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RE: How to achieve Inner Peace [ACIM Series Part 3]

in #spirituality6 years ago

We are all here to experience life and take our experiences back to God. Only when we judge anything (or any experience) as "good" or "bad" we get stuck in the polarization and guilt sets in. This is the trick of the "Ego" to keep us in this dimension of the "plane of demonstration". It is my conclusion after years of learning that this is what KARMA is. KARMA is unresolved guilt. If we turn inward and own our actions and forgive ourselves and others, we bring home the experience and it is resolved. I have personally undergone this experience and when it is done properly all you are filled is only LOVE and an incredible sense of PEACE.
Thank you @atmosblack for these write ups.
By the way the image is so beautiful and appropriate. Love it.


OMG Yes! Guilt as the Karmic link!
The Ego "personality" is totally immersed in the concept of "good and bad". It is how the programmed brain measures and categorizes "cause and effect". Karma is simply the Universal law of cause and effect; if you do something, something will then come from it. It is totally tied to one's "intention" at the moment of creating the cause.
The Sub-conscious mind knows the context by which the cause was created. Guilt seems to be the mechanism that keeps reminding us that we created something dis-harmonious or harmful. That the "energy creation" is continuing to manifest effects.
Being our personal creation, it belongs to us, it has our energy signature, and thus will return to us and keep manifesting in our experience. The Ego also believes in permanence. Our personality is terrified of being categorized as wrong and our cultural programming cruelly punishes mistakes. We have been taught that our deeds create our inherent value, not our character and that this value is a permanent state.

Of course nothing is permanent in the Cosmic Mind.

Guilt seems to be just a tiny nudge from our sub-conscious telling us we have left something undone, our conceptual mind amplifies this inner conflict, often making the feeling of guilt completely unbearable. Then the mind just wants to escape. Further denying our creation, allowing it to continually manifest, growing larger and more frightening in our minds until we have no choice but to look within.

There we find that Forgiveness and Love is actually recognizing the truth. -That all life is a continual and endless series of mistakes and unintended creations. It is simply the essence of learning. The essence of continually becoming new.

Thank you @Atmosblack and @gabbingster for such rich rapport. Deep love for your minds and spirits.

This is so beautifully expressed! Thank you! 🙏
I like the idea of Karma being unresolved guilt. Indeed, when guilt ends, Karma ends and the path to that is forgiveness in every moment - others and especially ourselves, since "others" are only our own projected guilt.
Awesome, you rock! 👍

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