Had some strange experiences this week.......22/11 energy possibly.......

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

I’ve been at my new job for two months. It takes about 25 minutes to drive to work, I drive under a walk over bridge on the way, I think it’s called that. A pedestrian bridge above the traffic. I work 3 days a week there. One morning on the drive to work I happened to look up at the bridge as I was approaching it and noticed a dog running across it. It was on its own, it ran about half way across then turned around and ran back the other direction and off the bridge, back to its owner I figured.

Not the next day, but the following week, I happened to notice it again, but I was further away from the bridge this time so had longer to look at it, and I thought wait………..that looks and awful lot like a fox, even though I had longer to look at it we’re still only talking a mere few seconds. Didn’t think anything of it other than probably the owner takes the dog for a walk around that time every morning and I happen to pass the bridge at roughly the same time. Since then I automatically just look up now as I drive under, it’s too dark to see by the time I drive home.

The next time I noticed it, it dawned on me that it’s actually a bit weird, I only ever see the dog, no people, and the dog always does the same thing, runs half way across, turns back around away from me so I do not see its face properly, then runs back the other direction off the bridge. It was at this point I just noticed it’s a bit weird that’s all. This has been happening about once a week.

On the weekend I was asked to work on Sunday for a couple of hours which I agreed. I drove into work much later than I usually would and on a day I would not typically work. As soon as I turn the corner I’m looking at the bridge now, and I spot this dog again, it get’s half way across and as predicted spins around, but briefly time seemed to slow down, it seemed like I had longer to look at it this time and I can only giggle when picturing the confused expression across my face because this dog now suddenly appeared to look an awful lot like a wolf (we do not have any in the UK), and the actions are so predictable it seems like some sort of loop. I realised both things simultaneously.

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At this point I started to question if this was a real physical dog, possibly a husky as they are wolf like, or, if I was seeing something else?…..something supernatural? It’s the precise repetition, very strange appearance, and seemingly weird timings that make me question it. I have not seen it again since Sunday. I try to look for the most logical explanations first, but they aren’t cutting it here.

After a late night last night putting my Good News blog together, retreating to bed at 1.30am, I thought- man tomorrow is going to be tough getting up and working all day. Sigh.I was rudely awoken at 5.30am thanks to period pains, oh the joys, took some pain killers and decided there was no point disturbing my boyfriend with all my tossing and turning feeling sorry for myself, so I curled up on the sofa.

I was half dozing, not asleep. I became aware of a weird sensation around the left side of my head and ear, the right side of my face and head was resting on the arm of the sofa. It was like a strange pressure but didn’t feel like pressure. I’ve been thinking about it since and I think the best way I can describe it is like when you repel two magnets off each other, that pushing away/repelling force you can feel, it was like that more intensified.

My heart started to race a bit I guessed something weird was about to happen. This feeling grew stronger and I felt as though my body was moving from side to side, I could then feel motion in the energy, something was swooping down towards my face, when it got close to my face a man’s voice said “Are you coming?”. I try my best to stay clam in these situations but truth is even with the strange experiences I’ve had I am still a big wuss and I am prone to freaking out, its highly annoying, I need to figure that shit out, because often I just cut connections before I’ve fully registered it’s even happening.

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My mind was working a million miles per second and in the moment after I heard it, I processed it, knew I would freak out as a reflex action, felt excited at the same time, and decided to try and stop the freak out. Right away I could feel my self tense up, my heart rate went a bit higher again, I moved my fingers and prodded the sofa, told my self “see you’re still here, on the couch, the cat is with you too, everything is fine, chillax!”.

It off set it, which is progress, but I was aware of the adrenaline pulsing through my body, bringing my mind rapidly out of theta. I felt a second wave coming towards my face and could hear the voice again, but the words were muffled, I could not make them out, then bosh, all gone.

Normally I get angry with myself and tell myself off, but I cut that thought trail and instead said thank you for that experience, I’m working on it, and felt genuinely chuffed that I at least managed to get some thoughts in before freaking out, and I had not experienced any clairaudience for quite a long time. Regular meditation and mindfulness, along with seeking positive influences are clearly starting to pay off. It’s taken a few weeks but being as consistent as possible and not beating myself up when I don’t manage to fit it in, is working.

With that adrenaline surge I was wide awake and thinking there is no way in hell I am rolling into work on 4 hours sleep on a period, god help anyone who treads on my now hyper hyper sensitive feelings. Settled, I was not going into work.

I spent some time reading and called in sick. At about 2pm I crashed, I needed to go to sleep, and was super glad I was not in work today. I set my alarm for 5pm, I knew I needed a good few hours but didn’t want to sleep more than that. I unlocked my phone and noticed todays date- 22/11, and thought oh, I wonder what energies are streaming in today, probably a powerful day and a good day for manifesting intentions. I decided I would meditate when I woke up, set some intentions, and try and absorb some of the days good vibes, if there are any said the monkey brain, bog off will you and let me get some zen, said me! I laughed at my self and then pondered if I was actually meant to be off work today, away from everyone’s stress vibes……………….maybe I’m just trying to justify taking a sick day. Hehe.

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My alarm clock went off, I slowly regained consciousness, made sure I was awake enough to not instantly fall back asleep, and went into silent meditation. Well, I tried to. I just couldn’t. I wanted to open my eyes, and eventually stopped resisting. It was dark now, some light coming in from the streets, so I wasn’t in pitch darkness, but I am usually very uncomfortable in the dark. I don’t sleep in the dark. I went to get up and put the hallway light on so there was some light in the room, then again, I became mindful of my repetitive limiting behaviour, and how I am reinforcing a fear response because I tell my subconscious, I am fearful. I have had some scary sleep paralysis episodes, whether they were real paranormal experiences, or some sleep induced hallucinations, they have fed the fear. But I understand a lot more now, and when they do happen, I am able to gain control of the situation. I left the light off, and just went over how even if something scary were to happen I’d handle it, and it doesn’t really have anything to do with the lights being on or off, it happens in either scenario.

So, I couldn’t mediate, kept the lights off, I wanted to look around for some reason. I started to notice flashes of light, orbs coming in and out of phase, the net that I’ve previously written about, static, lots of movement. At the same time my monkey brain is saying there is a light source from outside, it could be slight variations in shadows, tree’s moving outside, eyes playing tricks on you.............before I had time to counter that thought the room burst into colour, well two colours actually green and blue, I could clearly see green and blue swirls of energy and like a smug thought came across my mind………so what’s you’re explanation for this smart ass??

I nodded off again after that and woke up when my boyfriend came home. I then decided I would blog about my week because quite likely it’s something to do with influxes of cosmic energy and maybe other people have things to share too! But someone’s got to start the weird discussion right…….
Much Love


Aha, 'someone's got to start off the wierd discussion' - and who better than you! I love your experiences - they are strange, ethereal and quite mesmerising. I can't stand nights like that - they are just too much for me - paranormal sleep stuff freaks me out.

could it be a ghost dog? That's bizarre. I have had wierd ghost experiences in the UK but nowhere else. And often near bridges too, for some reason. There's got to be something in that.

I love me some River! Hehe
Ghost dog ... laughed so hard I have tears but because after reading that experience that’s what you got form it. You are cute!! Love mah River!!

It freaks me out too @riverflows (sad face) ha. I did wonder if it was not necessarily a spirit, but an energy imprint, like residual, because of the repetitive nature of the behaviour. But then i was like 70% sure that on Sunday I did see a wolf, and if that were the case it can't be a residual stamp per say because we don't have them here. So the next possibility I can come up with is maybe it's a message, the odd behaviour and timings are what have caught my attention, and when i did fully register that this was a bit strange, i then saw it for what it is. The brain makes sense of our surroundings all day long without us having any conscious awareness of it doing so. We think we are seeing everything as it is, but anything strange our brains can replace the image with one that makes more sense, so it occurred to me whether my brain was telling me it was a dog when it was a wolf all along, but that didnt make sense to my brain as they don't roam the Uk, so the brain decided it must be a dog! That would explain why on the second or third occasion i briefly thought it looked like a fox.......it's as though my mind filtered the incoming sensory information and gave me the image of the dog as that made the most sense, but there was a glitch where i briefly thought it was a fox.................until finally after really pondering how strange this seemed, opening the door the the idea that it's not normal possibly.........the brain goes oh...........she knows it's weird, we don't need to fix this, and then i just saw the wolf. I have refrained from searching online for wolf meanings because it's relative. I've decided to wait a week or so to see if i see it again, and then ill meditate to see what the message was.

But then again, could be just a friggin dog and I have way over analysed the whole thing!! ha. It happens!!

That is strange that you only see them in the UK...................i have no possible explanation .............i will think about it!

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