A Few Examples to Help Explain I Am Semantics
Let's look at the definition of Love given by Wikipedia:
"Ancient Greek philosophers identified four forms of love: essentially, familial love (in Greek, storge), friendly love (philia), romantic love (eros), and divine love (agape). Modern authors have distinguished further varieties of love: infatuated love, self-love, and courtly love. Non-Western traditions have also distinguished variants or symbioses of these states.[4][5] Love has additional religious or spiritual meaning. This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states." (italics is mine)
Love is the perfect word to illustrate the semantics of i AM and how this simple understanding of your consciousness can instantly change your view of your life and an apparent inseparable link to suffering. Love is a broad and deep rabbit hole around which a whole life of study could be devoted and so a whole objective person could manifest from such a study. A person, known as an expert in the semantics of love, a walking manifestation of love. That person would identify as love and could rightfully claim i AM Love. If this manifestation was by choice, intention and conscious attention then the Lover has achieved their bliss in consciousness.
In the same way, a person who studies to become a Surgeon spends thousands of hours investing attention on their desire to become the focus of their intention. Becoming a Surgeon. Once the intention has been manifested then they are a Surgeon and all that means. The Surgeon, like the Lover, can claim I am a Surgeon. Let's say the surgeon's name is Jane Doe, then we have two I Am’s, I am a Surgeon and I am Jane. Jane is the largely unconscious, dominant I am while the Surgeon is the subset of the I am. So Jane has become the thing she thought about most whether that be by conscious choice or her unconscious action on ideas arising from the suggestion of others. This is the danger of unconscious action but is the truth for most of us.
Jane may never have wanted to be a surgeon but her caregivers may have sown the seed and so she devoted her attention to satisfy this dream of another. Eventually, Jane will find she is a Surgeon and wonders why! At this moment Jane needs to understand the power of the Semantics of i AM. She’s not a surgeon, she is the Universe who decided to give attention to the intention of being a surgeon, which is simply a subset of her potential choices. In every moment Jane can lift her thoughts out of the surgeon rabbit hole and make a conscious decision to focus on objectifying another thought until she is the thought. Let's say an Electrician or a Priest or well any multitude of nouns all at once.
She may decide to go narrow rather than deep down the Rabbit hole. Become many things or even be content just being and observing in the knowledge through the gift of conscious thought she owes no one anything. Her conception was her validation that she is worthy. She is the master of her fate and the captain of her soul. The same applies to the “I am” that is Jane. Jane can decide to drop the Jane that has become her avatar, her Ego that in many ways acts as a layer of dirt on what began as a clear window revealing nothing but infinite potential and start creating with the pure word cleaned of the limiting dirt of past assessment. She can look at the leaf and become the leaf or the sky and become the sky or the water and become like water or the light and become the light. In fact, we are light manifested as matter.
Returning to the example of love, let's look at the difference in semantics by using the definition of a subset of love, romantic love with a person identifying as Joe. Traditional usage would be to use love in the form I am Joe and I am in love with Sally. In this example, the meaning of what love is depends entirely on Joe's model of himself or Ego. If Joe has a poor view of himself (poor ego) then his personal definition of romantic love may look like “anyone who is prepared to speak to me” and so he will likely feel consistently rejected by those women who place a higher value on themselves and have a more specific definition of Romantic Love. Their Ego model mirrors more accurately the truth that is the pure unlimited reality, and so because of their higher expectations, don't reciprocate the same feeling toward him. Joe is made of the same stuff yet he mirrors his self-imposed limitations.
Over time this rejection will further reinforce and entrench Joe's low self-image.
This example illustrates that Joe's Ego model, unconsciously formed in his childhood defines his ability to reach his potential and the pure meaning of the word Love is being filtered through his own semantic translator. So the semantics of love becomes distorted with an array of inaccurate interpretations that spiral into personal suffering. Joe cannot create more than he expects as he is the only creator of his experience. Therefore through continued rejection, he may form the semantic meaning “that romantic love is an illusion and is a concept that does not apply to him because he is different to others”, different being his conclusion and his excuse. Joe's Ego acts like a compound modifier to the pure meaning of the word.
So how can the Semantics of i AM help Joe? As a first step Joe must accept the proof of his creation by thought as discussed throughout this book. He was conceived of the Universe and constitutes all its infinite possibility. This is the only path to integral happiness as this awareness immediately reveals the cloak of limitation that Joe has woven since he was given his name that was morphed into the semantic and objective identity known as Joe.
Unfortunately, for many, the cloak is the dominant player in their life and remains so until their last breath. This is not such a tragedy for some, as their education and training were close to "true north" or the truth, while others have travelled far from their true path. There is a large chasm between their true nature and the experience they are creating. This duality is outside of their awareness and is the source of their feelings of fear, anxiety and inadequacy as their expectations often do not match their experience and never will unless they wake up to now. Past interpretations have clouded the mirror from which they see and reduced or even stopped their ability to create. Their mind is set like stone in decisions of the past that are not appropriate for now.
If Joe simply drops the compound modifier that is his model or Ego known as "Joe", the stone that is stuck in the past or bound in the future, then the clouded mirror clears and becomes a reflection of infinite possibility. At this point, he is awake and infinitely renewed and can start using pure semantic meaning as his true Avatar. Instantly the need to read books, take courses attend seminars to become a better Joe cease to have meaning. How can you perfect what is already perfect? Suddenly, you do not have to do to be accepted, you realise you already are and just need to be. All will come to you, rather than you having to unceasingly chase that one missing link that will fix your brokenness. The snake oil peddled by so many self-help gurus promising that they have the missing piece of the success puzzle, that one thing you must do and practice that will change you from a Frog into a Prince Charming. You no longer need to meditate or affirm or chant so that you can achieve their greatness.
That's not to say that these things are not useful; they can be, but only after you understand you are already complete and successful right now and always have been. Techniques then become optional and fun resources to help you achieve your consciously and predetermined worthwhile goals, an optional game that has nothing to do with your success. However, if you decide that your goal is to simply sit and ponder the beauty that is all around you and yours by birthright then that is your Nirvana, your bliss, you have no debt to "do" for anybody. You are taught that you do but once you awake you become aware that you owe nothing to anybody.
However, at this point, you likely will make a choice to be a servant to others so that all are lifted up to share the creative abundance that is the birthright of all. It will become obvious to you that your intended life and the economy you have chased and been part of for richer or poorer are chalk and cheese. By universal law, you are worthy and entitled to abundance and happiness while the other is a synthetic game of compromise and power that can be changed and manipulated to the advantage of some and the detriment of others. The more of us that awake to this truth the faster we can modify and improve the experience of all our objective existence.
So in the example of romantic love so long as Joe realises he is the all-powerful universe as is every other human being, so he has no more or fewer rights than another, he can begin creating using pure meaning or semantics. He can confidently create in his mind the type of person he is seeking knowing that whatsoever he conceives and believes in the subjective world he can achieve in the Objective world. Just like in the earlier example of revealing the car you formed in your imagination into your physical life, you can through the exact same process reveal a companion equal to your expectations. Magically, that person already exists but focusing on the thought reveals them through your awareness.
i AM Love - manifests as the feeling - love. Get it! I am not Joe and in love but simply i AM love! Removing Joe from the semantic meaning of Love leaves us with the pure creation, the clear and focused mirror that is our true unblemished self, the i AM that, i am. I am all consumed by the semantics, I am it, the embodiment of Love. I am not Joe and it, I am it! So feel consumed by it, feel yourself manifested as the meaning of love and you will feel it.