From Ambition to Meaning - Honoring the Life of Wayne Dyer

in #spirituality8 years ago

  I will never forget sitting at my computer first thing on the morning of August 30, 2015 and reading the news that Wayne Dyer had passed away in Maui, Hawaii. It stunned his spiritual community.
  “Wayne Dyer has passed away today. 4 those of us who loved him it's sad, but he knew death was a transition. We send love 4his next adventure.” ~  Anthony Robbins ~  

  Dyer's philosophy was neither that of Christianity or Buddhist, but that of self-actualization, which is the achievement of one's full potential through creativity, spontaneity and a sense of independence. He quoted both Masters saying to be Christ-like and Buddha-like. Religion has its rules and ancient history and we are raised to follow them without question. This dogma comes from outside the person, not from within, according to spiritual definition. Jesus and Buddha both taught kindness, love, peace and awakening to one's inner self.
  Wayne Dyer's life began in a dysfunctional home in Detroit. His mother had three small boys, all under the age of four, when his alcoholic father left. He spent time with one brother in many foster homes until the age of 10.    

  “This is not a story of pity or blame; it’s precisely what had to take place in order for me to learn about self-reliance firsthand. Because I’ve lived self-reliance, and then gone on to teach it to millions of people, I don’t find fault with anyone for any of the conditions of my life. I see all of my early-childhood experiences as necessary gifts, even the ones laced with pain and sadness.”   

His teachings of total acceptance and taking responsibility for our lives have turned many lives around.  He emphasizes that you didn't inherit your personality traits from anyone, you chose them whether you know why or how. It was your choice.    

Wayne turned his life around after serving in the Navy and studying counseling at Wayne State University in Detroit. He then  went on to write 40 more books offering self-help and life-changing strategies. He also stared in the movie The Shift, written by Kristen Lazarian and directed by Michael Goorjian. Dyer explores his spiritual journey and the powerful shift of the ego to the meaning of life and giving back to the world.   

In later years he came under controversy by the viewers of PBS regarding his series with them in that the PBS may be aligning itself with his teachings.  Obviously, those viewers forgot that they could tune their TV channel to another, or turn it off. Wayne's vision was to offer support and empowerment to the viewers.    

He was diagnosed with leukemia in 2009 and died of a heart attack on August 29, 2015 at the age of 75.   

Even though he has left this world he is still connecting with his family and friends from the other side. Many have written and shared how he has shown up in their lives since his passing.   

Thank you Wayne Dyer for being an inspiration in my life and the lives of others on this planet.   


Don't know about him contacting anyone from beyond. Did he set up something like Houdini allegedly tried to, to provide quality evidence if a post death Wayne were attempting contact?
Anyway, the movie The Shift is great, and has been freely available for a long time, so here's the link:

Great movie. Very authentic and moving. Watched it several times.

RIP , Wayne Dyer