Outdated Spiritual Concepts - Is There Any Truth and Validity to Old Souls and New Souls?

in #spirituality7 years ago

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I'm often perplexed at what I feel to be old, outdated concepts. One of these concepts in the world of spirituality is the concept of old souls and new souls.

If we all are Source energy, how can any of us be new or old? Source energy is timeless and infinite. So I'm going to go into a receptive state and see what I tap into about the truth and validity of this concept.

Old souls are a fancy way of saying someone who is spiritually enlightened or someone who is wise. Sometimes you use this phrase for a person who seems to have been around the block a few times. Sometimes they appear tired and worn down by the earth plane.

What we think needs to be understood is that none of you are new or old to this world. You have all been around the block many, many times. This doesn't change the fact that some of you are new to the concept of life after death. We want you to know that you are always alive. You cannot die, really, and you will go on after this physical existence. You have done this many, many times. More times than you can count.

Why do people say some souls are older than others, and why do some people truly seem to be having their first go-around at human existence? Because you are all new in this way: you're new to your experience in this body. Some of you have chosen for this lifetime a vastly different experience than you have experienced before. Some of you are not as evolved as others in the earth plane. Some of you are more evolved than others in other realms of existence. But none of the source energy from which you come is new or old. There can be new mixes of energy that have never been configured before. Your energy mix in this body may be a brand new experiment. In fact, it always is, but to varying degrees.

You have talked about new souls before in a condescending way like it is less evolved to be figuring out what you consider more negative things. It's not so. These less evolved lifestyles that people tend to have - those who eat McDonald's, and whatever other things you consider to be less evolved, are not. All is helpful for the collective consciousness and evolution. Not one is lesser or more. In your life you have experienced trying something new. You're learning about cryptocurrency. You know a lot about yoga and meditation and reality shows, but you don't know much at all about cryptocurrency. This doesn't mean you're less evolved, or a new soul. You are simply learning something new.

So yes, old soul and new soul is an old premise that doesn't really make any sense. It's a misunderstanding. And we can see how you came to this conclusion as if there is source energy, and you break off from it and this is your soul and it starts having experiences. But that's not the way it is, really. All of Source energy has always been having experiences. You are one of these experiences. All experiences are new to Source energy. No experience is exactly the same, and in this way Source energy is always constantly evolving and you are on the leading edge out here moving it along, doing your part of its expansion. You can never break off of source energy. Even the concept of a soul is one that is quite limited and lacking in full understanding. Energy is constantly mixing. You are not stagnant. The concept of a soul has the connotation of being stagnant. You become your own, distinct, autonomous piece of Source energy, and you evolve within that soul only. But this is not really the case. Nonphysical energy is always mixing, and in reality you are a mix of energies. Even in your human body you continue to mix energies. You can pull from any energy at any time and incorporate it into you. Thoughts are energy. Any thought that was ever thought can be tapped into. When you tap into a thought, its energy becomes part of your energy. So we want you to start thinking in terms of energy rather than as souls. What mix of energy is a person carrying and tapping into in their life?

It's a very old, outdated spiritual concept that a soul advances up a ladder. This really could not be farther from the truth. You are literally a mix of energies, and that's what you will always, always be. All energy is always advancing. But there is no ladder. It is always an outward expansion and outward and outward. No, there is no new or old. There are new experiences. You think because someone becomes interested in spirituality and meditation that they are more evolved and an old soul. No. If you are paying attention to meditation, you are paying attention again to what you are and what you always are. Those who don't take interest in meditation and what you call spirituality will always return to that when they die, and in reality they never get away from it because that's what they are. They have just turned their energy toward a different experience. So again, eating McDonald's and perhaps watching sports or any of these other experiences that hoity toity spiritual people look down on as less evolved are not. You may have lived those things and then moved on to something else. While you're seeking safety and healing, they're out there getting their hands dirty and experiencing humanity in all its rawness and vulnerability and suffering. Don't poo poo that. And we're not poo pooing your desire to come home to yourselves in this spiritual body, either. You're on the leading edge, and you're doing a great job. You're helping the world to be a more peaceful place, and you're healing yourselves and you're learning wonderful things and helping the entire universe expand greatly. But please know that the others who you consider less evolved are, too, and they are not less evolved. They are only less evolved in one area just like you are less evolved in one area, or most areas.


Thanks - interesting post. In my experience the description old soul is applied mostly to children, especially those who show knowledge or wisdom beyond their years - or even babies who seem to show unusual awareness and understanding. I haven't as often heard someone described as a new soul - it could have a condescending tone and I wholeheartedly support your advice against egotism and superiority.

Thanks @snorri. Babies don't have a lot of bs built up in them to keep them from who they are yet. They're still close to who they really are. Then they'll forget and hopefully remember again. :)

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