The Event Part One, The Vision

 This is the first part of a series of articles I plan to publish about this thing people are calling “The Event.”

  • Part One: The Vision
  • Part Two:  Research
  • Part Three:  October 2015 transmission from a future reality frame
  • Part Four:  Cubs win 2016 world series

     The Vision 

     Back in Early 2014 I had a vision about a future event.  Before that, I have had some dreams and fleeting glimpses of something.  In my life sometimes my dreams would later come true, days, weeks even years later. 

     For many years before 2014 up until the total eclipse of August 2017 I would have this dream about an event, it was not the event in my 2014 vision but similar (feel of energy).  In the dream I would be traveling with anticipation and excitement, eventually I would meet some people and talk, then wake up.  But I  kept having the dream, sometimes weeks or months would pass, then I would find myself  with the same excitement, and almost every time think, “I dreamed of this before, but now it is really happening” each time it was slightly different.

     Then on the day before the eclipse I was on the path of totality and was speaking with people and they all had that anticipation & excitement energy.  It was not nearly as strong as the 2014 vision but was the only time I experienced anything close to the vision in waking life (this reality frame). The feeling was slightly stronger the day of the eclipse peaking at totality but not getting near the level of the vision. 

     For the sake of honesty I must admit that the vision in early 2014 happened while I was under the influence of shrooms.  The best way to describe it was like a memory of a future reality frame.  During the “shroom trip” it was like the purpose of life, was revealed to me, downloaded into my mind like when Neo plugs in to learn Kung fu .  I saw a temporal shockwave from the distant future moving back in time.  It is difficult to judge the length of this future memory, however I would guess that I witnessed a few mins. 

     During “The Event” or rather the few mins of future memory , there were a few immutable key elements. 

     1. It was impossible to predicted exactly when the shockwave would arrive, because it has something to do with the limit(s) of freewill.  It was made clear because there was sort of a double deja vu effect where the “future me” was remembering the vision from the “past me” (the one in 2014) and the timing was still a surprise as in even the “future me” did not know this was going to happen until a few mins before the shockwave arrived. 

     2. As the shockwave came close to me, people from the past came back to life at an accelerated rate and the acceleration was accelerating up until the moment of the actual shockwave everyone that ever lived was alive at the same time.  From my point of view people in the past were brought forward as if they never died, because I was riding the wave back.  In a sense the shockwave was like a pinch point that squeezed the past a future together. From the point of view of the people in the distant future I was the one that came back to life, because they rode the wave from their time to my present.  I also knew that this would be noticed by an increasing number of people months and years before the shockwave and it is sometimes referred to as the Mandela Effect. 

     3. During the peak of shockwave, everyone was telepathically linked, and the love and respect was as great as one could imagine.  Everyone had the absolute choice to go forward to a different kind of future what I later realized, people would late call New Earth, or go back in time to fix their mistakes groundhog day style.  Although it wasn’t known how much memory one could take back with them.  I saw that this was not the first time and some of us could take more memory than others back in time. When we relive the time from before this is called deja vu. 

     4. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was going to happen, and that it had something to do with parallel universes or “reality frames”.

     That certainty stayed with me for months, then started to fade.  As I lived my imperfect life doubts began to emerge.  Thoughts like, “it was just a shroom induced delusion” etc.  I researched the laws of physics and parallel universes to see if what I perceived was even possible.  Also I wanted to find out if anyone else could perceive this event over the horizon.  Most of 2015 was a dark year for me, as my faith was tested.  I held on to that vision.  Then late 2015 early 2016 I started to notice things happening.  

     This concludes Part One. 

     If this resonates with you please upvote and share.


    Hey man, is this book ready on DBooks already?

    I think that would be the best way to do this :D

    I looked into DBooks and I find it interesting and with great potential.

    However, it appears to be much too "basic" now.

    Perhaps in the future I will put my series on The Event, as a book on DBooks.

    On another, note, I had to use Busy to reply since steemit is having problems. Not pleased with it so far.

    Yeap! It is indeed basic, the guys warned it's still the basic prototype... however, I doubt they are going to erase the ratings, reads and so on, so I think joining now when there's no competition can be of great help in the future. Just an idea though, I could be wrong, but in Crypto I'm used to seeing the benefits of jumping in early.

    I plan to only do so after my initial series is finished and they do a minimum of upgrading their site.

    When I say "basic" I'm talking "pre-alpha" level basic right now.

    They need to get past the pre-alpha stage at this point.

    Hearing this ?

    Haha, you don't have to say sorry for having used bots! I don't like using them either. For my latest article I spent 9SBD for a bot, and just before the timer was running of somebody placed an insane bid so that I lost 5SBD instantaneously. How annoying...but otherwise, if nobody reads an article full of dedication and passion then this is rather a shame.

    To your article: I also keep having dreams of future events, and mostly these are tidal waves sweeping over Humans which become inundated by them.
    Inalways emphasize that telepathy is not brain to brain communication but Heart to Heart to brain. So the telepathical link starts with mutual Heart-connection. And this is what is taking place now on Earth. Even more so, telepathy is Quantum Heart- communication, and as such instantaneous on the one hand, not confined to Time and Space on the other. So basically we cultivate telepathy with the entire Universe, the only difference being that we either do it consciously or unconsciously. So all thoughts, ideas or interests we have are a result of Heart-based telepathy with the Universe, and depend on our Heart-connections to a specific source's Heart ( can be a place, or other Soul) potentially anywhere in the Universe. I love this!

    Thank you for your great article, I feel your Heart in it! :)

    " if nobody reads an article full of dedication and passion then this is rather a shame."

    I consider the very real possibility that these series of articles I am working on will remain in obscurity (even with me spending some of what the universe has given me over the past 2 years in the form of cryto profits i. e. bitcoin, ethereum etc).

    Still, I am being driven to put this information out there, regardless of the outcome.

    Just like me. I remember a few years ago when I started my website/blog, I had one reader per month at best. But I was absolutely happy with it, because on one side it satisfied me to know that my article might be of more personal value for that one person than it might be for hundreds. On the other side I was so self-content with my own writing and picture choice that this alone gave me enough inner Joy.

    Interesting. Would like to see the rest of the story unfold.

    Working on part two now.

    Should have it ready to post soon.

    is it really possible to get telepathically linked ?

    btw nice writing indeed

    "is it really possible to get telepathically linked ?"

    I've experienced evidence of this in my life and plan to talk about the physics behind it in a future article.

    "btw nice writing indeed"

    Thank You,

    no matter how many times I proof read, I still find mistakes, sigh.

    ok... waiting for ur future article

    You got a 4.23% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @delusionalmadman!

    Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

    Thank You, and for anyone reading this, I only used paid promotion, because I want to get this information out.

    In all honesty I would have "declined payout" option if I knew it would help get the information out to more people.
    This is not about the money, I already have money.

    Almost every time think, “I dreamed of this before, but now it is really happening”

    It's also happened in my life more and more time.Almost before reading your article, I thought it's my hallucination.But after reading your article, I have decided that maybe it's divine or it's a nature of mankind.However, thanks for your valuable post about of your feelings.

    To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

    Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

    unique story.i enjoy it.keep it up.

    Really awesome info! Looking forward to the next parts!

    Part two was already published last night.

    I plan to have part three finished by the end of this week, If there are no unforeseen "events" ;)

    You got a 41.60% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @delusionalmadman!

    Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit for details!

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