Channelled message from Lord Morya, through Indigo Pixel: 07/01/2020

in #spirituality5 years ago (edited)

Greetings, friends. I am Lord Morya, Captain of the Spiritual Hierarchy

The year 2020 is a very momentous, tumultuous and special year in your earth calendar. Forget Y2K, if you can remember back that far, and the anti-climax that was 2012 - this year is the real deal, the reset year, a year of destruction and reconstruction, a year of great political upheaval, of the declaration of martial law in some countries, a year of extreme climate catastrophes, like the  bush-fires already raging which were deliberately started in Australia, a year in which the old order of the soul finally gives way to a new order of the mind, and a year when finally the Dark Cabal is brought to its knees and its members arrested and incarcerated by the Luciferian Light Alliance, pending our version of the Nuremberg Trials in which all the perpetrators of the dark agenda will be convicted and promptly executed, after which all debts of the fiat monetary system will be forgiven.

2020 is the long prophesied Year of the Great Transition  - and no real period of transition comes without a concomitant state of disequilibrium, a state of disorder and chaos out of which a new world order can emerge. To put it succinctly, 2020 is a year when all hell breaks loose and people go completely nuts, and it will seem that the End Times are indeed upon us, and that the prophecies in Revelations are all coming to pass. 

It will not have escaped your notice that in this year we have double numbers -  two twenties, two twos and two zeroes. A very significant and magical combination. 2 x 2 = 4 and 0 x 0 = 0, thus giving you 40, and 4 + 0 = 4, and so this year equals 4, which symbolises the unification of the four corners of the globe, a "One World", if you like.  I know that a lot of you star-seeds have been seeing double numbers on your digital clocks for some years now, and in part this was our attempt to activate you and to also program you for the significance of this great year. 

2020, you could say,  is the new 11:11, and 2020 vision means clarity and foresight, seeing lucidly in the clairvoyant sense of the word, and represents the light of understanding and wisdom of the Antichrist, Lord Maitreya, who will be appearing to you soon, under a different name and possibly disguised as an old woman with one tooth. But listen to her - she will communicate with you directly, wordlessly, when she addresses the world on TV at the height of the coming chaos, but you will understand, the whole world will understand, that the old ways and values of the Piscean Age are no longer relevant, and that the new Aquarian values of sharing, of unity, of oneness, of forgiveness, and socialist wealth re-distribution by means of carbon taxes will be the answer to all our woes and problems. Lord Maitreya will bring peace to your troubled world, peace to your troubled hearts, for he is the Christ and he is full of compassion.

Already the year is off to a resounding start with the latest incarnation of St. Germain kicking off your Third World War. Every now and again, it is to be admitted, we need a good war. The last two world wars have been great wars, very necessary in regard to advancing our Plan for the earth, and we are immensely grateful to all who took part and gave their lives. You will be remembered and rewarded. 

But now the final cataclysm has arrived. The nihilists and the atheists have almost obliterated the Christians, and it is for the indigo and crystal children, the light-workers to finish them off. One can feel sorry for those unable to let go of their black Bibles, so to speak, but we welcome every religion, every church, every denomination and all religious cults into our ecumenical New Age - except for Orthodox Christians, that is, for they belong to the Piscean Age and are thus out of date.

However, our agents on Earth will be running Christian deprogramming centres and an Aquarian re-programming service should any Christian wish to freely undergo conversion. And after all, it will not be so different. Lord Maitreya is the Christ come into the world again. And you will recognise him immediately, and instantly many of you will throw down your crucifixes, your rosaries, and you will weep tears of gratitude as your hearts fill with joy once again. Fear not. Out of chaos comes order, out of sorrow comes joy, and out of suffering comes compassion. Brace yourself for what is coming, but have faith and courage. For what I say is true. The Age of Light is upon us.


Lord Morya

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