Gratitude~ The key to happiness

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

grateful monday.jpeg

The one thing that has captured my attention more than anything else on my spiritual journey has been the idea of having gratitude for EVERYTHING! Yes, everything, the good, the bad and everything in between. Just like you can't know light without darkness, you can't know happiness without sadness.

Every time I have some experience that is not pleasing to me, I know it causes me to ask for something better. Being in that space of disappointment or sadness is not fun in the moment, but looking back and understanding how I got there is always beneficial. I ask myself where was my vibration when this happened? What actions or thoughts was I thinking that would attract this negative experience. It is usually an "AHA" moment and I understand it fully. I then have gratitude for the experience, knowing that it has taught me a valuable lesson and it has caused me to launch a bigger rocket of desire. (Rocket of desire is a term used from Abraham Hicks teachings)

The more discord we experience, the more we ask for relief. The key to getting that relief is to find the good in all situations and to have gratitude for absolutely everything that crosses our path!
(picture from Pinterest)



This is all very true. It is hard to see the good in the bad but it truly helps the situation when we focus on positivity. Having a solid foundation is the best place to start. My favorite thing to do is ground, I always feel so much better after my roots are firmly planted into mother nature.

I love the idea of grounding! I was recently told to get your feet on the earth daily, lucky for me I live in a place where this is possible every day of the year 😊

Walking bare foot is the best way to ground! You are very lucky to have the chance to connect with mother nature every day. I don't get the chance that often to ground outside so I ground in the house. I stand straight up and imagine my roots growing down into the core of the earth, I then allow the orange glow from inside the core to flow up into my body taking out all of the negativity. That glow goes up through my head and the negative energy goes up to the divine light and becomes positive, the light then wraps around my body. It feels so wonderful to ground.

Wow, I love this 💕

Try it out sometime and let me know if it works for you 😊 Usually as my roots go down I can feel my body standing up straighter and my feet firmly placing down (I do all of this with my eyes closed) and sometimes as the orange glow goes through me I can feel tingling on each body part as it passes through.

Thanks I will :)

I, like you, know the power of gratitute.

Heck, the fact "Reality" even exists is mindblowing... I'm grateful for it first :D

Thought provoking post Marnie.

Hey, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and I agree that gratitude helps fundamental in joy, in love, in life, to help us in perspective, as we mature through life. As we level up to the next level.

Yes, and leveling up is the purpose! Thank you for this :)

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