My Spiritual Journey — 15 — Where Lies the Truth…

in #spirituality6 years ago


Our societies are very much stuck in dualities at present, and one of the most salient ones is the dichotomy of truth and lie. Humans always try to identify what is “true” and what is “false”, especially today in a so called “post-truth” era, fake news and the likes. But what if I told you nearly everything is a lie?

Let’s start with a more metaphysical explanation. There are two big dichotomies in the Spiritual world: nothing, vacuity, non-existence and everything, God, the All, which are one and the same thing in the end.

How so? Let’s take the example of Math (which from my point of view illustrates perfectly the way our Universe functions). If you only have 0, you have nothing. You can make no formulas, no calculations, at this point, Math does not exist. It is indeed nothing, vacuity, non-existence. However, what if 0 separated itself into 1 and -1. You do agree that it’s still 0 in the end! If you superimpose them, you get 0. And so you managed to create “something” (1 and -1) out of “nothing”. But why stop there? After all, you could go all the way to +infinity and -infinity, so long as they are in balance! And there you have it: the proof that ultimately, everything and nothing are one and the same thing. Now, where do we sit? Our “reality” sits in between 0 (nothing) and infinity (God). Because ultimately, if you do Math with 0 or with infinity, the equations, the formulas, work exactly the same way. Any formula with 0 will give you 0 in the end. And any formula with infinity, will give you infinity! So “Math” exists between 0 and infinity.

So what is truth then? The only truth is 0 and infinity. All the rest is a lie and is false! Indeed, if you think about it, the entire Universe exists thanks to the fact that the Universe lies to itself pretending it is “something specific” (the present reality) when it knows full well it’s “nothing/everything”!

I will give you another example which came to me during my revelations and meditations. Imagine a film on which you alternate, extremely fast, between a fully black frame (representing nothingness, vacuity) and a fully white frame (representing God, the All). What do you see if you project the movie on a TV screen? Do you see it white? Or black? Or perhaps, you see it grey! And there are an infinite shades of grey between black and white correct? Incidentally, this is probably exactly how our brains and our consciousness functions! Since time does not exist, at every moment, in each single point in space, vacuity and the All, infinity, co-exist at the same time. And our brain acts as a filter which selects some “middle point” between nothing and everything and which gives us the illusion of “time” passing by, just like your brain could simulate, from watching a movie with alternating black and white frames, one where you start from black and make it progressively lighter and lighter. But this is produced by your mind alone! The only “reality” is that of black and white.

Basically, we are living in a co-produced hallucinated lie. Every single one of our brains is like a computer connected via a giant invisible network where each “computer” (brain) has an equal voting power on what reality is. This is why our reality seems so stable and continuous: no single human controls this “matrix” as it is co-produced at every single second. We basically all agree which “shade of grey” we should all experience next.

What are the implications? That there are no “truths” in this reality, only relative truths. Let me explain. You do agree that many of the things we thought were true in the past were proven to be false, like the fact that the Earth was flat, or that it was at the centre of the Universe. But I would say that what people believed to be true in their day and age was absolutely necessary to steer this collectively hallucinated story that we are simulating out of nothing/everything into the right direction (towards a lighter shade of grey). For instance, the belief or collectively agreed upon “truth” of a vengeful, punitive God (that of the Old Testament for instance), was very necessary at a time when humans had very little control over their “animal” instincts and would kill/rape/steal on a whim. So that “truth” was very much necessary in that day and age to ensure that humanity could move forward. Further down the road, as many intellectuals and philosophers explored the topics of ethics, morality, and that social norms progressed to include these considerations in the education of children, this “truth” was no longer needed and became a “belief” to some, to others, a “lie”.

The take-aways from this essay are two fold:

  1. We should not be obsessed by what is “true” but rather, what is the “next best” lie or relative truth which will help us narrate a convincing and positive story of Humanity and of the Universe. What is the next “shade of grey” we should move to? Arguably, it should be the lighter shade, as otherwise, we are moving back into darkness or nothingness (as would be the case if we all die in a nuclear winter apocalypse). While our ultimate destination is “light”, there are still maaaaany different shades of grey we need to experience to get there. Trying to “jump” to “white” instantly would result in breaking the laws of cause and effect of the third dimension, space-time, and will not be permitted. Actually, many civilizations did this, by committing collective “suicide” like the Mayas.

  2. We should start adopting a tetravalent logic which includes two more concepts besides “right” and “wrong”, or “true” and “false”. A tetravalent logic includes: true, false, true and false, neither true nor false. And if you think about it, with the example of the white and black frame alternating infinitely fast, you could indeed say that both exist simultaneously, or that neither exists simultaneously, or that grey exists, but which “grey”…?

Once again, the symbol of the “Ying and Yang” very well illustrates this “blend” of black and white, the dance of vacuity and the All, spinning around each other, and out of which our reality, time and space “springs” into existence.

260px-Yin_yang.svg (1).png

Taking a more “scientific” approach now: at the “center” of each black hole, time flowed instantaneously fast, a bit like the development of a human embryo inside a mothers’ womb which “fast forwards” several billion years of evolution to “land” in the present day after which point time is slowed down tremendously. So inside the center of a black hole, the main ideas of all the “layers of logic” (physics, chemistry, biology…) already pre-exist. The idea of a photon, atom, molecule, living cell, planet, plants, animals, humans… whatever comes after us, all of those already pre-exist. Think of it as a way for the Universe to be efficient in storing information. Instead of remembering all of the steps it took to get from photons to quarks, from quarks to atoms, from atoms to molecules etc… it only remembers the end result, a bit like remembering the different types of bricks in a Lego pack, and then leaving the rest blank. Actually, if you ask any neuroscientist, this is exactly how our brain works. It does not remember everything, it remembers slices of reality, and then makes up the rest of the story based on those slices, harnessing some basic laws of cause and effect, or logic to produce the rest of the story.

This dimension is a way for the Universe, the Source, to “stitch” these ideas together via the laws of cause and effect, so that they form a nice, linear and coherent story. Indeed, this is why we can look back in “time” and it all “checks out”. So the “purpose” of the Universe, the Source, whatever you want to call it, is to “manifest” all that it IS, all of the ideas (the ones that existed in the past, like dinosaurs, which had a good run, humans, whatever comes after us) that are IT. This process is inevitable, inescapable. It is comparable to the force of gravity. It might take time, but any object is subjected to it’s force. So too, the future exerts a “force” that attracts the “present” towards it. And there is only one “future” that will win: the one which includes all of the ideas that the Source IS. We are like travelers inside a lighting bolt. A lightning will always arrive at it’s destination. But imagine that we are living inside the “tunnel of light” that makes it’s trajectory, and that tunnel is so large that it appears to us like “free will”, that we have total freedom. That is not true. We exercise free will inside a a “tunnel of plausibility” as I call it which has a predetermined destination, but which is so large that we can still “fool around” inside it and not feel too limited. The only thing is, we can make very weird and unnatural “motions” or movements inside that tunnel which makes us waste energy (takes longer to reach enlightenment) and in which we suffer longer, but there is no escape, we will manifest the next “idea” on the shelf of Source, regardless of what we do.

What we humans must become, is great story tellers. We are like “plants” that grow in time. We have our roots in the past, our “tree trunk” (our physical body) in the present, and our leaves in the future (our “other selves” that we send into the future to try to bring forth, manifest the “best possible” future for all of us). Whenever we channel anyone from another dimension, we are ultimately seeking “inspiration” for being a better story teller, to tell the story of the third dimension which will manifest the next big idea on Source’s shelf. This brings me to this notion of “dark ages” and the principle of relativity, which again is related to this idea of “black” and “white” alternating infinitely fast. For beings of light (very close to the “everything”, the white) bathing in eternal love, even if all of us humans suddenly were nice to each other, it would still be “dark ages” since we would still occasionally experience sadness, pain, disappointment, impatience etc. The more accurate term is: we are in “grey” ages, and there are a lot of shades of grey, an infinite shades of grey actually, and every bit of light helps.

So in essence, my “conclusion” is that we should become better “liars” about where we want this third dimension to go. Ultimately, all that this world is, is a practical interface for a bunch of energy that believes it is separated from an ocean of energy, interacting with another bunch of energy which believes it is separated from that same ocean, playing a “game” of shaping that ocean of energy into “something” more and more complex and interesting, a story which is longer and longer. We are supposed to become better movie directors/actors in order to “imagine”, in a convincing and logical way, how humanity can survive into the future and give birth to whatever the next “great idea” on the shelf is.

Saying “let’s all ascend into the fourth or fifth dimension” like the Mayas is a very poor strategy. It is like jumping off a plane which you are supposed to contribute to build in mid-flight, which is supposed to bring you to the destination you want to go to by jumping off of it… I don’t know if this is clear enough… The point is: there are bridges between the various dimensions, and we are meant to build them. You can take a short cut, but ultimately, someone had to build that bridge otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to use it… It’s a sort of time paradox… It’s very hard to explain. It’s like the actor of a movie that wants to be teleported to the “happy end” without having to “act out” all of the scenes inside the movie which ultimately end up well. He is authorized to do that since, he is Source, he has “free will”, but by doing so, the movie is all screwed up and someone else has to “replace” him/her in order for the movie to end as it should and him experience the “happy end” he wished for. Someone has to build the bridge you want to cross!

I had some ideas as to what that kind of “future” may look like and it’s not one where we all sing “kumbaya” around firecamps, but also not one where we all burn in a massive nuclear apocalypse. The messages we are bombarded with are like plenty of “alternate possible futures” that are screaming “pick me! pick me! pick me!”, but ultimately, the “force of attraction” of Source will steer us inevitably in the “right” direction.


I agree.

I myself have long sought the truth until I realize already that my truth is not that of my neighbor. So that for others what I say to be true can prove to be false.
So I also find that your category idea: true or false, true and false, neither one nor the other. true. false.
very adapted because there is more possibility and one detaches from a certain duality that hold us back.

Then a truth find brings back an unacknowledged lie. Every lie brings a truth and so on. It's a bit like an infinite rolling that brings the experience of what we can call life, existence.

I also thank you for the beautiful images that I could imagine thanks to your metaphors.

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Thanks! Glad you found it interesting! :-)

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