Depression is a CHOICE
More people are diagnosed with depression today than any other time in history. There are countless drugs being sold to people claiming that they can "fix" the chemical imbalance in their head. Many of these drugs contain side effects such as
increased appetite and weight gain
loss of sexual desire and other sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction and decreased orgasm
fatigue and drowsiness
dry mouth
blurred vision
As you can see these side effects seem rather extreme, All of these side effects will only make you more depressed. Gaining weight, insomnia and anxiety are only going to contribute to your depression. The claim that depression is a chemical imbalance is utterly hilarious. Your brain is full of chemicals , some of which fire more frequently than others depending on whether your eating something delicious or you have burned your hand on a stove. So when medication "balances" these chemicals it makes your positive chemicals such as dopamine fire less often along with your negative chemicals. So essentially you become a walking unfeeling zombie. So clearly medication isn't the best answer.