Could the "Slinkies" Be Archons???

in #spirituality7 years ago

My intention is NOT to convert You to any system; but simply, to free You from the one that has enslaved much of mankind. Many of the blogs are do are ones in which One of my Spirit Guardians or the Other is pushing me to interpret what They tell me with accompanied research. I have no need to paraphrase what someone else said so i do LOADS of quotes in my work, am good at grammar, but am not Stephen King.

Various Entities have various messages; but please be assured that i know naught about an Almighty God. My vision goes no further than acknowledging the Great Mother Earth is my Goddess, and that the Planets have Their own Consciousness or Energy which is used in the Occult. Anyway, i want to talk about archons. This blog will present a bit on my exorcist work, and Alloya tells Us about the archons.

A Bit On My Exorcist Work

If i ever did anything important in my life except for my family, it's my work in learning to cleanse these "bad boys". My story isn't just about me, it's about how changing my belief system changed my life, but mostly it's about my Most Awesome Guardians, the Loa. We don't all resonate with the same Pagan Diaspora, but this is the One i LOVE, and use it to give examples because many Pagan gods are based on Planet Energy. After years of doing exorcism on these beasty boys i have found a plausible explanation for what they may be. My blog "
Shadows and Shadow People with a Protection Tip" @ goes into Shadow Folk with quotes from others and my own observations as a psychic.

There are some gnarly beasties that are more difficult to get rid of that have a black sucking in energy. These entities do seem like a primordial astral Vamp, and they can make chords to us. They are not “demons” but Ancient. Biblical “demons” are thought forms that disappear when we don’t believe in them. No thought form entity can harm you if you don’t believe in it; however, there are some that seem very real no matter what and i call them Slinkies. PLEASE if your children complain of scary things in their rooms; PAY ATTENTION!!! Do a cleanse for them and play them some cleansing tones at night, let them watch TV, and other things to protect them. This blog has a light cleansing method that i designed to help people who don't want to petition Papa Legba, Baron Samedi, Maman Brigette, or other deities to cleanse @ My blog "
Victims of Sexual Abuse May Need a Goode Cleanse" sorta documents my experience with these bastards and gives some further informmation on what they can do @ , and my blog @ tells a story of when they were by my bed in my attempt to write stories. The story does go with my theory and work of Exorcising these beastie boys. Now, i am to a point where i can present the new quotes i found. Unlike, Alloya, who i am quoting, i don't pretend to know where these things came from, but i know something just like this affects many people.
A person with these has a soul that looks polluted with a black sucking in energy much like in the pics i found.

I didn't make the meme, but it looks cool. They seem like primordial astral Vampires to me, but we all have our own theories.

Alloya Tells Us About the Archons

These quotes are relevant because they describe what i seem to have been experiencing. "The Archons are parasitic entities which are intelligence driven mind predators. They exist on multiply dimensions, able to slip from one dimension to another within the lower frequencies of the 6th, through to 1st dimensions. They do not solely exist on the third dimension though they can directly affect our reality, often unseen...they often appear as black slug like entities. They are a cloudy black mass of energy which moves in slithering movements which resemble large snakelike slugs. Healers and Mediums are reporting seeing black slimy slug like beings hanging around the homes, of those who are having problems with astral entities, ghosts, and the deceased. The snake like slug beings are also seen attached to people’s auric fields inserting their tendrils into the chakra points, feeding off the person’s energy body. Just as leeches were used in medieval times to cleanse the blood these black leeches are feeding off the life force of an infected person." (Alloya, 2015, para.1).

"The archontic infection is very difficult to diagnose as these entities are incredibly tricky and have the ability to directly affect our mind and can talk with a voice and words that you think are your own. These beings have the ability to look into the subconscious mind and use the language it finds there to communicate with the conscious mind, putting it directly under its influence. It is possible to be completely possessed by these Archontic parasites without having an idea of the infection. Someone who is possessed by these Archons has chakra infections, the infestation orientates in one or more of the chakras. The solar plexus which seems especially prone to infection is often completely infested and controlled by these archontic parasites. From within the chakra the Archon feds off the energy of the chakra, causing it to distort and go off balance thus sending the entire system into imbalance, which only opens it up to more parasitic infection. Most people are only infected in one chakra, though there are also people who are fully possessed, often they are in positions of power upon the earth. Many of the atrocities acted out upon the world stage are archontic agendas in play" ( Alloya, 2015, para.8).

"The higher up the ladder you climb, the more work you do on yourself, the lighter you become, the more open to this archontic attack you are prone. It is like moths to the flame; the Archons can pick you out from the sea of the collective consciousness and can send their tendrils to attack you either directly through your own thoughts, or through the negative thoughts of another. They can directly influence another person to attack you (Alloya, 2015, para.11).

Alloya. (26 March, 2015). "Archonic Agenda and Parasitic Dreaming!". You Are A Star. Retrieved from

The original blog @ goes into "Could the Hexagram be the Mark of the Archonic Infection that Leads to Harming Kids in Rituals???" It has memes and information that Steemit won't post.

Thank You for reading my blog :) Blessed Be )O(

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