Twin Flames, Catalysts, and Soul Mates - Mastering Spiritual Growth

in #spirituality6 years ago

Everyone comes into your life to teach you a lesson, but some lessons are more profound than others.

I feel it’s always important to ask, “what can I learn from this?” That helps you in so many ways because there are times when someone comes to teach you a lesson that you may be reluctant to accept.

Maybe you need to learn how to stand on your own feet, or to not seek outside validation, or to go within and heal the inner childhood wounds that trigger you.

That’s not something that is going to come easily, nobody is going to give you a cute little healing basket. That would be nice but that’s just not what is happening in this point in time.

Lessons like that often come through pain. They could just as easily come through pleasure but that’s just not how it’s working for the majority of beings here.

So as an empath- here is the pain I’m feeling on behalf of the collective. The pain of having someone come into your life, make you feel on top of the world, and then disappear. It’s triggering.

So it is at that point in time where you can either fall apart, or you can stop and ask, “what is at the core of this wound that has me so triggered? Why am I reacting this way?”


It’s time to remove all illusions and false beliefs. Illusions about yourself, illusions about the world you inhabit, and illusions about what you are here to do. There are some people who come into your life that you are supposed to grow with, and those who come into your life so that you can grow apart from them. Learn to discern the difference.

Growth isn’t always easy, but you just have to go with the flow. Don’t fight against it and create more resistance, just position yourself in a place of Divine neutrality.

If your relationships are falling apart it is because they are supposed to be. When your vibration no longer aligns with someone else – make room for something new.

You might have a lot of energy in you that’s saying “no, no, no push on, make this friendship or relationship work, make it work” but remember always stop to ask, “What has me so triggered? Why am I reacting this way? What can I learn from this?”

A lot of people are on Earth at this time to heal their wounds and the wounds of generations before them. Ask yourself if you are one of them by using discernment. And if you are, it’s time to heal.

We’ve already done the battle war thing okay. Us vs. them, this vs. this, that vs. that – okay we’ve done it. Now it’s time to pick up the pieces and heal.

Don’t get triggered into repeating what’s already been done. This is not new, this is not the most advanced time that humanity has ever seen.

Consider that maybe you aren’t here to do battle in the same way that it has been done but instead you are here to pick up the pieces and heal the battle wounds.

But then again, everyone has their own purpose. Everyone has different parts of the story, find yours.


Let’s get back to these wounds – how do you heal them?

It’s a process and it’s going to look different for everyone. But first you have to find out what exactly are you healing from? What is the wound that your soul is crying out to heal? What triggers you the most? Why?

Journal it out. If you are not a journaler then do some hypnosis. There are plenty of free self-hypnosis audios you can listen to. If you want to step it up, go see a professional look up Beyond Quantum Healing. That seems to be helping a lot of people bridge the past to the present.

There are also books on healing your core wound and inner child – read them. Homecoming by John Bradshaw is one that might be helpful.

Fill your home and space with sacred music. Listen to solfeggio frequencies. Surround yourself with healing crystals. And take time to actually process what you are doing.

This isn’t about taking selfies for the internet because your crystals are cute. It’s about using the energy for your highest good. Buy the crystals and things, but actually use them.

And remember – discern what is actually going on - not just around you, but inside of you. It’s all within.

Queen Tourmaline is an intuitive counselor, energy reader, and writer. Sign up for her Insider’s List to get a weekly message with the good vibes and practical strategies to help you align your energy to get the best outcomes in life.

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