What the heck is Reiki, and other questions about what I do


What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese alternative healing technique created in 1922 by Buddhist Mikao Usiu, that uses the life force of the universe, focused through the laying of hands by an attuned practitioner, to help cleanse, and stimulate the body’s natural energy points, or chakras, realign or stimulate that energy, help the body funnel it’s own life force energy into manifesting health and wellness, help facilitate a reduction of stress or to help identify areas of tension or difficulty. Some individuals find that Reiki can be highly beneficial in combination with traditional medicine for their health issues. Reiki does not replace traditional medicine or professional medical advice, however, Reiki helps the individual focus their mind and their own natural healing forces toward their own wellness.

How can Reiki help me?
Reiki sessions can be used to help you identify problem areas that can manifest into physical health symptoms with no other explanation. Sometimes stress and tension in various areas of our lives manifest in specific areas of the body, near these energy points, and complicate things that may already be going on physically as well. These things may need the help of a medical doctor, but your own life force energy can be used to benefit and help heal you, or it can work against you. Individuals receiving medical treatment for health concerns may find themselves focused on these health issues, as opposed to the life of wellness that they truly want and deserve. Everything in the universe that exists is made entirely of energy, including our thoughts, down to each atom of our bodies. Every organ resonates with an energy of it’s own. Each major system corresponds to a chakra/energy point, and Reiki can help find issues with these energy points, cleanse them, replenish them, stimulate them, and provide the individual with a renewed sense of wellness funneling in and through you.


Can anyone do Reiki?
No. A Reiki practitioner, master, or master/teacher, as you may see it written, has been provided detailed training and practice in understanding the funneling of energy and the points of the body to provide this energy, the way in which to deliver it, and when to apply it. The Reiki Master was provided multiple attunements over their training which utilized Reiki in their own bodies and minds to connect them directly to the universal life force energy and provide guidance and additional knowledge to applying it to those in need.
Anyone CAN be attuned to DO Reiki, after a process of education and training and the actual attunements to prepare and hone the abilities, anyone can learn to be a Reiki Practitioner.

Can you do Reiki without touching me?
Yes. A Reiki Master/practitioner will always ask you if you would be comfortable being touched in some of the chakra points. No uncomfortable areas are necessary, and a Reiki Master can focus their energy through your body without actually touching you. Additionally, Reiki can be offered via long distance. With the right information, a Reiki Master can send healing life force energy, offer tune-ups, and guidance toward wellness to anyone, anywhere. It can be done over the phone, video cam, or instant messenger. You can send me an email and schedule a time and we don’t need to talk beyond that. You will know that I have been there to do the work. You give me permission, you ask me when you provide this healing, and I can reach and provide this healing through the same means with which I was given the energy to heal in the first place. All healing takes place in the higher realm of consciousness, and I can reach your Higher Self with my own Higher Self. Reiki long distance healing can also be done over longer periods of time if needed, that do not require the practitioner to focus on it, once that time has been set. The time and intent of the healing energy being put into existence occurs, even while life goes on.

How much does a Reiki session cost?
Typically speaking, Reiki can vary depending on the practitioner and the area where the practitioner lives. All Reiki Masters adhere to a belief that Reiki is a healing technique that should be offered to anyone who needs it. If you are in need of Reiki healing energy, please ask. I will offer my help to you in any way that I can. There are however, expenses to maintaining a space to offer these services, and living expenses, of course. Because I am opening this new space and just beginning to offer these services, I have some introductory prices to offer. For an hour of long distance Reiki, including a detailed report of my findings,it will be $20 as an introductory price, but if you are in need, please message me and you can pay on a donation basis or you can provide me some feedback in exchange. All day Distance Reiki $30. One hour session in person at my studio will start at $30 for this introductory price.

What are you doing?
What I do is essentially I connect with your higher consciousness and examine the major energy systems that run through you and connect you to the rest of the universe. There's really no easy way to get into detail, but if you are familiar with the chakras, that's a good system of how I run through and look at the various parts of the mind body and spirit. I don't guarantee any physical results obviously and I do not take the place of any medical advice, but I have been able to identify some areas of physical health concerns and if I think it should be checked out, that's what I say. Typically speaking a lot of the minor ailments we deal with as we go about our lives is the aches, pains, stiffness, tension, headaches, fatigue type of issues, and many times those can be directly related to psychological or emotional hangups we have in our current or past. I have been able to identify a lot of these situations for people and provided some guidance on how they might address them. I also cleanse and energize the points so that the person's wellness is restored to the highest degree I can manage and help them stay connected and aligned. It's not for everyone, it does require at least a bit of faith, even if you are interested but skeptical, and the idea that the universe runs on this constantly flowing energy and that exists within us as well is not completely terrifying to you, then it's worth a shot. Generally speaking, I can alleviate confusion, insecurity, tension, stress, fatigue and energy and mood issues quite well. If you're just feeling eh, and out of sorts, I might be able to improve that a lot. It's just about being open to the possibility. You are welcome to take a look at my reviews so far on the page also.

How does it work?
For Distance Reiki, depending on your preference, we can either schedule a time where we "meet" on messenger, some prefer to lay down and relax while I do this, but you can just as easily go about your day. Some are comfortable knowing that I will let them know when I begin and end but go about their day. You can choose to have me address a specific issue or allow me to look for them. I typically recommend a general alignment for the initial Reiki and you can see how you feel afterwards. It lasts an hour or longer if I feel like setting it for longer or feel like you need it but when I'm done I'll provide a detailed evaluation of what I felt and what I feel might help you. I focus on an image of you during the hour, though after I have the connection I will often close my eyes and allow myself to be more present in the session as I will no longer need the photo. My technique also involves contacting your higher self and asking if there is any important messages so if I feel anything there I will report that as well.
For in person session, here's a little bit of a process to allow you to be comfortable and decide how you want to receive the session, but you can lie or sit, you can allow me to touch some of the energy points lightly or you can prefer I just hover my hands. I also have a blanket if you prefer to have that between my hands. It doesn't matter to me. The session lasts about an hour, with me spending time at each point and if you are able and wanting to, I continue along after you flip onto your stomach. I don't have to do this either, but some prefer to. I don't talk during the session though at the end I will communicate to you in the same way and I would online with a detailed report. Hopefully that helps with your questions, if there's anything I missed, I'm happy to address it.
Is there something I missed? Please feel free to comment or send a message. I am happy to help you.
I have a fb business page facebook.com/astralhealingandmanifestation and an IG and Twitter @nikianarchy333 for both

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