In the times of unprecedented change how to find your ground?

in #spirituality4 years ago

Among many healing modalities and spiritual exercises I'm sure you've come across the term called grounding. Recognising that there's so many approaches, I wish to share one simple and practical exercise which I personally found super helpful on my journey in more ways than I could've imagined.
So I started doing this one simple visualisation/meditation at least few times a day. Here it is:
I see my heart glowing as a golden sun and then I extend the golden beam of light all the way down from my heart through my solar plexus, sacral, root chakras, down my legs, exiting through my feet and travelling all the way to the core of Earth. Here the golden light spreads beams of light in all directions as if golden roots anchoring me to the core of Great Mother. Then I place a cosmic grid of light over it further anchoring me to the 5th dimensional Gaia.
Gaia in return would send me a beam of glowing light which would strengthen our connection..
Often this is how I would begin most of my meditations by grounding myself in this way..
Soon after this practice became my regular daily routine I started feeling like "I belong here". I realised most of my life I often felt like I'm different and don't belong.. Now after doing this exercise consistently I realised how much of my life I was living out of body and ungrounded.
My discovery led to a realisation that this simple method of grounding can help those who in any way feel like they don't belong or are feeling lost.. I then had this desire to share it with all people who live in foreign lands to that of the forebearers, because I myself am born in Lithuania so I often felt like I don't belong here in UK until I started grounding to the core of Earth few times a day. And even though I always felt like I am a citizen of Earth and that no borders can define me, now I found a practical way how to feel connected wherever I was.
May you be blessed with courage and grace, grounding and faith.

With gratitude

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