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RE: Contending for the Faith Series: Eisegesis or Exegesis?

I agree with your understanding of the temporary nature of the Law of Good as given by Moses on Mount Sinai. Scripture makes it clear that the Law was until John, now we have the Kingdom of God, which proclaims the Good News of Jesus, not the Torah.

Picking and choosing what Law's of Moses to follow is one of the main objections I have of all Hebrew Roots/Torah Observant proponents. It seems pretty clear to me that the New Testament Scriptures make it abundantly clear that if you try to put yourself back under the Law after coming to faith in Jesus you are obligated to obey the whole law- all of it, including animal sacrifice, tithing to the Levitical Priesthood, journeying to Jerusalem 3 times a year for God's appointed feasts, among others. Most notably, there are over 20 sins that are commanded to be punished with death in the Law of Moses. I have yet to see any of these proponents of following the Torah to actually try and kill someone for violating the Sabbath, or for committing any sexual sin, etc, etc. This lack of understanding the demands of the Law for righteousness is a serious problem of the Hebrew Roots/Torah Observant movement.

I would suggest that you refrain from calling Kevin names, such as Poppa Prepper, since it comes across as unloving to do so. Unless, it was a typo or autocorrect, in that case disregard my admonishment. Thanks for your input.