RE: The Golden Rule Winter Solstice Series (Part 8)...
I'm going to park this R. Wolfe lecture here so I can reference it later. It touches on the issues I talked about in the preface on right-wing economic ideology.
Interestingly, though, Wolfe does concede that there was a pre-capitalist civilization wherein markets were not based so much on individual ownership of the means of production, but rather a simpler communal lifestyle which was more agrarian. In part, this is what I am arguing for although I do advocate for the intelligent use of technology when it comes to alleviating the burdens of living close to the land. Obviously, this idea is not scalable because of the huge populations in cities but it should still be a primary aspect of humanity's way forward especially within the parameters of a climate emergency.
And even more so as a part of the platform of any rightwing environmental conservatism...