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RE: Getting Rid of the Negative!

Michelle, this was timely and all I can do is smile and say to myself, "But of course it is."

I was up in the wee hours doing some special work like this with my spiritual partner and we have been doing energy work just like this all morning.

Just saw the clock turn 11:11 here too, so make a big wish that has already been granted by the love of the light.


Great to hear you're doing special work too Jakob and love the messages coming through and the 11:11, my wish is made, was some years ago!

Sending Love, Light & Blessings to both our wishes that they may come true really soon! <3

Mine has also been granted and continues to surprise me with how the trickle effect of extras show up. I hear some of us may be doused with something sweet soon as a side effect of the mirrors.

Yes, these visions have been incredible.

I've been feeling many of my new friends here in familiar spaces and realizing that we've been together quite some time now.

Fun times!

Wow, great to hear yours has been granted already and keeps showing up, wonderful and inspiring.

I've been working on mine for years now, so much sabotage going on there. Interesting comment about mirrors, not getting it yet, but I'm sure the message will flow through!

I've connected with some new amazing people here on Steemit, does feel like we're sharing information intuitively which is great!

It's interesting! :)

Thank you! And I definitely feel what you mean about yours. Mine has been like that too. There are layers of it we keep coming to as it unwinds...or that's how I experience it, at least.

I'd love to hear what comes up for you around the mirrors. When it hits you, I bet we'll see an instant flash together. That's how my Guides have been showing it to me.

It's definitely interesting and I'm so happy that I've been pruning myself to be able to recall some of what I'm being shown. You know how elusive it can be.

Yes there seem to layers of everything, layers upon layers at times!

Thanks for reminding me about the mirrors. What I got was that the energy around my True Love and his views around love are kind of being reflected back to him, so he's trapped in self-love issues and not flowing love out or being fully open to receiving. Don't know if that resonates with you at all for this or another issue?

Yes great you're recalling and sharing information, it can be elusive as you say and we can be distracted too before we get the full picture.

What you said on all counts resonated. And that's part of what I was eluding to regarding the mirrors and the layers.

There's an echo of energies that lace this all together in a way, as I see it when I'm working with the grid.

And as the energies have been facing off, the polarities are more directly interfacing with less interference than before for much time.

The veil that was there is no longer there...and the mirrors are being shown to more of us in subtle ways that will be less subtle soon.

That reflection will soon be visible to the many due to the more mirrors reflecting throughout the echoes of what laces it together...

And then it gets very interesting as we all begin to witness in the collective reflection, what is in each person's aura.

There is new technology coming out now which is doing this on the internet soon...more of nature will follow suit.

Good to hear you resonate and are feeling the same. Yes echos, I worked on that for a while and have forgotten about it, it has a similar feeling to the repeating patterns, going on and on and seeming to never end!

I read some interesting articles on Facebook by Starseed Astrology saying that huge change is coming, ie veil is lifted and love is going to be rewarded. Interesting vision shared of evil going down an escalator and loosing wealth whilst Pure is going up and receiving. This is so needed as money has such power to buy and change our physical world.

Yes it will be really interesting when people can see or feel each person's aura, there will be no hiding the manipulation and dark intentions then!

Great that so many are feeling this in different ways and we can share and validate all we have been working on and expand it out in confidence.

Yes!! I feel it a lot like the way you described it there.

It is literally like watching steam rise off something that appeared solid and dense, the way they show it to me. I think that the analogies really drew me to this community at steemit, also for these reasons.

What a fun time we are having here in the dimensions. Cheers to more of this, my friend.