Time--As Seen Through The Astrology of the Ancestors

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

Zodiac of Dendera.jpg

image by www.touregypt.com

Remember the mania of the coming of Y2K? Or the fear around 2012 and the going back to timewave 0 in the Mayan Calendar? The misconceptions and foolishness was really off the chain. The way I define time is that it is a measurement and marker of experience in a cycle.

The above picture is an astrological cosmology of ancient Kemet or "Egypt" which can be found on the ceiling of the Temple of Denderah (Het Heru’s temple in southern Kemet (Egypt). She is the Divine Principle who rules astrology—She is the House of Heru—the sun). The outer circle represents the dekans or stars for each hour of the night as well as week, the next inner circle are the zodiac constellations the inner most circle are the planets; Het Heru and Heru alternate their positions of holding up the heavens as she represents the directions/elements and Heru seasonal changes.

Our Afrakan and Indus Kush ancestors truly were technicians of the sacred when it came to understanding the cosmology of the universe. In each culture you will find evidence of a highly evolved understanding of the inner and outer workings of cosmological and planetary energies and their effects on the daily lives of their observers. In their own words the ancestors honored the stars as aspects of the Most High—all part of the One. Their curiosity and awe lead them to explore the cyclical movement of the heavens and learned to communicate their understanding of celestial energies in a way their communities understood and accepted. Not just the sun and moon but neighboring planets, galaxies, and star systems. They were precise in knowing when to expect their appearance and this cosmic weather—both inner and outer over time, became the science of astrology. Astrology and astronomy were once one in the same; there was no separation and it was a complete practical and metaphysical science. I would define astrology as an intuitive process based on calculation of planetary motions and positions for an individual, place or thing at its time and place of birth. These calculations represent the signature or quality of that moment in space and time. This means all things manifested at that time are imprinted with a similar general pattern--as above so below. The wild card in astrology, however, involves the level of soul development and purpose of anything birthed. That's why twins who have similar birth times can be totally different. This study/science is where our ancestors took it to another level. They knew how to read energy patterns of all of our ‘bodies”—physical and non physical and to match the energy patterns with celestial influences and make-up to get a complete and accurate picture of anything’s potential.

To make an involved process as short as possible, a geocentric (earth centered) astrological chart is calculated from the yearly movement of the earth around the sun where it crosses the equator at the spring equinox as well as other planetary orbits. (Astronomers call this cyclical pattern of movement the elliptic). The geocentric zodiac is often confused with the sidereal star constellations which astronomy is based. The confusion comes from the fact that both zodiacs carry the same names. The geocentric zodiac are formed from the twelve expressions of energy of the four elements of the earth plane (earth, air, fire, and water) and the three primary qualities of each element (Cardinal-initiating, Fixed-sustaining, and Mutable-unstable). Many students of esoteric philosophy believe that this zodiac is an actual field of energy surrounding the earth formed through eons of human development. A Kemetic perspective on this zodiac is that it is the astrology of our genetic evolution and what the ancestors are working on (through our lives at any given time). An example of geocentric based astrology would be if you were born with an Aries sun, this means during the earth's orbit around the sun, you were born while it was shining through the geocentric zodiac sign of Aries. From a galactic view-- which is sidereal based--and which many advanced ancient cultures used; for this same time period the sun was in the constellation of Pisces. The difference is because of what is known as precession (the earth's view of the heavens going through its orbit going backwards through each constellation. Processional movement of the sun (from the earth's view) takes approximately 2100 years to move through each constellation and approximately 26,000 years to complete a cycle through all the zodiacal constellations).

Astrology as it is practiced today is very different from the astrology of our ancestors. The most important difference is how planetary time is measured. We are moving through the constellation of Pisces (in the sidereal time frame we will be finished with Pisces within the next 150 years). Many say we are in the age of Aquarius which if we look through the lens of sidereal astrology which our ancestors used, we still have a way to go. Let me explain. As mentioned earlier both zodiacs have validity but I prefer the sidereal system. The way it was explained to me is that the Western geocentric model is good for personality divination and through looking through the lens of ancestral/genetic evolution but to get to the higher levels of the Self and to know the true purpose for incarnation and what will truly bring fulfillment in all areas of life the sidereal system is the one to go with because it represents where the planets are in the real sky as opposed to what was happening over 2,000 years ago which is what you will get with the geocentric system. My reason for writing this article is that I do plan on offering more astrology articles but will be using the sidereal system which will be different as far as what planets will be in what signs during any given time. It’s about a 24 degree difference between the two systems. The other systems are not ‘wrong’ I just prefer the sidereal system which I resonate with more. This is how the Rekh Sebau (ancient star watchers in Kemet called themselves this) speak to me.

This song by "Precise Science" says it best to me. Even though time is an illusion it is the tool we as humans are given to measure experience and oracle…


Great read. Very enlightening. If we are in the time of Aquarius, does that mean those who are actual Aquarians have a lot of their traits amplified, and are more prone for success during this period?

actually @tigeriseye we haven't reached the age of aquarius in the vedic system for at least another 150 years. we are still in the age of Pisces with all of the victimization and illusion still prominent. I feel the 'new age' is still very much under the rule of pisces , another octave of it--maybe preparing for it but not it.

Interesting. So are the age that we are under contiguous with the actual sign? I would take being under Pisces a good thing since they are water signs and known for being empathetic, intuitive and artistic. Does this mean during this period our gut feelings are heighten?

all of the signs have a positive aspect as well as shadow; the constellations have their own markers as far as what they stand for--the symbol for the constellation says a lot about the type of energy it is radiating or we are radiating from within...

This is a beautiful write up and I really enjoyed the song at the end. Time is truly illusory. At the end of it all the truth will always remain.

thank you @tyebrooks, I too loved the song--it fit perfectly the message. And, I really enjoyed writing this article...

I'm just now starting to realize how much of an illusion time is. If anything the only real measure is cycles and energy. Great post!!!

Definitely a great read, when you actually think about time it is scary how fast it flies, it feels like 2008 was yesterday...

thanks @alao, yes it is an illusion but we have the markers to help navigate the craziness I've given astology a reprieve, lol...

My aunt LOVEs astrology, she doesn´t just "love" it, she bases er life choices based on it, she was diagnosed with a cancer several years ago and she says that astrology actually saved her life

In the hands of a healer astrology can offer very helpful insights on how to change and transform seemingly unchangeable things. I'm glad your aunt was able to heal and transform her challenge

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