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RE: The limitless dream of Oneness

in #spirituality6 years ago

I recently read "4 Habits for Inner Peace" from the same author who also translated the Course in Miracles into an understandable language. I also sense, that she may be one of the few teachers of ACIM, who have really got it. A worthwhile read, and it ties in perfectly with what you just wrote. 🙏


Hmmm I think they are all saying the same thing... Meditation takes you out of here and brings you there to be one with the universe.

I didn't know abt ACIM until now and it seems a good read. What I'd like to get my hands on are the ones by Edgar Cayce... Wonder how and where I can get copies. 😁 Haven't really tried searching online, I just remembered it now.

Well, to be honest, I wouldn't recommend reading the original text of ACIM first - better to start with the 4 habits book and the comic introduction called "The Universe is a dream" or the works of Ken Wapnick - you may even consider my (at the moment 3 part series) ACIM articles. I have misunderstood ACIM for 20 years due to listening and reading "wrong teachers" who have tried to make its message more accessible to people and at the same time cause lots of confusion in me, because in doing so, they actually totally missed the core message. I just want to tell you, that understanding ACIM is not that easy...
Edgar Cayce on the other hand seems very accessible to most people, but I never had resonance with him and his teachings, so I can't tell you more about him, but the things I've heard from others...

So what have you heard abt him from others?

Heck maybe I will understand it when I read it after a meditation session eh??? 😂

Sure! You may be a natural ACIM talent! 😉I just wanted to spare you possible disappointments 😀What I heard about Edgar Cayce is, that his channelings are very basic esoteric teachings for absolute beginners - which of course you aren't, when you suck up ACIM like a breeze 😀

What? No... Hahaha. Maybe that's why I wanna get my hands on some Edgar Cayce. I think I'm still a beginner. I don't know a lot abt these things yet. 😁

Wait I just noticed you put your other posts on there. 😂😂😂 I've already read some of them you know. That's how I found you on here.

How splendid! Yeah, in the very same way many teachers at school are misplaced as they don't have any clue about the materia, there are also in the spiritual jargon people who try to teach this stuff without grasping the essence of these concepts. But that's okay, we all find Home eventually!

Thank you very much for having read my words! :)

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