The Spiritual Laws of Engagement - Part 2

in #spirituality7 years ago


In part 1 I discussed the first 5 spiritual rules of engagement as my teacher Matt Kahn has laid them out in several of his talks.
I also try to give my own explanation and how I see them evolving in my own life. Some may seem totally revolutionary. Only because they are.
Others may seem obvious or cause a lot of resistance. If this happens, then let it go - this teaching may not be the right one for you at the moment.
So let’s continue….

6. Blame is always a misperception

As human beings we try to find a reason for everything. Our mind is programmed to find reasons and if it can’t find one, it will make one up.
Maybe every reason is made up anyway - who knows…
Since we don’t know the real reason behind anything, to point the finger of blame is always a misperception. This is the case when we blame others but also when others blame us. Especially as energetic sensible souls aka. Empaths, we tend to take any blame very personally.
Rest assured: other people blame you not because something is your fault, but because they feel guilty (and unhappy themselves).
Those who wrong others, have been wronged by others.
What you are really seeing, when someone points the finger of blame on you, is a person who replays a memory of hurt in their past.
They are telling you how they feel and have been hurt and masquerading it as blame. That’s all.

7. Projecting anger drains your energy

That’s an easy one. You are never angry for the reason you believe to be - nor are other people. So similar to blame, if you project your anger outwards, you are giving your energy and power away.
When another person is the projected source of your anger, you have just given them the power over you to control your emotional state.
This loss of power is energetically experienced as a drain of energy.

8. Fear is an illusion

Not the feeling of fear itself, but what you envision to be afraid of.
Fear only lives in a mind of anticipation and we sometimes believe, that if we only anticipate a danger enough, we may be prepared and can react better at the moment the situation really happens.
This one runs deep and hides in many places. Especially in spiritual circles, where you believe, that your thoughts will create reality.
Spoiler alert: Reality doesn’t care what you think. Think whatever you want. Reality doesn’t get created this way. Your thoughts are not creating any reality, but only define how you experience and react to reality. That’s all.
Take a breath.
If you can fear it, you are nowhere near it
In fact fear is a perfect sign, that there is nothing dangerous happening at all. Have you ever heard someone say, when they crossed the street and nearly got run over by a truck: „I stood there and had panic, that I might get run over and after I was afraid enough, I was prepared to jump to the sideway!“? No-one said that ever. Why? Because in moments of real danger and threat, there is no room for fear.
So if there is the feeling of fear in you, it’s the perfect sign, that you are actually very safe. That’s good.

9. Truth is inevitable

Truth is very kind. There is no room for doubt, because truth is 100% precise. How do you know, that something is true? It just happened.
So whatever you do or don’t do or whatever you try to anticipate, truth will show itself in exactly the way it does. You can relax and let truth/life show you the way. The universe is not made as a huge test facility, where you have to proof your level of understanding and solve some cosmic puzzle to advance to the next level.
When they say, that life is a game, they didn’t mean it as in „Life is a game show, where you will only finish first, when you solved the mystery of existence!“.
The universe is kind and everything is here to help you (not to torture you!)

10. Love is your Liberator

It doesn’t matter on which level of understanding you are on your spiritual journey. Whatever spiritual truth you may seem to have discovered, you will wake out of it. You will wake out of everything and what was true for you on one level, will be the opposite on another one. It’s only a matter of dimensions/perceptions. The only thing, that you will never wake out of from is Love. Love is the cosmic constant and it’s true on every level and in every dimension of being. Love will set you free.
And this Love begins by saying to your heart, as the heart of the universe:
I love you!

Blessings and much Love,


I particularly appreciated your words about fear. It's a very helpful observation that while one is feeling fear there is generally no actual danger. It is aversion to the possibility of future danger that is the source of the fear. The next time I find myself worrying about anything, I will remind myself of this.

I already missed you @indigoocean. Such a pleasure to read your reflections on these topics! Thank you for being here and sharing your insights! ❤️

I'm in the middle of launch week for one of my membership programs, so not online much for anything else. But when I came back to Steemit today, your blog was the first thing I looked for. And as always, you do not disappoint! Thanks for the insight and inspiration.

...and here is one more for you: ❤️
I'm honored and wish you all the best for your launch!
(I just read lunch week and thought: Wow, that sounds like an awesome week where all you do is having lunch! 😀I'm hungry now... and please tell me, what awesome program you are l(a)unching! ❤️(...ok...that was one more, I'll stop now.... ❤️damn...I did it again... I think I got Love diarrhea...)

LOL! Lunch week does sound pretty tasty!
This launch is for a program I created that trains people who come from families who've faced generations of persecution liberate themselves from the dysfunctional patterns created by having adapted to survive that. It's spiritual, energetic, and psychological work, but also some very practical work about how success works in this economic system. Of all the things I do, this project is dearest to me, and really takes all of who I am. The results for current students have literally been life changing, so each time I enroll a new cohort I treat it as a sacred endeavor.

I truly have to say thanks for this post. I can use some spirituality in my life at this moment! Just new to steemit, but I will follow upvote and resteem this.

Yours sincerely,


Thank you! It's my honor to serve you with my posts and pleasure to follow you. Blessings! ❤️

Nice, I enjoyed these, simple and straight to the point. Two thing that I feel resonate with these that I read recently in "The Ideal Made Real" is:

  • Always meeting things in a cheerful attitude, and
  • Always looking for the good in things

Simple advice is usually the best, I'm a huge fan of #9:

You can relax and let truth/life show you the way.

I hear you both as talking about trust. Either we trust that life is out to get us or we trust that life loves us. Depending on which belief we have faith in, we tend to experience life through that filter.

For much of my youth I had an unrecognized belief that life was against me. To use your terminology from the book, I was meeting life with a depressed attitude and always looking for the bad that was going to happen. Then at a certain point I made some radically different decisions and as a result things began to change. Eventually I wound up trusting that life loved me and was always working to bless me, even if I couldn't understand its thinking at the time. As you might expect, my life has kept getting better the more I hold that perspective.

Definitely, I like using the other words because even when we say we trust life, sometimes we will get down about small parts of it or see something we don't agree with and judge it. trust as a broad picture is great though. Something I still need to work on. Thanks for the comment :)

In point 8, I agree with the" your thoughts don't create reality, they define how you experience it". There are many who put the thoughts into the driving seat, but as I say so often, they are merely at the effect of our Soul which has always created and will always create the reality it wants to experience. Whenever we say:" this is not the reality I want to experience" it means either that our thoughts are not in alignment at all with our Heart, or that the outer world hasn't yet started reflecting back our "new" inner sense of Beingness ( e.g when we are still in the process of a life shake-up).

With the blame I can only quote Don Miguel Ruiz: don't take anything personally". Whenever we blame others it shows where we still need healing inside.

I have nothing else to say! ☺

It has actually been proven that we are not the thinkers of our thoughts, but the receivers of them. Bruce Lipton, cell biologist proved this.

Thanks for sharing that. Nice to find you on here.

Wholeheartedly agree with number 8 fear is infact a big fat lie you tell yourself. I had a fear of going outside on trips and especially a recent one to London, I reached there and found out that the fear in my mind was actually not true.

Though the du could’ve been better, I learned so much and seen so much that I can’t actually believe i would’ve let go of such an amazing opportunity.

One of the ways I combat 8 is to go head first in the sight of fear and not let it have a hold on me in the first place. Instead just dive right in.

Thanks for sharing your story! Yes, this can be an important first step until you become so sure about the true nature of fear, and so safe in your true being, that you don't even need to combat it or prove your bravery anymore. You just see and feel the fear, listen to its message, say thank you and I love you, and be done with it. ❤️ Blessings!

will take your word for that

Fear has been a big one for me too. I was raised with a lot of fear, in a family that always worried. It's an onging endeavor to train that habitual response out of myself.

I too have had to face some big fears in order to create the life I want for myself. Sometimes I succeeded, and had the great experiences like you describe of your going to London. Other times, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't get myself to walk out the door or get on the plane. It was too big a leap. But that's okay, because going back to #6 above, no reason to blame oneself. Just continuing in the commitment to question fear instead of accepting it and being controlled by it.

Thank You for sharing these insights here; much of this resonates! Will continue to follow, but mostly wanted to say that it's great to see more spiritually based content here on Steemit.

Bright Blessings!

Thank you! Yes, let's rock the #spirituality tag on Steemit! Now we have the chance to make it shine with our light! Blessings and much Love! ❤️

love this

thank you @icedrum

Hi Atmos. Nice thoughts, thank you xx

Thank you! ❤️

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