Tammer "The Hammer"

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

Tammer “The Hammer” The Heart Beacon

A few nights before my wife, best friend, and Wingman in life - Tammy passed battling the two front war of chemo therapy and ovarian cancer, I asked her to remember her dream that she was going to dream about that night (I have been practicing lucid dreaming since High School). So Tammy told me her dream about us being at Ringing Rocks Park near Pottstown PA north of Washington’s Crossing. The back story of Washington’s Crossing is that Tammy vectored me to a Shaman associated with the Circle of the Sacred Earth who offered to “deliver the mail” as part of her Reiki sessions. According to the Shaman, one of the most frequent visitors was General George Washington next to the Indigenous Native American whose state of his hairdoo indicated my emotional state IMO

Hammering the Ringing Rocks in Bucks County Pennsylvania
Hammertime Construction Inc. Directions
Address: 35 Ice Pond Rd, Levittown, PA 19057
Phone: (215) 945–1001
A few nights ago, Tammy told me her dream about us being at the Ringing Rocks near Pottstown PA north of Washington’s Crossing LINK

Tonight at 10:13, my wife who has been given the stage four cancer talk twice and is at home in hospice care said again “I’m tired” (of everything). My take on this is that Tammy will depart this world soon and travel home (she asked for a Wendy’s home style chicken sandwich this weekend) to her next assignment above this low, slow, resonance, frequency and vibration (nod to Tesla and Einstein) and often mean spirited plane of existence prior to the pending “RESET” of the economy / population before the impending massive climate change due to the earth’s farthest position from the sun in 100,000 years known as the Milankovitch Cycles and Ice Age

Milankovitch Cycle

Earth’s orbit approximates an ellipse. Eccentricity measures the departure of this ellipse from circularity. The shape of the Earth’s orbit varies between nearly circular (with the lowest eccentricity of 0.000055) and mildly elliptical (highest eccentricity of 0.0679)[3] Its geometric or logarithmic mean is 0.0019. The major component of these variations occurs with a period of 413,000 years (eccentricity variation of ±0.012). Other components have 95,000-year and 125,000-year cycles (with a beat period of 400,000 years). They loosely combine into a 100,000-year cycle (variation of −0.03 to +0.02). The present eccentricity is 0.017 and decreasing.

Effect on temperature: The semi-major axis is a constant. Therefore, when Earth’s orbit becomes more eccentric, the semi-minor axis shortens. This increases the magnitude of seasonal changes.[4]
See prior posts: dog sleds headed towards poles, Casper, Caspian Sea, Stay Puff Marshmallow Man & RESET in the 2nd video:
Link Milankovitch Cycles Ice Age


See also Revelations posts 7 year window 2017–2024

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Tammy’s favorite saying “abundance is enough for the wise” — she had this saying placed on her checks:

Animal Totem: Shrew
In Hindu mythology, the shrew is the vahana, or divine vehicle of Lord Ganesha. The shrew carries Lord Ganesha wherever he travels. It is said that the shrew represents “worldly desires that is meant to be overcome.” / One day at the beach, a stature of Ganesha washed up in front of Tammy’s Feet… coincidentally….

Animal Symbolism in the Hindu Religion

In Hindu mythology, the shrew is the vahana, or divine vehicle of Lord Ganesha. The shrew carries Lord Ganesha wherever… See LINK http://www.beliefnet.com

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My wife Tammy who has stage IV cancer or “consumption” father was Blackfoot Native American Indian. According to a Shaman, Circle of the Sacred Earth named Reverend Kathy Graves, the energetic force behind the project we have been working on is Great Deer who is assisted by the Buffalo:


Graphic from presentation In Indianapolis Indiana

You are provided for in all ways -Buffalo
The First Nations peoples used / “consumed” all of the Buffalo wasting nothing
Buffalo Bison Power Animal Symbol Of Abundance
http://shamanicjourney.com/buffalobison-power-animal-symbol-of-abundance LINK

Buffalo/Bison’s medicine includes manifestation, protection, earth creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, courage, strength, challenge, survival, giving for the greater good, formulating beneficial plans. Those with buffalo as power animal must walk a sacred path, honoring every walk of life.

Speaking of consumption, my wife’s stomach has swollen to the point of her looking pregnant coincidentally. Her Sun sign is Leo. Her chart astrological birth chart shows a bowl formation (most aspects located in one location) i the 7th House of relating to others and spouse (as the contaminant).\

Speaking of auric field contaminants, using Vedic / Sidereal astrology, I’m a Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius within orb of this star:

Sinistra The left hand of Serpentarius (Ophiuchus). Immoral, mean and slovenly, depraved, lustful, wanton, infamous, scandalous, addicted to sorcery and poisoning 29° Sag 45 29° Sag 53 Unfortunate Saturn/ Venus ν (Nu) Ophiuchi K0 (orange) Mg.3.32 var.

Tammy’s natal sun (Will, vitality) in the sixth house of nose to the grindstone as a diligent and dedicated worker. The sixth house also involves medical issues. Linda “The Psychic Shield” said that Tammy would have medical issues. After a long, pregnant pause, Linda said that her medical issues would be taken care of. The medical issues would have been taken care of had I figured out the Shaman, Circle of the Sacred Earth’s “Energizer Bunny” message citing the need for her / me to alkalize our diets and detox our guts — in my sake to resolve the mood swings associated with poor eating habits and chasing after windmills along with medicating myself with my own endorphins which is a blogpost in it’s self.

Shaman’s Energizer ALKALINE Battery image heeded too late See Charlotte’s Web post

Revelations 12 Leo / Virgo start of 7 year tribulation period until 2024
They would have never have happened had I figured out the signs passed on to me by a Shaman, Circle of the Sacred Earth. Tammy’s progressed chart is interesting and coincidental if you look at Saturn’s location in context with the fixed stars. Recalling Tammy’s request to the universe tonight “It’s time” (to take her home), note that Tammy’s chart has a kite for her to deliver her beacon message, support me when no one else would have then soar up and out of this mortal coil prior to the pending “RESET” (s) economic, climate


Tammy Sue Lee progressed chart
Note the location of Tammy’s Saturn (Time Lord / Lord of restriction) — Tammy’s time on earth has apparently been “restricted”. And Saturn as Chronus / Grim reaper will bring about her end (God forbid — I want her to stay here and finish out our lives together) will in all probability occur when the tumor inside the top of her spin restricts signals down to the body / lungs

Spiculum: The Lagoon Nebula Eye trouble, blindness, depression, hopelessly doomed, morbid religious outlook, no concern for human life; a nebula in the upper part of the Bow of the Archer. 1° Cap 04 1° Cap 12 Unfortunate Mars/ Moon

Note the T-Square of the Moon (deception, behind the scenes hidden actions), square Saturn and square sun (vitality). The lack of concern for human life is described in the Charlotte Gerson’s Web post on Medium LINK
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At 10:13 PM April 2nd 2013 My wife Tammy Sue Lee said:
“please universe, it’s time”

Tammy Lee McGee’s Facebook banner
Toes in the sand Tammy Lee, Toes in the sands…
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At 10:34, I entered Tammy Lee’s birthday into e-tarocchi dot com’s Personal Daily Ancient symbols:
Your Ancient Symbols for Today:

Death is definitely not a card to shy away from. It does not foretell your impending doom. However it does suggest a period of change and the turbulence that often comes with it are on the horizon. We may not always welcome change, but invariably we must change to grow. Sometimes we have to shed some of the comfortability of who we are today to embrace the adventure of who we will be tomorrow. Death is the prophecy of such times.

The Beacon
The Beacon symbolizes both guidance to safe harbors and a warning of dangerous waters. The Beacon is represented by a lighthouse atop jagged rocks with its powerful light cutting a path that leads to an adjacent entrance to a calm harbor on a stormy night. The Beacon suggest that if you look for it, there is a general path for you to follow to reach a place of peace and harmony. However, The Beacon itself sets upon rough ground, so you must still step carefully as you follow it to quiet waters.

Thank you Tammy Sue Lee for selflessly supporting our work on this project since 9/11, 2001… almost twenty years….

Kirlian Photograph
Tammy had her Kirlian photograph taken in New York City. The photographer remarked how her heart chakra was twice the size of everyone elses… Juan, a medical intuitive working in the Tucson Arizona area told Tammy that she needed to pull in her auric field so that other people (like me) would not contaminate her. When breast cancer was discovered in Tammy, it’s location was exactly where she would pull my hand to when “spooning” or snuggling in bed coincidentally

April 3rd Update: I entered Tammy’s birthday into e-tariocchi dot com’s web site personal symbols tab and these two symbols were returned. The Heart Beacon Cycle Time — Space meter is intended to support an Eco-Economic pulse to keep the peace and help humanity through a challenging time much the same as the Great Pyramid of Giza when it had crystals etc., operational was said to have broadcasted or magnified the earth’s heartbeat Schumann resonance in order to provide a calming influence during descending Yuga epochs. Reverend Kathy Graves saw me as a little dutch boy (I have Dutch ancestry) holding my finger in the dike.

Dutch boy.jpg
Little Dutch Boy Finger in the Dike
Getting back to the E-tariocchi dot com’s daily ancient symbols, the Peace Dove ancient symbol and the Believer Ancient Symbol were selected.

Peace Dove

Believer card — that would be me

note: 10:19 AM Incessantly receiving weather warnings on cell about increased chance of fire warnings: 20 - 25 % increase so I moved the emergency medical Oxygen tanks out of the master bedroom to the farthest point in the garage ---- speaking of fire... see also Dr. Paul Laviolette's research and book "Earth under Fire"



Palliative Care Caring Bridge blog: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tammymcgee/journal

#worldcancerday2019 / #Shamanism: My late wife Tammy vectored me to a Shaman / Reiki Master who relayed the images of Captain Kangaroo, the Energizer Bunny, the KoolAid Man, Charlotte's Web book years before she was diagnosed with ovarian / breast cancer. 20/20 pre-sight by the Shaman // 20-20 hindsight by Tammy's husband / friend: Get alkaline, get energized (superfood fruit, veggies) & use non-toxic alkaloids. She was given an alkaloid from the toxic Yew tree Vs Berberine Root (combined with Tumeric-Curcumen)

See also Medium article Yew Tree the Celtic Tree of Death: LINK

Full article on Medium dot com: https://medium.com/@heart.beacon.cycle/yew-tree-the-tree-of-death-caring-bridge-dot-org-journal-entry-73a26d9680f6

See also Medium article "Tammer The Hammer" https://medium.com/@heart.beacon.cycle/tammer-the-hammer-3d76460a50f9



Spirituality Shamanism New Age Synchronicity Belief


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