Colour up your vision ; Release the grey tinted veil that blinds you.

in #spirituality8 years ago

Open the veil that tints your world black and white to reveal a magical world of endless possibilities.


In this article I am going to teach you how to shift your reality to a totally different spectrum, a coloured spectrum.

I will teach you how to open your eyes and SEE; but first you must realize that to some extent your eyes are sealed as if turned to stone.
when I say eyes, I am using this as a metaphor to define your comprehension of reality: your level of awareness, and there are ways to see that by far outreach the ability of sight, such as intuition, and feeling.

The reality is that, due to many inconvenient factors, the majority of humans (which I will define as society from here on out) are constantly LOOKING at something, whether it be a phone, a television, the sky or their feet - But rarely actually SEE.

The difference between the two in the context I will describe may seem very minute, or even non-existent; but it is vast, so stay with me on this one.

Most people are constantly LOOKING at something , anything, that is not a part of their perpetuated "self", something outside of them, what they are looking for I could not say, but they are constantly looking with a perceived detachment, and perhaps a state of fear or helplessness.
Perhaps they want to feel better about themselves by observing someone else's "inferiority", or perhaps they want to create a story of what they see to distract them from their own existence. Perhaps this looking, is not a thing of sight, but a thing of yearning. They are constantly Yearning for something to pop up, and they don't even know what they are yearning for.

Regardless of the reason, they are constantly LOOKING outside of themselves for answers. They look to a God that hides in the shadows. They look for a government to decide how to think and approach problems, and they look for someone else to make them feel better.

But what if they could SEE?

What if, by some magical happenstance, they developed a state of total awareness? What if they began to perceive themselves as an important and integral piece in the puzzle of creation / existence?
How would this change them?

Well, this would completely destroy their entire fabricated reality. It would destroy the LOOKING and force them to actually SEE.

The Looking


The Seeing

The seeing

In turn, an entirely new world would pop up round them, and the only difference would be that now they have developed a broader perspective.

Are you looking without seeing? Are you searching without finding?


Many of us know beyond doubt that we are constantly missing things...opportunities, facts and figures...often the very thing we are looking for.

Like sand, it slips right through our fingers.


This happens partly due to expectation.

When you EXPECT to, lets say, find a solution to a recurring problem, and you expect that solution to come at you in a certain way, certain place, certain time, or certain channel, or worse, you completely expect not to find the solution but angst for one anyways, you are sending out blockages to the infinite amount of ways that answer can come to you.

You are LOOKING for a solution....and the ironic paradox is this; because you are looking for what you seek to find, you will never find it.

Solutions come when we can clearly SEE that there is always a way, and so allow all channels to communicate.

This channel might be a person that you deem unintelligent or immature, this person may be giving you a direct answer, but you block it out....yet while you do this, you are looking.

It is this looking with expectation and never seeing with eyes unclouded that will perpetuate the finding of the thing you seek.

It is only when you start to SEE, that you realize what you seek is already yours.


Thus, when you see the world in black and white, when you look with expectation, you drown your world in a see of sameness; you drape over your eyes a grey tinted veil.

When something unique comes along, a solution to what you seek to find, it gets camouflaged into the backround of all the things you have experienced failure with.

Let us pretend for a moment that you are a person who devotes nearly all of their time to external things, you feel like you are constantly being attacked by your circumstances and must fight back....what you desperately seek is peace of mind.

You discuss your problem with a close friend.

Your friend tells you that the mind is not meant to run your life, he says that the mind has a "switch" , and you can turn it off. your friend declares that this is the only possible way to peace.

Yet this is not the answer you are looking for; you are looking for a switch to turn off the stresses in your life... not your mind.

Yet, subconsciously, you are expecting that which to be impossible to find.
You are expecting to be a different size, different colour, different way, than how it comes to you.

You miss it because you are looking and not SEEING.

The key then, to finding what you seek, is an open mind: the ability to see a thing in its fullness without mental distortion.

If you continue to define occurrences by past experiences, you will run into the same results you have before, because you are expecting the same thing.

By now, this must be starting to make sense to you.

But you may still be wondering; "how do I learn to see in colour"

The answer is simple.

You must attain a higher state of consciousness ( this can be achieved instantly).

Once you are on a higher state of consciousness, or awareness, you now have to put an effort into discontinuing the act of mentally labeling everything and actually SEE what is being presented to you, in full colour.

In that moment of existence, in that moment of awareness, anything is possible for you, for you are connected to infinite awareness.


Remember to love yourself.

I thank you dearly for reading this article that I have poured my energy into. If you like or appreciate this article, please up-vote and comment
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Much love and #NAMASTE to your deepest core self!!


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