!!Daily Spiritual Enlightenment!! (Episode # 6)Unified Highway "My Space" Official Music Video{- Binaural Beats}Alan Watts - Nonduality{ Owning your duality-Ted Talks}

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)



BALANCE "Nature's Duality"

!Hello everyone glad you stopped in to check out this STEEMIT source of enlightenment!

I have come to understand the obvious purpose of duality, if you notice how we need both SUN and MOON to influence the delicate world we so advantageously thrive on, day and night, yin and yang, man and woman, two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, ect ect.....The duality is to be understood and recognized. Without applying balance to the duality
our lives seem to run out of control and we loose sight. Without anything bad in the world how would ever know what's good? In this episode of you're !!Daily Spiritual Enlightenment!! I will post a few links and videos that will provide some phenomenal insight to the knowledge of "Nature's Duality" , as well I will be providing a little of my own personal insight and understanding some to some of the content posted.


"Ash Beckham - Owning your duality-Ted Talks"

In this "Ted talks" Ash speaks of her own personal duality in one perspective and applies it to vast aspects of duality that we all have or face, and has a unique opinion that is very suiting to this episodes topic. She goes on about having the ability to hold both decisions and that you don't have to be an ant, or advocate, but you can find the balance to were you don't have to be the bad guy and lash out if someone disrespects you, but also you don't have to walk away from it all with shame cause you didn't stand up for yourself . It reminds me of when Bruce Lee in the movie "Enter The Dragon" showed the guy on the boat who was wanting to fight him the art of "Fighting without Fighting"

Leaving that man a drift on that boat without using force but by simply balancing his reality, like using someones force against them ,he played on that mans angered emotions and calmly controlled the situation , much like "Ash Beckham" did in the "TED Talks" . I'ts very powerful and self ensuring when one can understand the implications of a situation like that. The ability to defuse a confrontational moment that could affect other's.


"Alan Watts - Nonduality"

Taoist philosophy by the late great "Alan Watts" explaining how many that understand only oneness also understands the many. The implications of self and other, and how their may be "push and pull" each side of a magnet but the fact is, is that it is still just ONE magnet . Eastern philosophy is true in its origin when comes to balance" it is key to finding your middle ground.


"Full Chakra Healing - Binaural Beats + Isochronic Tones (ZEN, REIKI)"

What better way to start or end your day with some binaural beats full chakra healing. Meditation will always be the number one way for truly mastering self and maintaining a focused positive reality.


"Song Of The Day"

  • Unified Highway "My Space" Official Music Video

Lead singer from rebelution with a phenomenal group called "Unified highway", they are definatly putting out good vibes !! Enjoy !

Namaste ~
I wanna give thanks to all those who stop by to check out the knowledge I discover and share , remember if you have anything to add drop me a lil something in the comments and I will be sure to check out! I always follow those who are interested in this field that wants to learn and grow as much as I do! Peace and much love ! Good Vibes heading your way !

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