of time are never fully understood or leaving too much up for debate.

But I agree with following the feeling. Our own intuition and what feels right for us is what is important in the end.

I enjoyed having this discussion with you :)

This post is resteemed and upvoted by @bestboom

You are so right. Love is the choice. One might say the only choice. Fear is to lack choice. All life is love, and to fear is to choose to not have life. It is not the suicide of an active deliberate suicide, but the suicide of not participating, of choosing to hide and dodge choices, of diminishing one's light. To live Love, is to participate, to serve, to give and give some more without thought of reward. Your gift given freely without a measured expectation, the Universe returns without measure. But the exchange that is measured is diminished for fear, and is not a gift nor giving of love.
Keep on keeping on. 😇

Beautifully put!
Thank you for contributing and resteeming :)

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