A Love not from this world…

in #spirituality7 years ago


It’s time to write a personal piece about Love, Miracles and what is called a Holy Relationship in A Course in Miracles.
I personally came from a very traumatizing relationship with a narcissistic woman, who emotionally abused and blackmailed me over some years, without me realizing what was going on.
Too much was I loving her, that I didn’t recognize, how conditional her affection was and how much pressure these conditions exerted upon me. I was totally unaware of it, until she was done with me.
Narcissists don’t know what Love is - they may know the concept of Love in their mind, as we all do - but don’t experience the actuality of it, because they choose the voice of the Ego instead of the voice of Love.
Love would mean the end of their ego - it always is…

A breakup is a symbol for separation, a symbol for duality and in the end, a symbol for the separation from God, that actually never happened.
The moment we get in touch with our deepest belief of separation on the causal level of Mind, we may experience breakups also on the level of form (effect) and therefore in the world.
This is something that has to happen - in the one form or other - for us to experience the deeply seated belief in our Mind.
You could say, that it makes the belief visible in the world of form, for us to heal.

Yes, this process is very painful. We have to confront it in our Mind, that was there all along.
We have to dare to look at all the ways we made the separation a reality - and this includes all the ways of special love relationships, that are here for us to learn this lesson.

Love as a symbol for Unity

I was set on the path of deepening my own trust in Love, and that was only possible after a total collapse of every concept on what Love is and how it should look like in the world of form.
Love is part of our dream world, as a reminder of our true home in Oneness.
As long as we belief to be a body or a human being in form, our relationships are teaching tools.
Relationships always serve a purpose. They either serve the purpose of the Ego or that of Love - it depends to which teacher in our Mind we are listening to.
Jesus teaches in A Course in Miracles, that "your relationship is the temple of the Holy Spirit.“, which means, that it can serve another purpose.
Relationships - like bodies - are neutral by themselves and open for everything we project on them.
While the unholy relationship is a relationship between bodies and egos, needs and wants, the holy relationship is one between minds joined as one in Love. That does of course not exclude bodies as expression of that Love, but they are not seen as the source of it.

About miracles and holy relationships

So in my own personal story, after my breakup, I solely focused on this Love and the holy relationship with God.
The unification of divine masculine and divine feminine aspects - the union mystica - had to happen inside of me, for the miracle to happen.
A miracle is a change in perspective - from the teacher of Ego to the teacher of Love - and this miracle has to happen first on the level of cause (content), before it can manifest in effect (form).
In my case, a true miracle happened and a friendship was transformed into, what will in the future be known as the greatest love story since Romeo and Juliet.
I’m exaggerating, but only a tiny bit… Maybe not… Consider this a teaser for future articles. ;)

The point being, that for a miracle like this to happen on the level of form, both seemingly separate minds have to re-member their true Love, their true Home and be prepared by life for what is yet to come.
This is no small feat and in most cases will go hand in hand with a breakdown of old structures and believes.

A holy relationship is a decision in the Mind. It’s a decision for Love.

Such is the function of a holy relationship; to receive together and give as you received. (T-22.IV.7:4)

In a holy relationship, where minds are joined as one, giving and taking become one too. You can’t say anymore, who is giving and who is receiving. They are the same.
Besides that, the holy relationship gets a special function by itself as it radiates out into the world of form. It gives, what it has received and has the potential to transform the lives of others simply by example and being what it is: an Union with the Divine.

This is the meaning of true healing: making whole.

The process of the holy relationship is one in which the Holy Spirit's healing gradually works its way to the surface until all obstacles have melted away and the goal of holiness is achieved fully and consciously.

For the Ego, this is the ultimate threat. It also wants the oneness, but behind the scenes it will do everything to keep up the imagined separation and prevent the oneness. If this sounds schizophrenic, than only, because it is. ;)

An Ego will call this kind of Oneness „unhealthy“ and find many (psychological) justifications for why this should not be.
It is afraid to lose itself, while it’s exactly in this losing of itself, it will find its true self, reflected in the eyes of the other.

This Love is not from this earth. This unconditional Love is made in Heaven.

Heaven has come to earth at last, from which the ego's rule has kept it out so long. Heaven has come because it found a home in your relationship on earth. And earth can hold no longer what has been given Heaven as its own. (T-21.IV.7:5-7)

Love and Blessings,



Yet another lovely blog @atmosblack, you have inspired me to revist ACIM after a few years absence, and I have even purchased the Plain language copy. And I have to say finding new eyes to read with, as it were. I will do a few posts of my own as I feel that urge to express myself that seems to come from delving into its wonderful pages.
Much love and big thanks.

Thanks a lot! It's my honor to be an inspiration for you.
I had the course lying around for 20 years and somehow could never find my way in - mostly due to "teachers" who watered down the message to make it more an "personal development" course on how to live a better life.
Only thanks to diving deeper with the help of Ken Wapnick, I could access it in the end - and I'm happy that it happened this way. Maybe my own spiritual path had to prepare me for the radical message.
Looking forward to your posts! 🙏

I agree, the plain language copy, whilst useful, subtly alters the text and gives it a kind of suggorgate flavour. Engaging with it is very much a personal thing, how's that for the ultimate contradiction!
Oh, and thank you for taking the time to read my post. It great to share this.

I can understand now how you became a truth seeker and more wiser by i think that broke up incident might made realise what is true love and your words are golden. Maybe that's the reason why I'm not interested in relationship though ..

Loving someone is doing more than you say you'll do to show your love. Love is understood more when the words are replaced by actions.
Thanks @atmosblack

Yes, I had to lose all my interest in relationships after the breakup. That was very important, because with that, I lost all my neediness. I had to become whole again, to attract a love in form, that is beyond imagination.
Thank you! (...and also thank you for your quote - I guess, you quoted yourself again, right? 😀) 🙏

Haha.. no it's not my qoute i read this on the internet and it's almost reflected my thought so I just expressed here i forgot who is the writer of this quote .. 😋 thanks

Haha.. no it's not my qoute i read this on the internet and it's almost reflected my thought so I just expressed here i forgot who is the writer of this quote .. 😋 thanks

@regalsoldier nicely said. I agree with you 100%.

Wondefully written!

Earth is a place where Truth+ cause and effect has been turned upside down on every level. As you call it 'schizophrenic', all those mental dis-eases are are constantly regarded as the cause of a mailintended action, yet my experience has clearly shown that all these mental dis-eases are at the effect. At the The effect of what? Hint: Lack of Love. Experienced and accumulated over many lifetimes, manifesting itself into the Soul Light until we decide to let it go with Love and Oneness.

I still haven't released my own article on this cause and effect interplay. Many seem to be in an energy-saving mode here on Steemit lately, so I feel it would be a waste of energy and passion to throw out my long pieces with no readers. But well, I see it as an inspirational break during which I write some more so that I have enough to share once things accelerate again.

Btw, thanks for your autovote :)
Seems to be good way to keep curating in case we are offline for some time. Once my SP is higher I will definitely come back to it :)

Yeah, at the moment there is not much drive here. I guess, this reflects the Steem price.
I would stick to my 1-2 posts per week routine, but the new love relationship in my life is reordering my topics priority list in a beautiful way 😀
Yes, the autovote is a nice thing, but I want to read the things I autovote too - so maybe there will be an auto-read function too in the future, that telepathically transfers the content in my mind... I'm looking forward to that!

...and right - all mental diseases are due to a lack of love. There is always only one problem and one solution! ❤️

Haha, I thought we would already have the telepathic autoreading integrated into our Light body! How else should I know that I won't disagree with your words even before reading your article? ;)

Aww, that has to be true love! ❤️

This write up came at a good time for me, it's so easy to fall for ego in relationships and put demands on our significant others and look at the flaws and differences. Seeing other people as part of the oneness has been what I've been working on, it's the only way to actually see oneness.

Relationships to me show me my own flaws or misperceptions, I see them as a way to grow and their trials as a way to show me my own egoic tendencies.

Thank you! I'm glad, that you are back. ❤️
Yes, we are one in our egoic tendencies and also on the level of Mind. We all have the voice of the ego and the voice of love inside.
We are not one on the level of bodies, simply because bodies are an illusion and illusions can't unite.
I agree, that relationships show you your misperceptions ("perception is projection"), but they don't show you your flaws. You don't have flaws outside of a distorted perception of your one true nature. 🙏

Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights @atmosblack. Whether difficult or not, relationships in and of themselves tend to be small miracles, and always filled with teaching!

Ego-based relationships are so often toxic; the Ego makes demands and has expectations and "love" is reduced to little more than a transaction: "As long as you are doing things that make me feel happy I love you, but when you make me fell UNhappy, I reject you." But such transactional love is never real... and yet it seems to be the reality most people labor through.

Well done for finding your way out of that paradigm!

Bright Blessings!

Your post had been curated by the @buildawhale team and mentioned here:


Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!

Oh, thanks a lot! 🙏

Excellent post and nicely written. This was a very enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing!

really man,,,outstanding thoughts u have written.. maximum things that i learn from your story just right now about the reality of love and any kind of relationship....
and in your elongate writing u elaborate so nicely about the harmfull effects of ego...
thanks man... keep posting. good job,,

This is how you can define God a love that is not of this world

Nothing more beautiful than the love of God although we can not touch it but we can see it we can see things that he does every day for us

Beautiful written

Great reading to start the day

We must have God present always learn to accept and let him enter our lives I believe that this is the most beautiful love that can exist on earth, his love is pure and unconditional like the love of children

Greetings happy to read you

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