Stay Present And Do Your Affirmations!

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

I am so beyond grateful to be able to say that I actually LOVE my life. I haven't always been so lucky, and it has taken me a lot of self work to be able to cultivate the level of awareness and joy that I now have. Even so, I feel that the key to living an inspired life is well within everyone's reach. I know this because in the final moment we realize enlightenment is in the here and now; That it is only our minds and Ego which is ultimately the obstacle preventing us from living in the present. 

Think about it for a moment. You and I could experience the exact same event, but our individual memories of that event will never be exactly the same. The past is nothing more than the story we tell ourselves to help us navigate the previous events which transpired in the present moment. Where is the past, or the future, other than fleeting thoughts within our mind. It simply doesn't exist and is therefore and illusion, albeit a very powerful one. 

The key to staying present and in a state of enlightenment is to be aware of our thoughts, so that we learn to only observe our suffering rather than become it. The paradox of this is that it's really easy, but it's not. Our western society has completely lost touch of this concept, and has created a modern form of slavery where money is created from debt, which artificially creates scarcity and the need to always earn more money to just barely get by. When we have so many socially manufactured problems to worry about it creates a less than ideal environment to awaken and stay present.   

Meditation is traditionally seen as the most effective tool to awaken, but for the uninitiated, sitting still and trying to observe one's thoughts can be other than an easy to do. I like to remind people that meditation is more than that. Whether it's doing the dishes, going for a quiet walk, or working on a piece of art - meditation simply requires us to stay fully present on what we are doing in that moment. The goal is to learn to be aware of our thoughts, so that we can observe when we allow a thought into our mind which causes suffering. 

When we finally find ourselves capable of being more present and self aware, we gain the ability to let go of any thoughts that are other than peace and joy. It is in this moment the divine hilarity of the Universe is revealed, and we can begin to sculpt this newly discovered state of consciousness with positive affirmations and intention. Affirmations are mantras we repeat to ourselves in the morning, evening, or anytime throughout the day which help reinforce a positive self image. We become what we think, and thoughts indeed become things. With proper affirmations and goals we can begin sculpting ourselves into the amazing human beings we all came here to be! 

I have learned on my journey that goals need to be SMART. That is to say; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. Instead of 'I will see great success in my new career', it will serve us much better to say something like 'I will gain 10 new clients each month for the next three months'. Not only is this sending a more specific message to the universe (if you believe that sort of thing), but it makes it much easier for us to subconsciously break the goal down and achieve a specific result. Asking for success in our job is too generic and there is no way to measure what 'success' is. Asking for 10 new clients a month is measurable and will lead to more favorable results. If we remain present, and plant only the healthiest of thoughts in our mind, there is no limit to who or what we can become! 

 -Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson is a writer for, and founder of Elysium Project. A collective of individuals passionate about fostering positive social and spiritual change in the 21st Century.    

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