How the Practice of Ho’oponopono is Literally Changing my LifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

The average person has over 60,000 thoughts per day.

That’s ALOT of thinking....
Most of which, about 80%, are thoughts based in either negative regrets from the past or fear of the unknown (future).

Because we create our lives with our most dominant thoughts and the emotions that are attached to the said thoughts; I knew it would be essential for me to take control of the thoughts that I was allowing to flow to and through me.
I began to see first-hand that the quality of my existence would rest heavily on my internal and external communication.

Did you know that the thoughts that are most active in your beingness, can affect your blood pressure, your heart, and can even alter the biochemistry of individual tissues in your body?
It’s true.

The science of neuroplasticity suggests that our brains are not as static as we once believed, however, our brains are constantly reshaped based on our experiences and our reactions or perceptions of those experiences.
It is our focused awareness that determines which brain network get strengthened.

Emotions such as guilt, shame, and stress, notify our body that something is not quite right. That something is wrong. Very often, we will feel a quiet uneasiness laying just under the surface of our consciousness. There are times when we don’t even know WHY we are feeling this way.

One of my other practices is meditation.

Don’t worry if meditation is a challenge for you, in future posts I will be discussing some of the pointers that have helped me immensely.

I’ve got you covered! 😉

Meditation allows me to sit and quietly observe the thoughts that are most influencing my reality.
When I first began, could see just how congested my life had become with unforgiveness, bitterness and hostility, not just for others but mostly for myself.
In the same way that we are able to change the shape of our bodies by working out, we can also change the neurological connections and the in our brains by being more aware of our line of thinking and emotions.

Most of my addictive and destructive behaviors originated from an attempt at numbing or shutting down the internal thoughts of guilt and shame.

I began to see and acknowledge that there was a thick filter that was present within me when I looked at, or even thought about myself and others.
A filter that obscured me from seeing and experiencing the divinity in others...and in turn, I could not fully experience my own divinity.

The practice of Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice used by indigenous healers that simply means “correction.”
It is used in the releasing of karmic residue by admitting the error, asking for forgiveness, giving thanks for the forgiveness and then saying the heartfelt words “I love you.”

The way that I initially began using the practice was by simply paying attention to my emotional triggers.
Whatever form they took, it didn’t matter what it was or even if I felt in some way justified.

If I felt it, I applied the practice. Especially, if it was a strong emotion.
Usually, emotions that are out of portion with regards to the occurrence, are for me, indicators that there is something at work in my sub-conscience that needs my attention.

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”

In the grocery a family dinner....watching the news...or even standing in the shower observing my thoughts in the inner stillness.

If an unpleasant thought from the past popped into my head, I applied the practice.

My practice was allowing me to reclaim my mental space. My mind no longer felt like a war zone with bombs of despair and resentments exploding everywhere.

A smidgen about The Universal Law of Cause and Effect.
This will be another topic that we will dig into deeper in future posts, but basically the law states that for every effect, there is a definite cause, likewise, for every cause there is a definite effect.
Everything happens for a reason.
This law is always present and at work in our reality, even if we do not consciously realize it, it is immutable.

Well, what it means is that whatever has shown up in my reality is because on some level, whether consciously or unconsciously, in some way, I drew the experience to myself, or in some way helped to create it.
Which brings me to another point regarding the Ho’oponopono practice.

Ho’oponopono is ALLLLLL about taking personal responsibility for the energy that you bring to your space.

The revelation that we are all One being having different experiences through the illusion of the various egoistic identities that we’ve chosen for ourselves, often takes the backseat in many of our day to day interactions.

We see everyone else as ‘other,’ as separate from ourselves, however, the truth is that we are entangled much more than we’ve ever dreamt to consider, but it will soon become more and more apparent of our connection.

The practice has helped me to stay in tuned with this Oneness. It has helped me to release fears and stored emotional patterns that I never thought I would be freed from. I began to realize just how many of my fear based responses are actually rooted in the illusion of separation.

As I practiced sending love and forgiveness to the situations and people that I interacted with on a daily basis, I began to experience incredible synchronicities and the most magical alignments.
Barriers began to dissolve and I could feel and even in some cases, even hear the thoughts of others.
People from the past that I had not expected to ever see again, would just POP into my reality at the strangest times, our paths would cross and I would quietly apply my new ‘cleaning tool’ to the situation.
People that, at that time, I was either not conscious of how I’d hurt them or simply did not care.
Whatever my emotional state brought to the surface for me to see, I faced it and cleaned it.

I began to see that not only was I allowing my emotional triggers to be healed, I was also cleaning and clearing karmic residues from my past which in turn was having a direct effect on my future.
My Higher Self told me, “You are the microcosm of the macrocosm.”

I believe when we carry emotional baggage around and when those emotions are not addressed, usually we end up materializing in our physical body; not until the issue is brought into the light of the day to be healed and transmuted, we can expect to see repeat experiences. Very often, we are drawing repeated experiences into our reality in order that we acknowledge them and clear them.

Through this process, I realized that I was bringing CHOICE to my emotions and thoughts, playing an active role in the way that my mind was developing. I began to watch certain emotionally charged issues become completely neutral for me, and the negative energy that surrounded the issues were no longer sensitive.

Once the veils of negative emotion were lifted, I was able to see the people and situations around me in a more objective way, expanding my ability to access more accurate information.


Which means, having the capacity for new ideas, concepts, creativity, flexibility and lateral thinking which allows me to handle challenges in a more skillful way.

If you find resonance with any of this, I’d like to invite you experience the practice for yourself.

It’s free. It’s powerful. And dare I say... it can change your life for the better offering mental recalibration, physical healing, and authentic expansion into Oneness.

Whenever you feel an automatic triggered response surface...

“I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

It isn’t necessary to say it out loud, you can repeat the mantra in your head, the power of the practice is in your feeling state, and honestly I don’t even think that the order of the phrases even matter.

The power is in your willingness to allow this issue to be cleared and cleansed.

Just think what our world would look like if we all actively did our part to clean and clear the energetic accumulation of karmic residue that we see around us...

I’m wishing you blessings of wholeness, balance, and innerstanding✨

If this has been beneficial and you got some value from it, consider Re Steeming it or upvoting.

Be sure to follow me @bohobabie for more gems as we unveil our divinity together.



I have never heard it called Ho'oponopono but I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have said here, I believe exactly that & down to my own life experiences can say that it works 100% of the time, It has never ever failed me not even once. You have my attention more of the same please.

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