in #spirituality8 years ago (edited)

You have asked great questions following my introduceyourself. I'll answer more questions with each blog post, so please keep asking Questions! Thank you all for your warm welcome. Steemit is a wonderous platform for truth and open-minded conversation.

"Has sungazing opened your third eye? What have you personally experienced from it?"

Questions, are encouraged.


Here's @Sungazing intro, if you missed it...

Has sungazing opened your third eye?

Im not certain how I'd know...?! Is there a 3rd-eye-checklist anywhere?! Yep, I googled it for you already. Here are signs your third eye is opening:

Pressure between the eyebrows.

A pulse in the middle of the head. The pressure can be very intense and powerful as if something is literally pushing in that area. This is very common and normal when your third eye is opening/expanding.

Change in diets.

You are more conscious of what you eat. You informed yourself, you want to decalcify that gland and take a walk in weird-land. Not only that, your sensitivity to toxicity increases and now you know that food is energy so you want only what truly nourishes you, making you strong, not what puts you down. Eventually you can feel the vibration of what you are eating; your body will force you, past a certain point, to eliminate some substances from your diet. This is fundamental, alimentation and food are everything for your spiritual journey and for, both, healthy physical and energy bodies.

Perception beyond duality.

That is exactly what this chakra does, it gives you the ability to, literally, see the oneness of all things. It grants access to higher states of consciousness and, therefore, other dimensions; there is no more separation between you and the others, between the observer and the observed, the individual and the collective, the creator and creation. This happens in stages and it's related even to the expansion and opening of the Crown chakra; when you are identified with your body, you experience yourself, inevitably, as separate from all other bodies. When you are identified with something more subtle, consciousness, which is life itself, manifesting in all the different forms, you experience yourself as everyone/everything. You see, feel and most of all know, which is different from just believing, that you and others are one.

Change in thought patterns.

You are awake and you see that how you used to think before doesn't work anymore. You begin to think differently. The old ways of thinking are gone and they don't and can't reflect the reality you are living after your awakening. You begin to reprogram and clean your mind, so that it can reflect a more life-sustaining way of living. In the first stages, this is related to questioning society and mainstream media more and more. Then we begin to question life and to search our own answers without accepting blindly what we have been taught. An inner process of mental transformation and reorganization begins; we delete old teachings, substituting with our newly found truths.

Clarity & heightened concentration and focus.

A gradual disidentification from your own thoughts, which are no more your identity, but just tools used to create. You can understand easily very complicated concepts, specially when you are guided by spirit and taught the higher truths. Communication happens faster and in a way never experienced before. The famous astral projector Robert Monroe, described this as "a ball of thought exploding in my consciousness" meaning that communication was happening not with words but in energy packets sent to his mind. But the energetic information, received and contained in a fraction of second, when written in words, could contain several sentences.

Psychic powers begin to function.

Telepathy is very common and normal, not something you see on sci-fiction only. Clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairsentience, remote feeling, Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP), just to name a few. Intuition is no more "just a feeling", but a tool that begins to work with higher and higher levels of precision. Synchronicities begin to happen more frequently and you recognize that they are a way for the universe to communicate with us.

You can see through.

You can see beyond things and labels, you can easily detect all the ways society uses to program us. "For sale" well yes, that's great but it means also "consume." "Voting is your right" equals "Obey and conform to the system." The rare times you are watching the news, you can see what they are not telling you, by watching what they are transmitting. You can see that everything has an hidden teaching, birds are there to tell you that you can fly and be free, stars remind you of your greatness, the Sun tells you that without light you are nothing, a tree tells you that it couldn't be there without water, soil and light. It teaches you, that everything is interdependent and interconnected in existence. You begin to learn an hidden language spoken by nature, by life. Everything is more alive, conscious, everything speaks and communicates with you, especially with frequencies and energy.

Now we can see!

I often say I can "see what's coming", flash-forward glimpses of the future. This has been easy to see while Sungazing. Ask me any question you like, while Im looking at the Sun, and the answer will be suberb. I have been doing the work to detox the pineal gland with distilled waters and raw fruitarian dietary intake for many years. My sense of personal presence is much greater, and many of the fears I once had installed, are deleted and long forgotten. I dont think "what are they thinking of me" as this is a waste of thought. We'll never know. I avoid contact with poisonous fluorides and chlorine, in all it's crazy disguises.

What have you personally experienced from it?

BEFORE Sungazing:

Wake up at midday, lazy in my ways, and unmotivated, with low energy levels do get out there and do much. Therefore, the cycle continued; unmotivated, and purpose-less, breeds more of the same self perpeptuating "Survival Mode", as I call it. You're alive, you're ok, ...but is this it? I thought I knew stuff. I thought I understood "the planet" and the sun and moon and all that galaxay starwars talk. We got all that from movies and television documentaries, our actual experience is very very different. I've never been to space. I look at the moon often, and the stars as we all do -- but whatever you do, never ever look towards the sun! I was like a caged bird, who knew not that cages exist.


AFTER Sungazing:

Getting into bed when it gets dark, after sunset light fading, without using any fake-electical-lighting to stay up all night for unnecessary web surfing, gaming or tv/films that are no benefit to my tomorrow. Nowadays, while pitch black, I am sound asleep, and I awake with the sunrise on a daily circadian rhythm, which feels great. I gain morning adventures in the mist and dew, before the world is awake. Beats computer games in the dark. I am amongst vibrant Nature. I get the whole place to myself. I look forward to the next sunrise, the next sunset... eager for more.

It's not as if I have become a passive "woo woo spiritual" talking about rainbow-sunlight unicorns from galaxies far far away. It's quite the opposite. I have become fully authentic and ultra real, jolting zombies awake with my reality checks. With six times the energy, I have taken a bigger leap into my LIFE. Always active, never bored, procrastination eradicated by purposefulness and action has become the fun part. Taking action. Creating, striving, and thriving on levels equivalent to athlete warriors. Sungazing will take you from a worrier to a warrior, in under one year.


"Keep facing the Sun, and the shadows will fall far behind."


Very interesting article! Thank you for saharing with us!

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