Loneliness; How I Dealt With it Through IntrospectionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality6 years ago

That Void

I have every reason in the world not to feel lonely. I have a loving family, friends, high-self esteem, plenty of female attention, yet at the end of the day, I have this void. This void that sucks away my happiness and makes me feel as though I'm floating through space with no control over where I am going. I dealt with it for a long time with things that only masked the symptoms, but these were only temporary patches on a growing crack. The day things got better was the day I began looking within.

Filling the Void

Nature has provided us with all of the tools we need to cure many ailments that plague humanity. The state of the mind has just as much, if not more, to do with preventing & curing both physical & mental disorders as the physical state of the body does. A balance is required, however, if the mind is not right, the body will never be. Unfortunately, western medicine focuses solely on curative medicine rather than preventative medicine and targets the physical to a much greater degree than the mental. I'm sure big pharma has much to do with this. Anyways, on to filling that lonely void that I encounter daily.

Questioning why and getting to the source of an issue is the only way of curing it. Masking or ignoring it will never work. Stepping back and objectively observing ones experience will give one a better understanding as to why the issue in question is occurring. This is termed introspection and has been used in psychology as a means of getting to the root of an issue for hundreds of years. This practice used in tandem with meditation has significantly helped me overcome my perpetual feelings of loneliness.  

Medicative Meditation 

Meditation is my medication. Whenever feelings of loneliness arise I simply look within and ask myself why I am feeling this way. Sometimes I have an answer and sometimes I do not. Regardless, I begin focusing on my breathing. This clears my mind and lo and behold the feelings of loneliness vanish. Even if for moments at a time, they vanish. Over time, those moments began to get longer and longer until I could sit for 10, 20 minutes at a time simply focusing on my breathing and allowing those unwanted feelings of loneliness float on by like a cloud in the sky. 

The brain is a spontaneous electrical storm of thoughts, emotions, sensations etc. and teaching it how to take control of these processes is the key to taking control of how you think & feel, thus changing your experience of reality. Allowing these processes to happen, not getting frustrated as to why they are happening, letting them float on by and going back to focusing on the breath, will allow you to gain control of your mind instead of it controlling you. Afterwards, the void feels as though it has been filled and I have a sense of well-being, knowing that I am there for myself and that I am never alone. I practice everyday, even if for only 10-20 minutes a day and it makes all the difference in the world! 

I hope this has helped direct those who may be having similar experiences. You are the universe, the universe is you. You aren't alone!  

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